Malin Bridge School PTA Meeting

Monday 7th March 2016

At 6.30pm in the Staffroom

Present: Nic Brookes (Chair), Bethan Rae, Carol Lynn, Charlotte Marsh, Ben Brailsford, Ainsley Duncan, Sarah Hill, Christine Fernyhough, Rebecca Vickers (Minutes)


Denise Cook, Flory Craigen

Minutes of the last meeting (1st February 2016)

No issues raised.

Charity Trustees Update

This has been updated and the Trustees are Carol Lynn, Nic Brookes, Charlotte Marsh, Rebecca Vickers and Robbie McGrath.

Profile with Infants Update

Charlotte, Nic, Christine, Carol and Beck spoke to Infant Parents in February to tell them about the PTA in school. We got a new member.

This kind of raising profile can be repeated, possibly in October or November time.

If they are willing, we can also make Pre-School aware of what the PTA are doing, by ensuring that any leaflets and collections (e.g. Fire Fighters Bags) that are distributed to parents in school, also go out to Pre-School parents.

There was also the suggestion that we could invite the Pre-School to have a role/stall in the Summer Fayre.

ACTION: Charlotte to speak with the Pre-School.

Finance Update (CM)

Fire Fighters charity bags weighed in at 259 Kilos, which is about 50 Kilos more than last time and will therefore translate to more money raised.

Charlotte has paid £1081.25 into the PTA account, including the £143 from the Leap Year Lotto, disco and the previous Fire Fighters Collection.

We currently have an account balance of £2765.

Leap Year Lotto Update (February) Repeat July?

We were pleased with how this went for relatively little work. The group decided that it would be too much to repeat as a separate summer lotto, however would be alright to have one lotto a term, with our final Lotto of this academic year being part of the Summer Fayre.

PR and Marketing

Was discussed at length. A major concern at present is that we are not demonstrating to parents what the money we are raising is being spent on. One member present commented that parents want to see how their own child is benefitting from the money raised.

We need to be clear on how funds raised are being spent and then make parents aware. E.G. PTA funds went towards the infant’s Chinese event, yet this isn’t widely known. This however was through the Wow Wonga money from last year.

Concerns were raised regarding funds from this year going on a mobile library, which is a long term initiative and how parents and children would benefit from us raising funds to go towards things that are happening now. Discussed a return to Wow Wonga – (with a new name, suggestions welcome).

Possibly talk with children in an assembly about the role of the PTA.


  • Nic (or Charlotte) to speak to Robbie regarding what current funds are going to be spent on.
  • Increase regular use of Facebook by the PTA to advertise events/meetings yet also to publicize what funds are to be spent on.
  • Beck to speak with Caroline Marriott about sharing administrative duties.
  • To get a PTA Twitter Account and ensure that the information that goes on Facebook is synced with it (Ben knows about this). Beck to discuss with Ben.
  • Get a documents section on Facebook, where we can add the PTA Meeting Minutes and other relevant documents.
  • Beck, Ainsley and Sarah to re-vamp the Facebook page.
  • Carol to request J-peg of PTA section of the Bulletin from Carmen to upload onto Facebook page.
  • Charlotte to keep Beck and Carol up to date with any activity in school that is using PTA funds for us to advertise this.
  • Request that Karen puts PTA logo on all posters, tickets etc. (disco tickets!)

Whilst all members present at the meeting agreed that we should upload more photos of events and activities (including the photo from the meeting Carol) onto Facebook, we each agreed that no photos of any child would be uploaded by any of us.

Y4 Show (March)

PTA are selling drinks and sweets, both prior to the start of the show and during the interval. We have helpers for both nights and the liqueur licence. Nic and Bethan bringing bottle openers.

Film Night (April)

The film will be Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.


  • We will sell tickets from the Monday of that week.
  • Posters are done, Carol will put them around school
  • Can promote on Facebook earlier.
  • Nic to ask for ticket sellers.
  • Carol is doing the shopping. (snacks being done differently this time)
  • Nic to ask Becki if she can possibly provide popcorn machine.


On a Friday this time.

Will looking into future DJ options.

Summer Fayre Sub-Group (June)

So far Carol and Asta, with Nic doing stalls. Ben is interested but will struggle to make the sub-group meetings. Nic has sent out requests for sponsorship from local businesses. 6 stalls currently booked.

If you are interested in being part of this please speak to Carol or Nic.

Car Boot Dates

11th June and 9th July, from 10:00-12:00.

Starting to advertise now. Nic will update the banner and Carol will post on the Sheffield Forum. £5 for a pre-booked car.

Dependant on the response we’ll look at doing Vintage Tea.


Welcome to new members of the PTA. (better late than never?). Introductions made.

Looking to call out to parents who do craft. Looking at a range of craft items to be sold at future events.

Christmas cards – are we doing this? To be discussed at the next meeting.

Next Meeting

Monday 11th April


Staff Room

All Welcome