FEBRUARY 6, 2013 ~ 6:00 P.M.

Members Present: Chair, Don Gorman, Kevin Barry, Peter Menard, Maryann Clark, Debbie Kelley, Principal- Paul Yergeau, Co-Supt. Patty Sherman, Kandy Davitt

1. Call to Order – Mr. Gorman, Chair

Chair, Mr. Gorman called the February 06, 2013 meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

2. Pledge of Allegiance – Mr. Gorman

Chair, Mr. Gorman led those present at the February 06,2013 meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting – December 5, 2012, January 2, 2013

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to move the minutes of December 5, 2012 as written, seconded by Maryann Clark.

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to move the minutes of December 5, 2012 as corrected, seconded by Maryann Clark.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to move the minutes of January 02, 2013 as written, seconded by Maryann Clark.

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to move the minutes of January 02, 2013 as corrected, seconded by Maryann Clark.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

4. Immediate Business

A. Agenda Review

Items added to the agenda

4E-Principal Report-Paul Yergeau

6B-Adminstrative Assistants

6C-Snow Days, Delays

B. Citizens’ Comments

No comments were made.

C. Consent Agenda (0 items)

D. Future High School Discussion – High School Advisory Committee

Members of the High School Committee: Chair-Kara Dickson, Members: Kendra Currier, Jim Deely, Alden Dill, Leigh Drapeau, Susan Fifield, Serita Frey, Erika Heilman, Marti Pegnam, Jenn Verville, Mike Yurek.

Kara Dickson, who chaired the High School Advisory Committee, reviewed the High School Advisory Committee report. The eleven member committee visited each of the three schools that the district is considering. (Concord High, Oyster River, and Pembroke Academy)

Ms. Dickson noted that each school had their strengths. The committee’s full report is attached to the minutes.

Mr. Menard asked about the Special Ed. programming at the three high schools. Jim Deely, a member of the high school committee noted that information regarding Special Education was limited in all three schools. Chair, Mr. Gorman stated that more information regarding special education would be discussed in non-public due to the nature of the programming.

Chair, Mr. Gorman noted that he and the board members wanted to assure the members of the committee that their report will be a huge factor in assisting the board and thanked the committee for their incredible job.

*See attached document to review the High School Parent Advisory Committee Report.

4E. Principals Report

Mr. Yergeau informed the board that the internet speed at the school was extremely slow and that Mrs. Boisvert was present to explain to the board what would be needed to increase the speed of the internet for the school.

Mrs. Boisvert informed the board that the internet service that the school currently has is a free service given to the town by Metrocast. Upgrading to a faster speed would cost $135 dollars a month. Metrocast has upgraded their lines ant the net effect is like having the “interstate” at the end of the driveway and you do not have access. Mrs. Boisvert noted that upgrading the internet speed is not a long term solution but it will give the school time to gather more data to bring a solution forward. Next fall a dedicated fiber line will be proposed for DCS in the budget.

The total cost for upgrading the service from Metrocast will cost $1,620 dollars a year.

A motion was made by Maryann Clark to change the Metrocast contract to the business service for $135/month, seconded by Kevin Barry.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

Mr. Yergeau passed out to the members a breakdown of the survey regarding Honeywell’s newly installed heating system for the board to review.

5. Old Business

A. Tabled Items (1 item) – Board Chair

· Evaluation Policy

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to take the Evaluation Policy off the table, seconded by Maryann Clark.

*No action was taken.

The board members discussed why the policy should or should not be removed

Chair, Mr. Gorman made a motion to put the Evaluation Policy back onto the table, seconded by Maryann Clark.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

6. New Business

A. Appointments and Resignations (1 item) – Ms. Sherman

A motion was made by Maryann Clark to accept the resignation as written, seconded by Kevin Barry.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

B. Administrative Assistant staff-Maryann Clark,

Maryann Clark would like to go forward in putting forth a plan that would make salary adjustments for administrative assistants to coincide with expectations

This will be an agenda item for next school board meeting.

C. Snow Delay & Cancellation

The board reviewed the process for snow delays and cancellations.

7. Continuing Business

A. Long Range Planning – Mr. Gorman

There was no discussion.

B. High School Policies Final Reading

A motion was made by Peter Menard to accept the High School Policy as presented, seconded by

Kevin Barry.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

C. Honeywell Final Invoice

The members of the board reviewed how the heating/air exchange system was working and if the board should release the $42,780.00 owed to Honeywell.

A motion was made by Chair, Don Gorman to pay $42,780 to Honeywell with the condition that if any additional work was needed for the office area there would be no additional cost to the district, seconded by Kevin Barry.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

Chair, Mr. Gorman noted that the Engineering survey of the building should have foreseen any additional work needed in the office area.

The board noted that whenever there is a question or assistance needed a Honeywell Technician comes to the building to work with the Maintenance Director.

D. Deliberative Session

The board discussed if the Deliberative Session would have to be delayed or postponed and how to get the information out to the public.

8. Non-Public Session (NH RSA 91-A:3, II., a, c,) – Student and Staff Matters

Would be done after Informational Items.

9. Informational Items

A. FY 2013 Projection

Co-Supt. Patty Sherman passed out an informational sheet to the members of the board regarding 2013 student projections.

Debbie Kelley reviewed with the members of the board the recent items discussed by the CRB committee. Members of the CRB discussed changes and the formatting of report cards. A committee was created to review changes (ex. Standard based reporting) and report back to the CRB members.

B. Citizens’/Staff Comments

None were made.

10. Adjournment

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to go into non-public at 8:25 according to NH RSA 91-A:3, II C, seconded by Maryann Clark.

Roll Call Vote required/recorded:

Yea / Nay
Don Gorman / Yes
Kevin Barry / Yes
Maryann Clark / Yes
Debbie Kelley / Yes
Peter Menard / Yes

During non-public session the board met with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mitchell and their daughter Meredith regarding a confidential student matter.

The board also discussed a confidential personnel matter in nonpublic session.

At 9:12 pm a motion was made by Don Gorman to come out of non-pubic, seconded by Peter Menard.

Roll Call Vote required/recorded:

Yea / Nay
Don Gorman / Yes
Kevin Barry / Yes
Maryann Clark / Yes
Debbie Kelley / Yes
Peter Menard / Yes

Chair noted no action was taken in non-public

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to approve a request on the Manifest Educational Hardship policy, seconded by Don Gorman.

4 In Favor

1 Opposed

Motion Carried

A motion was made by Don Gorman to give 2 stipends, one now and another in June to equal the amount of a 1.5 % salary increase to non-certified staff members who did not receive a pay increase this year.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

A motion to adjourn was made by Kevin Barry and seconded by Deb Kelley.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 pm