1960s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s NestMAGAZINE PROJECT
Due: Monday, April 20th
For the past month we have been reading Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and various other works from the 1960s. Most of the literature focused on political movements taking place throughout America. Your job is to use what you have learned as a base to start researching information for your 1960s magazine.You will create this magazine based off the theme provided to your group. You are working to create a product that accurately reflects your specific facet of the 1960s.
Magazine Requirements:
- You will choose a magazine format that you will imitate as an outline for your magazine. When considering your format, be thoughtful of your overarching theme (A Sports Illustrated format wouldn’t work well for a literary magazine)Analyze the current magazine’s format and create a magazine that mimics that style. Examples of formats you might be interested in:
The EconomistDetailsHealthSports Illustrated
In StyleGlamourOk
- Your magazine will include the following components:
- Your magazine will include the following components:
- A Cover Page (Lead story information, picture, title of magazine, date)
- A Table of Contents (this has to be created last)
- At least one feature article per person regarding any of the following that fits you’re your theme: American authors and/or social movements of the 1960s (literary reviews of their works, “interviews” with an author, a biography of an author, an opinion piece about an author’s works, an opinion piece on a movement in American society, a report on a movement or event that is occurring within American society, etc.). Each member is responsible for one article.SEE ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE FEATURE ARTICLE PORTION!! Articles must be written as if they could be in your model magazine during the 60’s. Articles should be typed in column format, like a newspaper or magazine.
- At least one advertisement. You may copy images, but you must create the text yourself. The ads must suit the audience of the magazine and be a product of the era.
- At least one Letter to the Editor- on a current controversial author, literary movement, or social issue of the 60s, written in the voice of your group’s character from Cuckoo.
- At least one political or social cartoon- It must be created, not copied.
- At least one picture or poem- that is not related to a specific story. It cannot be a straight copy.
- Your FEATURE ARTICLES must cover stories related to your magazine’s theme. This can include political movements, famous people, music, etc. Be creative but stay within the parameters of your given theme.
- Logistics
- As a group, you will be graded on the following:
- You must follow a format and style of a modern magazine
- Each of the eight components listed in part #2 are completed
- At least 1 of the subject areas listed in #3 are covered in the magazine
- The magazine is complete and professional
- As an individual, you will be graded on the following:
- Your contributions (the article and the two other required pieces)
Feature Article: (30 Points)
Content, research, quality and analysis of historical data
-There is a thesis and direction, factual evidence rich in details, organization and it is interesting to read
-Includes one source properly cited in the Works Cited document
Quality of Writing- appropriate style and grammar/spelling, usage, sentence structure
-Proper conventions and grammar
-Headlines are included, appropriate formatting
-Clear evidence of editing and proofreading
10 points each for the other two pieces:
The Cover Page:
-It includes lead story information, picture, info on other internal stories, the title and a date
-The quality of the layout, the formatting, use of color, artistic element, it appears professional.
The Table of Contents:
-It includes clear information on the articles and all other pertinent content
-The quality of the layout and the formatting, appears professional
-More than just a list of titles and page numbers
The Advertisement(s)
-The ad sells a product popular in the 1960s and uses proper advertising techniques of the era
-The ad is imaginative, creative, neat, professional, and aesthetically pleasing
-Appropriate and accurate
Letter to the Editor
-It refers to a current controversial issue of the era and it follows proper formatting
-The letter takes a clear stand, reflecting actual opinions of the times
-Rich in detail, factual evidence, and is interesting to read
Political or Social Cartoon
-It refers to an issue of the 1960s and it follows proper formatting
-The cartoon takes a stand on the issue, is rich in detail, factual evidence, and is interesting
-It has color, is appropriate and relevant to the time, and is professional quality
-It refers to an issue of the 1960s not discussed in an article but is explained in a caption attached to the picture
-It is hand drawn, not a straight copy, must be a variation of an original, is artistically worthy
Works Cited
-MLA formatted
-All websites, books, journals, etc. used for the magazine cited appropriately.
***All elements listed above must be proofread, edited, and professional. Color must be used where appropriate and useful. All text must be typed and double spaced. All sources must be cited in a Works Cited document attached to the magazine. All elements included in the magazine must be directly and accurately related to your theme within the 1960s.***
Group Grade(50 Points)
-All elements of the magazine are included and the magazine is complete
-All subject areas are included and the information is appropriate and relevant
-Proper formatting, editing, proofreading is found throughout the magazine
-The magazine is complete, aesthetically pleasing and appears professional
Individual Grade (50 Points)
-Completion of appropriate, professional article/feature. See criteria above.
-Points will be deducted if you do not address different subject areasas explained above