June 22, 2016 7:30 p.m.
This meeting is called to order at 7:32 p.m. with the following opening statement read by President Gangemi:
“I would like to announce and have placed in the minutes that adequate notice of this meeting of the Califon Board of Education has been provided in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act. Proper notice of this Regular Meeting was provided in the notice dated April 28, 2016. Said notice was posted at the office of the Califon School, mailed to the Hunterdon County Democrat, the Hunterdon Review and The Express Times. A copy of this notice has also been posted on the public bulletin board in the Municipal Building and filed with the Borough Clerk. The agenda of this meeting has been posted at the Califon School and on the district’s website.
All participated in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members Present: Dr. Jevan Furmanski
Mr. Terren Suydam
Mrs. Claudia Gangemi
Also Present: Mr. Jason Kornegay, Superintendent
Mr. Thomas Johnston, Board Secretary
Members of the Public
Mr. Kornegay explained the Board seat appointment process to the three candidates, and the need to for the Board to go into executive session.
A motion was made by Mr. Suydam and seconded by Dr. Furmanski to approve the following resolution. The motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
WHEREAS, Section 6 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975 (R. S. 10:4-13), permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting or portion of a meeting of this public body in certain circumstances, and
WHEREAS, the Board must consider (see check below), which is/are exempt from public discussion pursuant to the Act;
____ 1. Matter which by express provision of law is rendered confidential
____ 2. Release of information which would impair receipt of federal funds
____ 3. Individual Privacy/Student Matters
____ 4. Collective Bargaining/Negotiations
____ 5. Real estate matters
____ 6. Disclosure could impair public safety
____ 7. Pending/Anticipated litigation
__x_ 8. Terms and conditions of employment
____ 9. Deliberations involving imposition of specific civil penalty
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education adjourn to executive session at 7:35 p.m. to discuss the above-mentioned matters to the exclusion of all others. Matters discussed may or may not be made public this evening. Resulting action may or may not be taken following re-entry into regular session.
A motion was made by Dr. Furmanski and seconded by Mr. Suydam to reconvene to Regular Session at 8:56 p.m. The motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Mrs. Gangemi announced the choices to fill the two Board seats: Mrs. DeCoster and Mr. Cantagallo.
Mr. Johnston administered the Oath of Office to Mrs. DeCoster and Mr. Cantagallo.
A motion was made by Mr. Suydam and seconded by Dr. Furmanski to approve the following minutes. The motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
May 18, 2016 Regular Session
May 18, 2016 Executive Session
*1. Email From Alexandria Annunziata: Graduate School
Mr. Kornegay explained that Ms. Annunziata will be attending graduate school and, therefore, will not be working at Califon Public School in 2016-2017. Mrs. Gangemi thanked Ms. Annunziata for her work this year.
*1. Superintendent Update
Mr. Kornegay reviewed the septic project. He thanked Mr. Johnston for his work on the ROD Grant package. The grant is for 40% of the cost of the project. Mr. Kornegay said he spoke with KDP, and they projected the work will start July 15 and end August 5. There will be only one day when water cannot be used in the building.
Mr. Kornegay said he is interviewing for two open positions. He said the intention is to have candidates to be approved at the July Board meeting.
Curriculum and Instruction:
Mr. Kornegay said he and Mr. Patton will meet next Monday to discuss curriculum gaps and redundancies. Dr. Furmanski asked if the Council of Instruction meets in the summer. Mr. Kornegay replied usually not.
*2. HIB Report - NONE
*X. PUBLIC COMMENT (resolutions only; time limits: 20 min. total; 3 min. /person)
At this time, comment is invited on any matter relating to the resolutions on tonight’s agenda.
Anyone wishing to speak before the board concerning these resolutions may do so during this public commentary portion of the agenda. The presenter shall give his/her name and address and make the presentation as brief as possible. Unless an extension of time is given, each speaker shall be limited to 3 minutes.
Speakers may offer suggestions or express their concerns. However, in public session, the board will not discuss concerns about individual students or staff members. Other, more appropriate, channels are available for expressing concerns about individual students or staff members.
The Board President may terminate the remarks of any individual, when they do not adhere to the rules established above.
Mr. Beard thanked the Board for their support of the 8th grade activities and graduation during 2015-2016.
After review of the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports for the month of May 2016, based upon consultation with the Board Secretary, the Board of Education of the Borough of Califon has ascertained, to the best of our knowledge and ability, with the information provided, that no major account has been over-expended, that no line item account has encumbrances and expenditures which exceed the line item appropriation, and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year, and hereby certifies the district’s financial plan as approved is being followed as revealed in the financial reports.
Mr. Johnston announced the annual financial audit has been scheduled for October 12-13, 2016. He also stated the Extraordinary Aid application has been submitted, and the application for the IDEA and NCLB grants will be completed by June 30, 2016.
Mrs. Gangemi spoke about the various committees. She asked the new Board members to email her which committees they were interested in serving. The committees are Policy and Legislation, Personnel, Curriculum and Instruction, Finance Facilities and Transportation, Communications, Negotiations, and Long Range Planning, Shared Services and School Choice.
Dr. Furmanski asked for confirmation that the second grade teacher spot had been filled, and that the search continues for the fifth and middle school spots. He also revisited the Unicef program that was introduced at the May Board meeting. Mr. Kornegay recommended a pilot after-school extracurricular program with a one year pilot duration.
Matters listed within the consent agenda designated by *( including Board Secretary and Treasurer Report) has been referred to members of the Board of Education and/or its standing committees, for reading and study and will be enacted with one motion. The Personnel items on the consent agenda are recommended by the Superintendent. If separate discussion is desired, the item may be removed from the consent agenda by Board action.
A. Finance/Facilities/Transportation/Personnel
A motion was made by Mr. Cantagallo and seconded by Mr. Suydam to approve items 1 thru 4. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
May/June Bills List
*1. Motion to approve the payment of invoices from check number 22116 to check number 22164, non-check number N1180, and checks 53016 and 61516, in the amount of $233,915.05.
Budget Transfers
*2. Motion to approve the attached list of budget and 10% transfers in the amount of $35,955.09, including a transfer of $16,461.36 to cover the balance of the septic project cost.
Insurance Package
*3. Motion to approve the insurance package presented by Balken Risk Management LLC.
Mr. Suydam asked Mr. Johnston to review the insurance coverage and cost. Mr. Johnston discussed the increase in coverage at a premium savings of around $13,000. Mr. Johnston thanked Balken Risk Management LLC for their work on the insurance package.
Close Out the Year
*4. Motion to authorize the Assistant BA/Board Secretary to pay all invoices needed to close out the June 30, 2016 year providing proper documentation is available.
Facilities: NONE
Transportation: NONE
A motion was made by Dr. Furmanski and seconded by Mr. Suydam to approve the following. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Substitute List
*1. Motion to approve the attached substitute teacher/nurse/custodian list for 2016-17.
*2. Motion to approve the following stipends for 2015-2016.
Lisa Kooger Spring Concert Chaperone $40
Erika Witkowski Spring Concert Chaperone $40
Isabel Maginnis Spring Concert Chaperone $40
Cindy Behrens Kids Care Club $125
Linda Patterson Kids Care Club $125
Leslie Weiss Overnight-Lock In $200
Leslie Weiss Safety Patrol $250
Robin Heuneman 8th Grade Co-Advisor $550
Leslie Weiss 8th Grade Co-Advisor $550
Leslie Weiss DC Trip-Overnight Travel $400
Linda Patterson DC Trip-Overnight Travel $400
Bryce Blondina DC Trip-Overnight Travel $400
Marie Heyduke Homework Club $1,000
Matt Zimmerman Webmaster $2,000
Linda Patterson Anti-Bullying Specialist $1,000
Kyle Hoitsma Yearbook Coordinator $1,800
Mr. Kornegay recommended the stipends be reviewed over the summer, and the slate of stipends be presented to the Board for approval at the September 2016 Board meeting.
B. Curriculum and Instruction
A motion was made by Dr. Furmanski and seconded by Mr. Suydam to approve the following. The motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.
Health Report
*1. Motion to approve the attached Health Report for May 2016.
Continuing Education
*2. Motion to approve the following continuing education courses.
S. Weber NJSBGA Sparta High School July 12, 2016 No Cost to Board
S. Weber OSHA Job Hazard Analysis & Risk Parsippany NJ 08/04/2016 $226
Mr. Kornegay recommended the July 2016 meeting date be changed. He said the earliest it can be changed to is July 6. He asked the Board members to inform him as to what dates work best for them.
Mrs. DeCoster stated she will run for a full three-year term in November 2016. Mr. Cantagallo will not have to run for a full three-year term until November 2017.
Mr. Cantagallo discussed committee formation and a Board liaison with the high school.
*XV. PUBLIC COMMENT (all school-related topics; time limits: 30 min. total; 3 min. /person)
At this time, comment is invited on any matter relating to the school district.
Anyone wishing to speak before the board may do so during the public commentary portion of the agenda. The presenter shall give his/her name and address and make the presentation as brief as possible. Unless an extension of time is given, each speaker shall be limited to 3 minutes.
Speakers may offer suggestions or express their concerns. However, in public session, the board will not discuss concerns about individual students or staff members. Other, more appropriate, channels are available for expressing concerns about individual students or staff members.
The Board President may terminate the remarks of any individual, when they do not adhere to the rules established above.
There was no public comment at this time.
With no further business to be presented before the Board, a motion was made by Dr. Furmanski and seconded by Mr. Cantagallo to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 p.m. The motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Respectfully Submitted,
Thomas Johnston
Board Secretary
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