HONR131-01 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (Honors)
Fall, 2015
Instructor: C.W. Groetsch, Distinguished Professor of Mathematical Science,THOMP 321, 953-5036,
Office Hours: 9:00-10:00 T, 8:00-9:00 and 14:00-15:00 MWF, and at any time, subject to my availability.
Textbook: Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 7th Edition, by J. Stewart
Chapters covered: 1-5, with some possible omissions and additions.I suggest you take the Diagnostic Tests on pages xxiv-xxviii immediately to give yourself a” heads up” on any background weaknesses you might have. You should always “look ahead” to preview material before the topic comes up in class, and come to class prepared to engage the topic. A graphing calculator will be needed for some homework problems. Use your favorite (mine is the TI-92).
Course Goals: The primary goal of the course is to provide an opportunity to acquire an understanding of the concepts and applications of calculus for the uses in science and engineering courses and in more advanced mathematics courses. Another goal, for all students irrespective of major, is to inculcate an appreciation for one of the greatest human intellectual achievements: The Calculus.
Assessment: Your grade will be based on four in-class closed book one-hour tests, a collection of short (usually unannounced) quizzes closely related to the homework, and a final exam. I use the “ten point” grading scale (90-100% = A, etc.) with no curve. Credit will be apportioned as follows:
Tests (4) 15% each
QuizzesTutorials15% in aggregate
Gateway Exam10%
Quizzes and Homework: There will be usually two or more, quizzes (10 minutes maximum) per week. There will be no `make up’ quizzes. The quiz problems will often come from, or be closely related to, the list of assigned problem. I will “drop” two or three of the low quiz grades. You should try to do as many problems as possible in each section that is covered. Assigned homework problems should be written up neatly in a Homework Notebook. The Homework Notebook will be a loose leaf paper binder (I suggest a 1-1.5 inch binder). Your name should be prominently and legibly written on the cover of the homework notebook. The written homework problems should be collected by section number of the textbook. The homework notebook should contain solutions to assigned homework problems and nothing else. The homework notebook will be collected at the time of the final exam and may be spot checked at any time during the course.Practicing with as many unassigned homework problems as you can is an essential ingredient for excelling in this course. Doing the listed problems should be considered a bare necessity, but not a sufficient condition, for succeeding in the course.
Tests: An unexcused absence from a test will result in a score of zero. In very rare circumstances (this does NOT include “not being ready”), a student may, prior to the test, and with appropriate justification, receive an excused absence. In this case other test scores will be prorated to make up for the missing test score.
Important Dates: November 3 – last day to withdraw with “W” grade.
December 15 - Final Exam
Important Advice: Mathematics is not a spectator sport. You must be actively and continually engaged in working problems from the text. A passive approach to mathematics will surely lead to an unsuitable outcome. Discuss the problems with your classmates, but only after you have tried to work them on your own. Do not fall behind. When you have made an honest effort and still have difficulty, seek help immediately - from me, from your classmates, from the Math Lab or from any competent entity. Read over sections before coming to class and come to class prepared to learn.
You should get two notebooks for this course: use one to record class notes, unassigned problems and problems which I work in class; do your assigned homework problems in the other notebook, the Homework Notebook (see above). I think you will find it easier to study for exams if your class notes are not cluttered with your homework problems and if the neatly prepared homework problems are in one source.
Tutorials: The tutorial will be a short handout on some mathematical topic, related to this course. Sometimes it will be pure mathematics, at other times it will be an application. You will need to spend some time reading and preparing for the tutorial. This time should not last more than about an hour. During any week if you think you are having enough trouble doing the regular course work that you would be better off going over the course material, we will do that and you will still get the 10 points.
POW: Credit will be given for correct solutions to theProblem of the Week. You will receive a 2% bonus on the Final Exam for each problem that you correctly work.
HONR 131-01
Tentative Schedule: Fall Semester, 2015
Wednesday / 26 Aug. / 1.1 Functions and Graphs / P.19: 4,5,26,29,35,61,62Friday / 28 Aug. / 1.2 Mathematical Models / P. 33: 3,8,10,19,20,25
Monday / 30 Aug. / 1.3 New functions from Old / P. 42: 3,6,7,13,21,31
Tuesday / 1 Sept. / 1.3 New functions from Old / 43,50,51
Wednesday / 2 Sept. / 1.4 Graphing Calculators / P. 50: 18,21,26,34
Friday / 4 Sept. / 1.5 Exponential Functions / P.57: 4,19,21,29
Monday / 7 Sept. / 1.6 Inverse Functions and Logs / P. 69: 20,50,52.
Tuesday / 8 Sept. / 1.6 Inverse Functions and Logs / 62, 68,69
Wednesday / 9 Sept. / 2.1Tangents and Velocity; 2.2 Limits / P. 86: 5,7; P.96: 7,12,13,29,36
Friday / 11 Sept. / 2.3 Limit Laws / P. 106:10,17,21,29,36,63
Monday / 14 Sept. / 2.4 Limit definition; / P. 116: 2,12,36,37
Tuesday / 15 Sept. / 2.5 Continuity / P. 127: 17,18,44,46,53
Wednesday / 16 Sept. / 2.6 Limits That Involve Infinity / P. 140: 15,19,21,30,43,63
Friday / 18 Sept. / Exam 1 !!!
Monday / 21 Sept. / 2.7 Derivatives and Rates of Change / P. 150: 5,11,19,33,41
Tuesday / 22 Sept. / 2.8 Derivatives as a Function / P. 163: 3,6,9,21,37,45
Wednesday / 23 Sept. / 3.1 Derivative of Polynomials and Exp. / P. 181: 3k(k=1…9), 53,55,63,75
Friday / 25 Sept. / 3.2 Differentiation Rules / P.189: 3k(k=1…8), 31,49,54
Monday / 28 Sept. / 3.3 Derivative of Trig. Functions / P.197: 3k(k=1…5), 37,39,46,54
Tuesday / 29 Sept. / 3.4 Chain Rule / P. 205: 3k(k=3…10), 65,71,85
Wednesday / 30 Sept. / 3.5 Chain Rule (cont); Implicit Differentiation / P.215: 3k(k=2…6), 39,75
Friday / 2 Oct.
Monday / 5 Oct. / 3.6 Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions / P. 223: 3,9,14,23,39,51
Tuesday / 6 Oct. / 3.7 &3.8 Rates of Change; Growth and Decay / P. 238: 7,14,18,21,26;
P. 242: 4,11,14,17
Wednesday / 7 Oct. / 3.9 Related Rates / P.248: 13,18,20,24,28
Friday / 9 Oct. / Academic Open House – No Class / P. 248: 31,40,43
Monday / 12 Oct.
Tuesday / 13 Oct. / 4.1 Max & Min / P. 280: 30,34,40,44,56,61,70
Wednesday / 14 Oct. / 4.2 MVT / P. 288: 1,11,19,25, 29
Friday / 16 Oct. / 4..3 Derivatives and Shapes / P. 297: 5,9,15,19,37,47
Monday / 19 Oct. / Exam II
Wednesday / 21 Oct. / Leadership Day
Friday / 23 Oct. / 4.4 l’Hospital’s Rule / P. 307: 7,12,19,45,53,61
Monday / 26 Oct. / 4.5 Curve Sketching / P. 317: 10,13,41,58,61
Tuesday / 27 Oct. / 4.7 Optimization / P. 331: 12,20,32,35,
Wednesday / 28 Oct. / cont / 40,42,46,52
Friday / 30 Oct.. / 4.7 Optimization / 62,72,74
Monday / 2 Nov. / 4.9 Anti-diff. / P. 342: 13,30; P.348: 12,15,28
Tuesday / 3 Nov. / 4.9 Anti-differentiation / P. 348: 41,46,48,73
Wednesday / 4 Nov. / Review
Friday / 6 Nov. / Exam III !!!
Monday / 9 Nov. / 5.1 Areas / P. 369: 4,8,18,22
Tuesday / 10 Nov.
Wednesday / 11 Nov. / 5.2 The Definite Integral / P. 382: 3,34,37,47,49,52,53
Friday / 13 Nov. / 5.3 The FTC / P.394: 12,14,28,32
Monday / 16 Nov. / 36,40,42
Tuesday / 17 Nov. / 5.4 Indefinite Integrals / P.403:8,12,16,30,32,42,44
Wednesday / 18 Nov. / 5.5 Integration by Substitution / P.413:14,18,24,32,40,
Friday / 20 Nov. / cont / 56,60,68,78,84
Monday / 23 Nov. / Thanksgiving Furlough
Monday / 30 Nov. / Integration by Sub., cont
Tuesday / 1 Dec. / 3.11 Hyperbolic Functions / P.262: 9,10,18,30,42,49
Wednesday / 2 Dec. / Review
Friday / 4 Dec. / Exam IV!!!!
Monday / 7 Dec. / Review
Tuesday / 8 Dec. / Review
Wednesday / 9 Dec. / Last Class - review
Saturday / 15 Dec. / Final Exam!!!!! 13:00