National Youth Sunday 2012
Bridging the Gap (Romans 15:5 – 7, NLT)
Skit 1 by Lara Neher
Cast: Two builders (or groups of builders) and a narrator
Props: A distinct kind of building block/material for each builder or group of builders.
- Each group of builders, with its particularkind of building block, builds one end of a bridge.
- As they get closer to joining the two ends, have the groups argue about how to finish off the bridge.If the two ends are different heights, how will the ends join? Will they meet exactly in the middle, or will one side be longer than the other? Does there need to be extra support in the middle of the bridge? Will both ends of the bridge hold the same amount of weight?
- Narrator (The narrator interrupts, and talks about the gap that needs to be filled and the ways to fill the gap, as well as the struggles of finding common ground): “We come across ‘gaps’ in our everyday lives. We meet people who are different from us in ways that cause gaps in communication. We have to find a way to interact those who are different from us so we can get along. We fill these gaps by listening carefully, understanding that we are not always right, and trying to find things we do agree on. It can be hard to change our ways or listen to what others have to say, but we must do this if we want to move forward in our friendships, in our congregation, in our community, and in this world. Builders, how will you finish the bridge?”
- The Narrator facilitates a quick conversation between the builders illustrating the concepts of listening to others, finding common ground, and compromising for a greater good. Once the builders have reached an agreement on how to move forward, the Narrator continues.
- Narrator(as the builders complete the bridge): “With the pieces we have we can start to bridge the gap butwe are not able to fully complete the bridge. We need Christ to help us bridge the gap. We need to be open and willing to look at issues in different ways. It doesn’t matter how old or how young we are, we need to be aware of what ‘gaps’ are in the church. The only way we can do this is if we allow God to help us lead the way.”