RXB5 Money (Aug. 2002)
Question: “...the IVD # is XXXXXX. The Contracting Official has made the payee change, but has left the deceased CP's IVA # attached. We will correct this information but just wanted to let you know incase someone reviewed the case. Thanks so much for your unit's assistance. The CP in the case I am working is deceased, she died 06/12/02. There is RXB5 money at her level that goes back to 10/31/01. There is no URG as the obligation amount is more than the grant and the NCP has paid the O/A each month. The mother now has custody of the child. There are CAA1A and TANFA arrears owed, but these would MARR to UDA1A with the MPI number of the deceased CP. The county attorney has changed the payee from the grandmother to the mother but the grandmother's IV-A number is still attached. As this is a NPA case there would be no IV-A number for the mother, our current client. The county attorney thinks the arrears owed to the deceased cp should be deleted, I think they should go to the caregiver of the child. If there was an estate the money would be released to the estate and the executor of the estate should disburse the money to the caregiver of the child which would be the mother. The mother was the NCP in the cross reference case and the county attorney deleted the arrears owed as the cp was deceased. The county attorney feels that since the mother did not have to pay any arrearages why should she get these arrears. I'm not sure what to do with the RXB5 money or the arrears that would be due the deceased CP. The county attorney caseworker wanted me to ask you. There is no estate for the deceased CP. The deceased cp has 14 cases. If I didn't explain well enough just call me.”
Answer: Information Release #867, page 12 states "RXB5 transactions occur when the URG is zero ($0.00) and money has been distributed to system account 40. The excess money is sent to the client through an RXB5 transaction." In your case scenario, the custodial parent is deceased, the case is now in NPA status, there was no URG, and there is no estate for the deceased custodial parent. Therefore, per the Accounting Branch, the arrearages should be input in as NAA1A with the client we now have in the system, and the excess money should be distributed to the current caregiver, who is the custodial parent (mother).