
Morning Worship* / Today / Next Week
Announcements / Neal / Anthony
Song Leader / Anthony / Dennis
Prayer / Medina / Wedge
Preside @ Table / S. Thompson / Lake
Assisting / Wedge / Kent
Assisting / Dennis / Gauvin
Assisting / Smith / P. Anthony
Prayer / Caples / Smith
Evening Worship*
Announcements / Neal / Anthony
Song Leader / Anthony / Dennis
Prayer / Medina / Wedge
Communion/Prayer / S. Thompson / Lake
Midweek Bible Study *
Announcements / Neal / Anthony
Song Leader / Anthony / Dennis
Invitation / Lake / S. Thompson
Prayer / Dennis / Caples
*** Brothers: If you cannot serve please contact a deacon or
an elder by Saturday evening. If you are serving, please
meet in the foyer 5 minutes prior to services.
August / September / October
Prepare Communion / Wedge / Dennis / TBA
Lockup / White / Caples / TBA
Please take a moment each week to look over this list, to keep abreast of activities of the congregation.
Ladies’ Breakfast / Sat 9/4 / 9:00 am / OCB
Men’s Breakfast / Sat 9/11 / 8:00 am / OCB
Elder/Deacon/Pr’cher Mtg / Sat 9/11 / 9:30 am / Building

Helpful Email Addresses:




Special Days
Happy Birthday!
Roger Elliott / 29 / Steve Keen / 30
Ametha Carr / 31 / Olena Gauvin / 31
Happy Anniversary!
Wilbert and Nancy Davis / 22
Ernie and Melissa Maiwald / 26
September (Partial List to 9/12)
Happy Birthday!
Lee Ann Thompson / 7 / Kaitlin Ramos / 7
Bernice Okiyi / 9 / Rosalynn Brown / 12
Happy Anniversary!
Niles and Katie Wedge / 9


This question was asked of me by a child of the congregation so I am going to do my best to answer this from a child’s perspective, not an easy task to say the least. First of all this is a question that has been asked by many people in this world. I truly appreciate this question because it does say that the child understands that God is all powerful and in control even though He does allow us to make our own choices.

God does Love you very much and wants the best for us in fact He tells us these words in the Bible, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” John 3:16. See God does not want bad things to happen to us. He wants good things for us always. But sometimes we will have bad things happen. We might have our favorite pet die or even your favorite toy break. We have all gotten sick at times had colds, or even maybe broken arm or a leg. So we ask why does God allow these bad things to happen to each of us? We need to remember that some things that we consider bad, God considers to just be a way of life. These bad things that happen will test our understanding of God and His power. When these things happen He tells us to turn to Him in prayer and He will help us to get through the bad things and enjoy the good things of life that much more.

God has not created us like a robot. A robot or computer has to be given orders and is told exactly what to do and not do. The robot cannot make its own choices. We as humans are able to make our own choices and sometimes those choices cause bad things to happen. Think about Adam and Eve, God told them about the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil and said these words “of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:17). Well we know that Adam and Eve both ate of this tree and that brought about sin and bad things began to happen to humans. It was the devil who brought about this evil (bad things) that would happen to people. So why does God not stop the bad things from happening? The reason is because if God stepped in every time something bad happened, than we would no longer have a choice do the things we do which would cause us to be like a robot. Remember God wants the best for us always. When bad things happen we need to turn to God and ask for Him to help us thru it, and guess what He will. See God loves you so very much and He wants us also to love Him no matter what happens in our lives.


For Our Prayers-Aug.29, 2010


v  Karla Anthony took a very bad tumble last Monday and broke her shoulder. Fortunately Phiip was with her and administered first aid until the EMTs arrived. She will be having surgery in the near future.

v  Scott Finch, Katherine Wertz’ son-in-law and Tim Wertz’ brother-in-law (Crystal's husband) has cirrhosis of the liver and is not doing well.


Kennetha Marbury is at home, recuperating from surgery last week. She will miss the next few services but expects to be back with us by early next month.

v  Jennie Cribb continues to suffer with pneumonia and asthma.

Continued Prayers:

v  Caregivers to those who are ill

Debbie Wiggins, Ed’s niece (cancer)

v  OT Martin (Ernie’s dad)

v  Jerry Long (James’s father)

v  Wayne Cribb, Alwilda Merritt's nephew (radiation/cancer)

v  Lenny Skutnik (Crohn’s disease)

v  Adrienne Sweet, friend of Porters (breast cancer)

v  Sarah Howell, Katherine Wertz’ sister (breast and back cancer)

The many families who are traveling during the summer

Our young adults in college/home and away

Mandy Neal Kaitlyn Ramos Paul White

Eric Wertz Trenda Maiwald Catie Wordham

Chris Hoffman Philip Anthony

v  Those who are protecting our country, serving in harm’s way and the leaders of our nation and those of

other nations, that a lasting peace and accord may be

achieved throughout the world.

Special Request:

Remember those who are in need of prayer but do not

wish to share their difficulties in a public way.

Continued prayers for our members:

Marjorie Kowa Bobbie Girard Will Davis

Alwilda Merritt Colleen Wertz Sue Bilbrey

Deb Neal Christine Liddell Steven Dalton

Peggy Shields Betty Perez Katherine Wertz

James Roberson Joe Bilbrey

Those who are traveling:

As summer draws to an end there will be many families

away for a last chance at vacation. Keep these in your

prayers, for a safe return to us.