October 23, 2014
Regular Session – 7:00 PM
Board Members Present:Tom BurkeJeff ClayJohn Morgan
Patty McLeanSteve Oberg
Board Member Absent:Francis DeRoestRobert Buckner
Staff Present:Marilyn Applegate, Executive Assistant to Board
Jackie LaFrenz, Administrator
Others Present:Jenn Berry-O’Shea, Place-Based Project Manager, Middle School Teacher
Ryan Douglass, PE Teacher
AGENDA ITEM / DISCUSSIONCall to Order / The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm. Chair, Tom Burke, lead the board in the flag salute.
Introductions / Our new Physical Education teacher, Ryan Douglass, was introduced.
Changes to Agenda / John Morgan asked to have the Medication Policy discussed.
Consent Agenda / Jeff moved, John seconded motion to accept the consent agenda consisting of the September 25, 2014 minutes. Motion passed.
PE Grant Report / Physical Education teacher, Ryan Douglass will be reporting four times during the 2014-15 school year to the board as required in the Physical Education grant provided by the Oregon Department of Education. The grant requires that kindergarten receive 60 minutes of PE per week, first through fifth grade students receive 150 minutes of PE weekly and sixth through eighth grade receive 225 minutes per week. We are meeting this requirement.
The grant requires the following curriculum criteria; safe learning environment, clear communication to students and parents of expected student goals and performance; help students develop lifelong fitness goals, create a non-threatening positive testing environment, and create a school culture of physical activity. We have talked with Friends about the lunch program and have established a wellness committee to develop a wellness policy. Members of the wellness committee include; Alyssa Harwell, Ron Sloper, Pam Lundy, Casey McKinnon, Tina, and myself.
This year we purchased uniforms for middle school students with curriculum dollars. Ryan said believes uniforms create an environment to ready students for activity and learning
Place-Based Update / Jenn Berry-O’Shea reported on the following place-based activities:
- K & 2ndhave been working on a place-based community story line and have visited D & D Ranch. To learn more about communities, second grade visited the Prineville Police Department, Ray’s, and Ochoco Creek.
- 3rd grade has been studying geography;
- The fifth grade coast trip was a huge success.
- 4th & 5thare attending desert ecology classes at the High Desert Museum.
- Middle School students are working on the Crook River Watershed program which includes collectingdata to analyze the health of the watershed.
- 6th grade is working with the forest service on a 3-year McKay Creek restoration project.
- Once again this year, PBCCS has received transportation grants from the Deschutes Children’s Forest which will offset our field trip transportation expenses.
- We also received a $6,000 Diack Ecology grant to fund field equipment. Water quality monitoring equipment has been purchased from these funds and students are independently learning who to use this equipmentto evaluate and monitor water quality.
Benefit Dinner Committee / Patty reported she and Shannon met with Brasada on Monday and the meeting went very well. We will be able to accommodate 140 guests comfortably. Ticket sales are going very well. To date, 75 tickets have been sold to sponsors and individual ticket sales will begin next Thursday. Each person is limited to purchasing four tickets to ensure everyone has an opportunity to purchase a ticket.
Facility Committee Report / Jeff reported that he and Francis have talked and wondered if the board had a chance to prioritize the list handed out at the last meeting. The board asked Jeff & Francis to prioritize the list and communicate with CCSD. Jackie suggested that we talked to Brett Hudson, about having the same conversation with the Powell Butte community about the bond plan like they had with the Paulina community.
Medication Policy / John asked Marilyn and Jackie if we have a medication policy and if so what that policy is. Marilyn stated that policies JHCD and JHCD-AR, were passed 2/16/12 by the board. This policy states that trained charter school personnel may administer prescription or non-prescription medication to students at school with a written request from the parent. Medication must be submitted in its original container and be transported to and from school by the parent. The written authorization to administer medication must reference student name, name of medication, dosage, frequency, and any special instructions. Prescription medication must be in the original dispensing container with the physician instructions. The policy also states how medication must be handled and stored. Parents are reminded several times a year in our newsletters about the medication policy. This policy is also posted on our website.
Financial / Marilyn reported to date we have received $382,197 in state school funds, grant funds in the amount of $12,000, and student body funds in the amount of $5,000. We have had $245,651 in expenses through October 15, 2014.
Boundary Invasion / Marilyn shared that she met with Dan Davenport, our PACE representative, regarding Boundary Invasion. PACE is meeting with every school district in the state sharing their Boundary Invasion protocol to help districts comply with HB 2062 which addresses sexual grooming behavior by school employees toward students. Per HB 2062 districts are required to adopt policy JHFF – Reporting Requirements Regarding Sexual Conduct with Students, JHFF-AR – Sexual Complaint Form, and GCAB - Personal Electronic Devices and Social Media – Staff. Other requirements include notifying employees of the definition of ‘sexual conduct”, perform an extensive background check on all new employee applicants including sending a disclosure release form to the past three educational employers of the applicant, and employee training.
Board policy JHFF, Reporting Requirements Regarding Sexual Conduct with Students was adopted 3/22/12. Policies JHFF-AR – Sexual Complaint Form and GCAB – Personal Electronic Devices and Social Media – Staff were presented to the board for review, discussion, and approval. There being no discussion, Jeff moved and Patty seconded motion to approve policies GCAB and JHFF-AR as presented. Motion Passed.
PERS Compliance / Don Alrick, PERS Compliance Analyst, conducted a routine compliance audit of PBCCS. During the audit he discovered that PERS had failed to request a resolution (14-01) establishing that employee contributions to the OPERS system be MPPT (member paid pre-tax) and a resolution (14-02) to participate in the PERS Unused Sick Leave Program.
Jeff moved, John seconded motion to adopt resolution 14-01 and 14-02. Motion Passed.
Administrator’s Reports / Jackie reported;
- JayelHayden, ESD Human Resources Director, forwarded her the official administration self-evaluation form. Jackie requested the board complete the evaluation for her.
- The state report card was distributed and reviewed. A copy of this report was distributed to families at conferences. PBCCS still received an Excellent rating even though our math scores and attendance was also lower than previous years. Our report reflects we are under performing like schools with the same demographics.
- November conferences will be focused on goal setting. Middle School is scheduling a time with each family to share proficiency grading.
- The fifth grade coast trip this month was awesome and provided students with opportunities that will benefit them for years.
- SMART and KSMART began this month. KSMART is a new program for kindergarten students.
- Safety week was conducted earlier this month with Earthquake, Fire, Lock Down, and Off Campus Evacuation drills. Jackie shared there is a huge movement to get law enforcement involved in schools. We are very fortunate to have several parents who are in law enforcement.
- The last week of October will be Spirit Week. There areonly 11 days of school in November;
- FOPS reported they made a little over $3,000 from the Mallott event.
- Jackie will be attending the COSA workshop in Bend next Monday & Tuesday and anticipates a good conference with several informative workshops.
- At yesterday’s meeting, staff were organized into the following committees: Grant & Middle School field work, Wellness, PBIS, Early Literacy, and Smarter Balance Assessment. Additionally, the entire elementary staff will work on math improvement.
- Two articles, one on the 6th grade watershed project and on the other MS field work were published recently in the Prineville paper.
- Staff participated in a professional development day a couple of Friday’s ago.
- Thanks to Tom, Chad, Central Oregon Electric Co-op, Jensen Tree Service, and several volunteers for removing and trimming many trees that posed a potential danger.
- Due to an insufficient number of certified substitutes available to PBCCS, we are signing up with the High Desert ESD to provide substitutes for our teaching staff. However, we will be required to pay the state sub pay of $170 per day compared to our budgeted $150 day.
- Today Jackie attended a Smarter Balance workshop at the ESD on math, assessments. Window opens in March, and there are many flaws with the system.
- Obergs & DeRoests had an art fair & donated money back to our art program.
Adjourn / There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.
Respectfully Submitted:Approved by:
Marilyn ApplegateTom Burke
Board Executive AssistantBoard Chair