A Reliability Improvement Method for

SOA-Based Applications


As SOA gains more traction through various implementations, building reliable service compositions remains one ofthe principal research concerns. Widely researched reliability assurance methods, often rely on applying redundancy or complexoptimization strategies that can make them less applicable when it comes to designing service compositions on a larger scale. Toaddress this issue, we propose a design time reliability improvement method that enables selective service composition improvementsby focusing on the most reliability-critical workflow components, named weak points. With the aim of detecting most significant weakpoints, we introduce a method based on a suite of recommendation algorithms that leverage a belief network reliability model. Themethod is made scalable by using heuristic algorithms that achieve better computational performance at the cost of recommendationaccuracy. Although less accurate heuristic algorithms on average require more improvement steps, they can achieve better overallperformance in cases when the additional step-wise overhead of applying improvements is low. We confirm the soundness of theproposed solution by performing experiments on data sets of randomly generated service compositions.




Cooperative Game Theory.[Sharing]

User friendly file sharing

u1 + v2 ≥ α

u2 + v2 ≥ α

u3 + v1 ≥ α

Upload, Download Algorithm.

File, image upload download.

Fault Tolerance Techniques.

Find Week Points.


Strength Week Points.

Key points:

  1. File Uploading, Downloading.
  2. Encrypt, Decrypt.
  3. Data Sharing [user to user]


In a dynamic service composition a set of functionallyequivalent services exists for each service invocationand actual services are incorporated into the executionconfiguration depending on their most recent QoS parameters. More details on the existing approaches in solving thisproblem are presented Section. In the weak point strengthening step, a list of weak pointsis traversed to find the first entry for which a reliabilityimprovement solution exists. In effect, the execution uncertainty is modeled so thatthe outcomes in which faulty paths exist are multipliedby the probability that the paths in question willnot be executed.


We confirm the feasibility of the proposed approachby performing an extensive evaluation on data sets ofrandomly generated reliability models. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of the proposed reliabilityimprovement method.We evaluate the proposed reliability improvementmethod on an artificially generated data set. The data setconsists of 5000 randomly generated service compositionreliability models. We conducted two experiments on the generateddata set to assess how the proposed weak point recommendationalgorithms behave when atomic services arevery similar or equal in reliability and when there is amore significant difference in the services’ reliability. However, other overheads, like locating a replacementservice or estimating the reliability of an atomic service,impact the overall performance of the proposed improvementmethod.


Easy to Share files

User to User File Sharing

Provide files.




Case Study and Data Collection


Admin Authentication



 Case Study and Data Collection

We consider a case study of a web-based collaborationapplication for evaluating performance. The applicationallows users to store, manage, and share documents anddrawings related to large construction projects. The servicecomposition required for this application includes: Firewall(x1), Intrusion Detection (x1), Load Balancer (x1), WebServer (x4), Application Server (x3), Database Server (x1),Database Reporting Server (x1), Email Server (x1), andServer Health Monitoring (x1). To meet these requirements,our objective is to find the best Cloud service composition

  1. USER

A common approach to improve reliability and otherQoS parameters of a service composition is by dynamicservice selection at run time. In a dynamic service composition a set of functionallyequivalent services exists for each service invocationand actual services are incorporated into the executionconfiguration depending on their most recent QoS parameters. However, two dominant issues limit the applicationof dynamic compositions on a larger scale: serviceselection and detection of equivalent services. Since serviceselection at run time is bonded by additional constraints,like statefullness and composability, statebasedreliability models need to be applied. However,such models are prone to state explosions, makingit difficult to support more complex compositions. Theother commonly used approach treats service selectionas an optimization problem.

Share Data

The user can share their data into another user in same group the data will translate by path setting data.

Upload Data

The user can upload the file to cloud. And the Admin can allow the data to store the cloud.

Download File

The user also download the cloud file by the conditions.

  1. Admin Authentication

we propose an iterative reliability improvementmethod for service compositions based onthe extension of our previous work in [20]. The methodconsists of: reliability estimation, weak point recommendationand weak point strengthening steps, as defined by the overview. In the rest of this section, we brieflydescribe each of the stated steps.

Accept user

The admin can accept the new user request and also black the users.

Allow user file

The users can upload the file to cloud. And the admin can allow the files to cloud then only the file can store the cloud.

  1. CLOUD

However, other SOAimplementations can be expected to gain more tractionin the coming years with the continuous proliferationof cloud computing and increasing popularity of softwareas a service (SaaS) platforms [4], [5]. One of the mostpronounced benefits of SOA are service compositions,component-based applications built by combining theexisting services. The concept of compositions makesSOA particularly popular in designing a large variety of systems that benefit from clear separation of interests.For instance, when designing enterprise systems, differentsegments of functionality within a business processcan be developed independently by different organizationalunits. However, designing service compositionsalso presents additional challenges as services can bedeployed by third parties over which the compositiondeveloper has no supervision. A strong concern in suchan environment is the necessity to design a compositionwith an adequate level of non-functional properties, likereliability, availability or other Quality of Service (QoS)parameters.

Upload Data

The cloud can upload the 3 types of files to users.

  • JAVA
  • PHP

Software Requirements:

Technologies : Asp .Net and C#.Net

Database : MS-SQL Server 2005/2008

IDE : Visual Studio 2008

Hardware Requirements:

Processor : Pentium IV