Commodore’s Ball

FHYC’s 2017 Commodore’s Ball is being held on the Nautica Queen on April 29th 2017 from 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM. The cost will be $50 per person with a cash bar. Keep an eye on your mailbox for a formal invitation and RSVP.

Important Dates

  • Dock Rental Day will be March 26th
  • Dock electric pods installed by April 8th.
  • Water turned on by April 15th.
  • Dock install dates planned for April 8, 15 & 27
  • Dock box moving dates TBD
  • Dock inspection and dock box electrical inspection planned for May 22.

Letters of intent to rent must be to V/C Weaver by March 19, 2017

Family Membership bylaw proposal revised

In January Gary Thrasher presented the Family Membership bylaw change and the third reading was at the March General Membership meeting. It was narrowly voted down. Feedback suggested that the main issue with the proposal was the inclusion of “significant others” to Full Membership. Gary revised the proposal and removed all instance of “significant other”. All other language is the same and the intent is to vote on the revised proposal at the April General meeting. The wording of the proposal is as follows:

BY-LAW CHANGE Revision (after vote on 3-7-17)

The term “Significant Other” has been removed from all verbiage

Originally Prepared by G. Thrasher for the January 2017 membership Meeting


To change the current membership format from an "individual" membership to a "family" membership. Family is defined as: "individual" if single, "husband and wife" if married.


The purpose is very aligned with the stated purpose of our Club as found in Article I /Section 2 of our Bylaws. Some excerpts being:

- to serve the interest of boat owners

- to stimulate a greater interest in boating among the citizens in the area served by the Club

- to develop a fraternal spirit at the Club....

- to further the interest in boating generally...

Basically, this is to eliminate spouses as guests, make it a family oriented, friendlier, more encouraging and inviting Club for all current families and potential members.

The intent is to allow a couple to have a "joint" membership with only one (1) vote per couple, hold office, and complete all membership responsibilities. No additional benefits, costs, or responsibilities. If one of the spouses should pass away the other would just continue the membership if desired. In the event of a divorce or separation the member slated as "A" remains current and member "B" would have to apply as a new member.


Spouses do work party, night watch etc., now. We allow spouses to continue a membership if the member passes away. Many spouses own the "family" boat. We, as a Club, are interested in more member participation and involvement in the Club but do nothing to involve the "boating spouse". We have more and more requests for release from meeting and/or work party requirements that could be minimized with a "family" membership. Each year it becomes harder to fill the slate of officers and "family" members could add dramatically to our pool of candidates.

Bylaw wording changes needed that were found so far

CURRENT WORDING: (With changes needed in BOLD capital letters)



Section 1:

Membership in the Club shall be open to individualsin Lake and surrounding counties. Membership may be closed, at the discretion of the members, by a majority vote at any regular or special meeting of the Club, provided there be a quorum present. Membership includes the spouse of the member. Memberships shall be classified as an “A” membership, meaning the specific individual to whom membership was extended, and a “B” membership, meaning the person to whom membership privileges are extended by virtue of their status as spouse of the “A” member. Nothing herein precludes spouses from both applying for, and being extended to each, an “A” membership.

Section 2a:"New applicant for Associate Membership” (NO CHANGES)

Section 2b:"Change of class of membership*” (NO CHANGES)

Section 3:"There will be Six Classes of Club Membership"

3a. Full Member

3b. Associate Member (NO CHANGES)

3c. Associate Member(RENTAL), NO CHANGES)

3d. Privileged Associate Member

3e. Social Member (NO CHANGES)

3f. Honorary Member. NO CHANGES)

Section 3a:"Full Member" (PARAGRAPH 1)

Wherein the member (i) holds waterfront privileges in the Club, (ii)voting privileges (voting privileges are held only by “A” members, however, the respective “B” member may vote in the absence of the “A” member), (iii) in the conduct of Club business, (iv) the right to hold office in the Club(either the“A” or “B”member may hold office, but not both at any given time), and (v) use of the Club property. Upon acceptance into full membership, an “A” member may designate a “B” member. The Club reserves the right to request information to verify the status of the proposed “B” member for compliance with these By-Laws.Full Member seniority number will be assigned. The number will be the highest on the Full Membership list. In the event of divorce / separation, the membership privileges extended to the “B” member shall immediately terminate.

3a.1:"Surviving Membership" [6/94]

If a Full Member dies, the dock automatically stays in the member's name for the remainder of the boating season. The surviving spouse has the option to renew the membership in the member's name provided the surviving spouse or his/her children under the age of 18 operate the boat, and fulfill all work party requirements as described in 3a above. If the surviving spouse does not wish to hold the dock, he/she automatically reverts to an Honorary Membership for life.

If an original “A” Full Member dies, the dock automatically stays in the member’s name for the remainder of the boating season. The respective “B” member, if any, has the option to renew the membership, retaining all privileges, and thereafter become an “A” Full Member, the member or his/her children under the age of 18 operate the boat, and shall fulfill all work party requirements as described in 3a above. If the “B” member does not wish to hold the dock, he/she automatically reverts to an Honorary Membership for life.

Surviving Membership privileges extend only once. In the event a former “B” member becomes an “A” Full Member by virtue of this section, while their spouse will be extended “B” member privileges in accordance with section 3a of these By-Laws, there shall be no right of Surviving Membership extended to them in the event of the death of the “A” Full Member and their “B” membership shall thereupon terminate.

Section 3d: "Privileged Associate Member" (PARAGRAPH 1)

Wherein the Full Member “A”may voluntarily revert to Associate Member by written application; wherein the Full Member “A”signs over all his/her waterfront privileges to the Club for reissue. The Privileged Associate Member’s A/Bshall then have the following rights:

1. Access to Club grounds, main club house, island screen house, gate card and club key.

2. Club house rental per existing rules.

3. Attendance at meetings and functions.

4. Use of designated picnic areas.

5. Winter boat storage at the prevailing rate, except those Privileged Associates boating out of other clubs, marinas, or private docks, for any reason or any period, may not store boats at FHYC for the following winter. [5-01]


Section 1:

One owner of any boat docked at the Club property shall be a Full Member. Any other owner, or owners other than a “Family” membership, of the boatin question must be an Associate Member.

Section 2: [12/91] (FIRST SENTENCE)

All member’s A/B and individualsshall have proper identification, by membership card, and shall show such identification upon request from any other Full Members.

Section 4:

Only Full Member, and those children as defined as dependent by the Internal Revenue Code may operate a boat out of the Club, except as noted in Article II, Section 3c.

Special note:

Upon acceptence of this change by the club, if ANY married couple chooses, there is a ONE-TIME oppOrtunity to switch to be member "a" by the close of the next monthly meeting.

If the ‘existing’ member takes no action, he or she automatically defaults to member "a”.


New Rosters will be published after Dock Day, please make sure that all the information in the

2017 Roster is correct. Make sure you send both Dennis Steffy and Mark Miklaucic your new or

changed e-mail addresses. Then the clubs mass e-mailings will include you!

Send any roster changes to Mark Miklaucic at () or call and leave me a message at 330-980-8007


We would like to welcome the following new members:

Peggy Soha- Full Member

John Dischazy – Associate Member

At the start of 2017 the following membership changes were made. Full members

Privileged Associates resigned:

  • Jim Leonetti:

Full to Privileged:

  • Jim Chaplin
  • Dave Leonetti

Full to Honorary:

  • Sandra Tramte

Full Members dropped for hours/non-payment:

  • Jerry Hagan
  • John Hagan

Associate Members dropped for hours/non-payment:

  • Tim Conkey

We now have 114 Full, 12 Associates, 26 Privileged

and 12 Honorary members.

The following are the open docks for dock rental day.

1, 35, 118.

The open docks that were not bid on dock day are (99,100,101), (102,103,104), (105.106,107), 87, 75 & 76

Please keep in mind that all members bid with 2016 seniority numbers. New

members see the Secretary or the V/C for your bidding number.