FREE iPad Apps Designed for Children with Autism

**App descriptions have been extracted from the app developers’ websites.

Children’s Museum of Houston does not endorse these apps, and is providing this list as an educational resource only.

App: Autism Apps

Category: Information/Research/Resource

Description: “Autism Apps links to extensive reviews of the apps written by parents, specialists, and other users, usually from first-hand experience. Autism Apps also has links to video demonstrations or video reviews of the apps.”

App: ChoiceBoard Creator

Category: Choice Making/Life Skills

Description: “An aid for individuals with communication challenges. The app allows users to create customized ‘choice boards’ for simple to use communication.”

App:Model me Going Places

Category:Behavior/Social Cues

Description:This app is focused on “helping your child learn to navigate challenging locations in the community” such as going to the mall, the restaurant, the doctor’s office or the hairdresser.

App:Now What?

Category: Visual scheduling/Life Skills

Description:“Task/schedule app developed specifically for kids who need help with transitions and want to know what comes next in their day.”

App: Questioning Autism

Category: Information/Parent Resource

Description:“Questioning the possibility of autism in your child?” If so, this app is a “resource to help parents and caregivers understand more about autism, and to provide a starting point for conversations with pediatricians.”

App: Touch and Learn Emotions

Category:Behavior/Social Cues

Description:This app is focused on “helping kids read body language and understand emotions by looking at pictures and figuring out which person is expressing a given emotion.”


Category:Augmentative/Alternative Communication

Description: “Just tap what you want to say and Verbally speaks for you. This app is a communication aid for people with speech impairments.”

iPad Grants and Funding Resources:

The resources below have beenrecommended byAutism Society:

ACT TODAY: Autism Care and Treatment

  • The ACT Today! board provides funding assistance to families on a quarterly basis.


Danny’s Wish – Providing iPads for Autism

  • Danny’s Wish is committed to providing life enhancing resources and experiences for children and families dealing with autism and autism spectrum disorders.Their goal is to supply approximately 100 iPads to those children affected and in need the most.



  • Provides a list of grants and funding resources specifically for purchasing iPads for children with Autism.


Autism Society:

  • Provides a list of grants for children with autism disorders and language delays.


For more information about educational apps, please visit: