Display Name: Date of Risk Assessment:
What are the hazards? / Who might be harmed and how? / What are you already doing? / Do you need to do anything else to control this risk? / Action by who? / Action by when? / DoneSlips and Trips /
- Exhibitors and visitors may trip over display cloths
- Exhibitors may tripover transport boxes
- General good housekeeping
- Ensure that no element of the display is causing a potential trip hazard
- Ensure access and egress from the display area is clear and adequate for the numbers and mobility of exhibitors present
- Ensure any materials or transport boxes below the tables are not protruding into a walkway or in a position which may dislodge the table legs.
- If stored behind the table, are stacked safely and securely
Safe erection of Display /
- Exhibitors if the tables or chairs collapse
- Exhibitors or visitors if the display collapses
- Check tables and chairs provided by the venue are correct, in good condition and set up correctly
- Check any displays put on tables are correctly assembled, stable and of a suitable size and weight for the tables. Confirm that any materials used in their construction are of low flammability
Manual handling of display equipment /
- Exhibitors if bulky or weighty display items are required
- Use a trolley or multiple people to carry the items
Personal injury from model making equipment /
- Exhibitors or visitors if equipment is dislodged
- Ensure good working practices are employed
- Ensure appropriate personal protective equipment is provided by the exhibitors and used as required
- Ensure the venue has agreed to the practice being conducted
Injury from moving parts /
- Exhibitors or visitors from moving parts on display items such as rotors or propellers etc
- Ensure all such items are well away from the edge of display and there is no risk of collision with other display items.
- Add warning labels to moving parts
Fire /
- Exhibitors and visitors access to escape routes
- Ensure that there are no sources of ignition, naked flames or items generating heat in the vicinity of the display.
All exhibitors to familiarise themselves with location of fire extinguishers, alarm points and escape routes. / All exhibitors / From now on