Jump$tart National Educator Conference Scholarship Application

National Educator Conference – November 1-3, 2013– Washington DC

Scholarship Application

The Oklahoma Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy is proud to offer two scholarships for Oklahoma educators to attend the National Educator Conference sponsored by the National Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy, held in Washington DC, November 1-3, 2013.

Who can apply?

This scholarship is open to all K-12 educators who teach personal finance, consumer finance, economics, or closely-related courses. Academic administrators are also welcome to apply, but please note the nature of your position and its relationship to personal finance, consumer finance, or economics on your application.

What does the scholarship cover?

The scholarship includes the conference fee of $395 (two nights lodging, conference meals, and materials) paid directly to National Jump$tart, airfare, and a travel stipend of $300.

How do I apply?

Please submit the application by completing this form (with your signature) and e-mailing it toCynthia Campbell, Oklahoma Jump$tart Coalition president, at . If you do not have Internet access, please complete,print, sign, and fax to405-443-2757 (Attn: Cynthia Campbell).

If you are selected, please be prepared to attend the January22, 2014, Oklahoma Jump$tart Coalition meeting (11:30AM-1:00PM) to give a 5-10 minute presentation about your conference experience. We’ll notify you of thelocation at the appropriate time.

The application deadline is September 30, 2013.


Please contact Cynthia Campbell, , with any questions and/or concerns.Winners will be contacted by October 4, 2013.

Part I: Personal Information (Please type or print)
Address (street address, city,and state):
2ndContact Information (required):
School Name:
School Address (street address, city,and state):
School’s Principal / Head Administrator:
Part II: Short Answer
What grades do you teach?
What subject(s) do you teach?
Do you incorporate personal financial education in the courses you teach?
How many students (in a school year) do you reach with your financial and/or economics class(es)?
Please share an example of an innovative method you have used in your classroom to teach personal finance or economics. Please also describe how you were able to judge its effectiveness. (200-500 words)
What do you hope to gain by attending the National Educator Conference in Washinton DC?

Part III: Certification

I, , certify that I completed this application accurately and to the best of my knowledge. I, also, give permission to the Oklahoma Jump$tart Coalition to use any of my answers in Part II on its website and in its promotional materials.

I do do not give permission to use my name and photograph or photographs for advertising and promotional purpose in the interest of the Oklahoma Jump$tart Coalition, and/or its designees.I also understand this consent extends to photographs and electronic images of myself, which may be used in printed materials, television and video productions, websites, CDs, or other technologies. Finally, I understand that I will receive no compensation for use of my picture and/or name.

I also agree that, if chosen, I will use the travel stipend to help cover the cost associated with attending the National Educator Conference on November 1-3, 2013.



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