24 Oct 2012 /LB/pml
Advanced Hydraulics
Water Resources Engineering, Lund University
Responsible teachers
Professor Lars Bengtsson ()
Professor Magnus Larson ()
After the course the student should be able to apply the basic hydrodynamic equations to real problems, put up equations and consider relevant terms for different physical problems. The emphasis is on hydrodynamic processes in nature.
In order to pass the student should be able to explain which processes are important for different flow phenomena. The student should be able to adapt the basic flow equations to describe these processes and to evaluate the applicability of the theoretical solutions.
Basic hydrodynamic equations in different forms, boundary layers, flows in nature, turbulence theory.
Handwritten notes and excerpts from: Alan Vardy,“Fluid Principles,” McGraw-Hill (1990). Handouts and examples are found on the home page for the course.
Structure of the course
8 lecture blocks
Lecture room
Class room R1 in the V-building (Civil Engineering)
Always on Tuesdays and Thursday 8-10 and in room R1 (except the first week when the Thursday lecture has been moved to Monday 15-17, room P2.)
Written exam at the end of the course (constitutes the base for the grade), active participation on the lectures (required for a pass).
Detailed Course Contents (Lecture Blocks)
- Basic equation Continuity29 Oct and 30 Oct (Magnus Larson, ML)
Vardy Chapter 6, Continuity, and Cont-kinematic - Mass and volume continuity
- From control volume to differential form
- Heat eq; heat added to gas flow in a tube
- Mixing of two liquids of different density
- Stilling basin
- Vertical integration – free water surface
- Integration over flow section
- Kinematic approaches
- Lateral overland time of concentration
- Kinematic wet and dry wave fronts in channel
- Stream lines, stream function
- Basic equation Momentum1 6 Novand 8 Nov (ML)
Vardy Chapter 7, Handout 1 and examples-1 - From control volume to differential form
- Force on plate when the velocity near the plate is reduced
- Newton viscosity law, shear force, briefly turbulence
- Steady-state solutions
- Flow between plates (Poiseuille flow)
- One plate moving (Couette flow)
- Flow in closed channel with shear force at the surface
- Flow along a sloping plate
- Thickness of raindrop on a window
- Shallow water equations
- Special flow situations13 Novand 15 Nov (Lars Bengtsson, LB)
Handout 1, ExamplesAdvH08 with solutions, and special flows - Coriolis acceleration
- Meteorological flows
- Ekman spiral
- Inertial current
- Seiche
- Lake circulation
- Set-up
- Narrow lakes homogenous
- Layered lakes
- Shallow water equations 20 Nov (LB)
Handouts 2 and 3 and ExamplesAdvH08 with solutions
- Vertical integration of equations
- Integration over cross section
- River flow into lake
- Flow under ice
- Friction equations
- Transient problems
- Energy equation 22 Nov (LB)
Handouts 2 and 3 and ExamplesAdvH08 with solutions
- Sluice gate
- Flow under ice
- Friction equations
- Problems solved in different ways using different equations
- Thermocline development in a lake
- Open channel flow27 Nov and 29 Nov (ML)
Handouts 2 and 3 and ExamplesAdvH08 with solutions - Non-uniform flow
- Dynamic and kinematic equations
- Routing methods
- Flow between lakes, coastal lagoon
- Dam break
- Salt water wedge
- Turbulence and 4 Dec and 6 Dec (LB)
Handout4 turbulence and ExamplesAdvH08 with solutions - Eddy viscosity
- Mixing length theory
- Velocity profiles
- Shear dispersion
- Longitudinal dispersion
- The energy spectrum
- Entrainment in stratified flow
- Atmospheric boundary layer
- Groundwater11 Dec (LB)
- Darcy law and applications
- Transient flow
- Repetition 13 Dec(ML and LB)
Examples on Navier-Stoke equations and on the integrated momentum equation will be given throughout the course.
5 examples, no books, list of formulas and equations are given
3 hours on the 21 Dec 10.00-13.00 Room N1
Examples of old exams are found on the home page