Third Grade News
December 2016
I can’t believe it’s December! Watching my students grow and stretch their thinking in all areas of the curriculum has been very exciting over the past few months!
It was wonderful to meet with each of you at conferences to discuss your child. As we approach the winter holiday, I thought it would be a good time to let you know how thankful I am to have your child in my class this year. I hope your holiday is wonderful and gives you and your family an opportunity to relax, reflect, and enjoy this most wonderful time of the year!
Mark Your Calendars!
Ø Saturday, 12/3: Holiday Extravaganza 8:00-12:30 pm
Ø Tuesday, 12/20: All School Holiday Assembly 2:00 pm
Ø Wednesday, 12/21: Penncrest High School Annual Holiday Concert/Trip to Penncrest-Permission slip needed for this… it is green!
Ø Thursday, 12/22: Polar Express Movie & Class Party
Ø Friday, 12/23 – No School. Winter break begins.
Ø Tuesday, 1/3: School resumes.
Ø Friday, 1/6: Field Trip to Lankenau Hospital 9:15 am-Permission slip needed for this…it is pink +$5!
Ø Monday, 1/16: No School.
**Permission Slip for the field trip to Lankenau Hospital was sent home on 12/2. The permission slip for the PHS Holiday Concert will be sent home on 12/5. Please sign and return these as soon as possible.
Curriculum Corner
In Reading Workshop, we just completed our unit on nonfiction reading. Our focus has been on text features and how these help to “rev up our minds” in order to get ready to read and learn from nonfiction texts. We have learned some note taking strategies, as well as strategies for identifying main ideas and supporting details. Also, we have been working with two types of non-fiction: expository and narrative. Your child examined these types of texts closely here at school while “taking notes” in order to become an “expert” on a topic of his or her choice. In addition to our work with non-fiction here at school, it is important for your child to make time to read at their just right level each night at home. Students are looking forward to beginning our mystery reading unit next!
In Writing Workshop, we are in the process of revising and editing our informational books. In this writing unit, each student chose a topic to write about in which they were already an expert. They used their knowledge of their topic, as well as the nonfiction text features, in order to create page layouts they would use to present their information. Their final products will have a title page, table of contents, introduction, and 4-5 “chapters” filled with detailed information about their topic. The students are excited to share these with the world…they are pretty amazing!!!
In Social Studies, we are preparing to learn about immigration. Students will learn the reasons why some people immigrate, the challenges immigrants can face getting to the United States, and some of the benefits and drawbacks of being an immigrant.
In Science, we are working on our Electricity and Magnetism unit. Students learned what makes a simple circuit and the differences between open and closed circuits as well as series and parallel circuits. Students studied static electricity and will be tested soon on the content after briefly exploring the world of magnetism. Students will also be taught the link between magnetism and electricity. We look forward to beginning our Human Body unit following the winter break!
In Math, all students can benefit from additional practice of math facts. Please encourage them to practice their facts nightly in order to reach mastery and gain confidence in this area. Khan Academy has teacher recommendations for your child.
In Word Study, students have been working diligently in class to learn the spelling patterns associated with their words to sort and manipulate them.
Tools for Success Volunteers Needed
I am in need of Tools for Success parent volunteers! Grandparents are also welcome if they have their clearances! If you are available on Friday mornings from 9:20 – 10:05, I would love to have you come into the classroom to work with students on Tools for Success. The sign-up link can be found here:
Reading – Logs and Expectations
Keep your child reading long & strong for 30+ minutes at home every night. They MUST be logging their reading at home EVERY night, as well. Please help to ensure that this becomes a habit with your child if it’s not already. Please make sure that students are logging and getting in the essential reading that growing readers must have. Thank you in advance for your support!
Holiday Party
Our annual winter holiday pajama party will take place on Thursday, December 22, 2016. We will be having treats, along with hot chocolate, and many other fun activities. Please allow your child to wear his/her favorite pajamas to school for this event. Third grade students will watch The Polar Express movie in the morning. Our class party will take place in the afternoon from 1:15 – 2:25 pm before specials. Thank you in advance for your contributions. It’s sure to be a fun and memorable time!
Things to discuss with your child…
! Growth Mindset Mottos – What is yours?
! Our Kindness Calendar- How can we pass kindness along to others?
! Boxes and Bullets + – How can you use non-text features to help readers learn from your text?
! We Are Ready to Learn Song-How we get our dance moves down to get set for the day?
! Twitter updates from our class website-What have we been up to at school??