Softball Major League Fall Ball Rules
1. Each team will consist of one manager, two coaches, and 13 players. The defensive team will field 10 players. The extra players will be in the dugout. Note: 4 outfielders.
2. Games will start at the scheduled time unless delayed by weather. Games will last 1hr and 45 minutes. No new inning will start with 15 minutes or less to complete the entire inning.
3. A team must have 8 players to start a game and must forfeit if unable to start within the scheduled starting time.
4. A game is considered complete after 3 1/2 innings. The game will be stopped at the end of the 4th inning if a team is leading by 10 or more runs.
5. Runner can leave the base after the ball crosses the plate. No lead off from base is permitted. Runner can steal 2nd, 3rd and Home.
6. The infield fly rule will be called.
7. Catcher is to wear full helmet and chest protector and shin guards, this includes warm-ups.
8. Bunting is allowed
9. Only official softball bats may be used
10. A pitcher whom drops the ball in the wind up is considered a no pitch.
11. Pitchers can only pitch 4 innings per game with 2 appearances. One pitch is considered an inning.
12. Max runs per inning allowed; will be 5 runs. When the 5th run crosses the plate the inning will be over.
13. Pitching: The pitcher shall pitch from a distance of 40 feet, and the pitcher must start with both feet on the pitching rubber in the set position, hand apart, the pivot foot must remain in contact with the pitching rubber at all times prior to the forward step.
14. Pitchers circle will be 14 feet in diameter. When the pitcher has at least one foot inside of the circle and possession of the ball at the same time the ball is considered dead.
15. All base runners are encouraged to slide into 2nd, 3rd they must slide into home if close play. (Umpire judgment)
16. Games stopped due to weather is considered complete after 3 ½ innings if the home team is ahead. Or may be suspended
17. Coaches are encouraged to rotate players in different postions.
18. PITCHERS MUST WEAR FACE MASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19. OHSAA rules apply unless indicated above.