Leadership Council Meeting Minutes 10.8.12

Attendes: Cheryl Moder, Chesley Blevins, Chris Edwards, Christine Lafontant, Deirdre Kleske, Joanne Drinkwater, JuliAnna Arnett, Katie Judd, Kristin Garrett, Lindsey McDermid, Marie Lawrence , Melanie Briones, Melanie Cohn, Patricia Cantrell MD, Tanya Dansky MD, Wilma Wooten MD

Not in Attendance: Cheri Fidler, Christine Wood MD, Chris Searles MD, Debbie Macdonald, Eric McDonald, Harold Randolph, Howard Taras MD, James Beaubeaux, Jennifer Tracy, Kristine Smith, Leslie Linton, Linda Wong-Kerberg, Naomi Butler, Nick Yphantides MD, Paige Metz, Phyllis Hartigan, Sandra McBrayer, Shreya Sasaki, Stephanie Gioia-Beckman, Steve Eldred

Welcome/Introductions/Review of September Meeting Minutes

·  Dr. Wooten reviewed the minutes from 9/13 Leadership Council meeting. Deirdre Kleske motioned to approve the minutes and Joanne Drinkwater seconded the motion.

·  September 2012 minutes were approved.

I.  Discussion: 5210 Cheryl Moder

·  Cheryl gave an update on the 5210 campaign, which included the following:

o  Dissemination of materials and presentations continue while funding for 5210 has been exhausted.

o  All of the materials have been revised and translated into Spanish.

o  Materials are being distributed through the San Diego Healthy Weight Collaborative with the help of Dr. Shaila Serpas, Elena Quintanar and other partners.

o  Materials have been distributed through the Children’s Physicians Medical Group to physicians, and schools. Last week posters, flyers and brochures were given to public health nurses for the school district in Carlsbad and Head Start locations.

o  5210 materials in Spanish will soon be available for download on the COI website.

o  There is continued interest in the 5210 campaign from multiple sectors and the COI receives many calls from people wanting materials and presentations.

o  The COI staff has a limited capacity to continue to handle the requests for materials and presentations.

o  JuliAnna formulated the idea to hold train-the-trainer sessions to focus on the “middle layer,” and allow partners to give presentations on 5210 without having to always rely on COI staff.

·  Funding for materials was discussed, and Cheryl suggested giving out a few copies of the materials and asking organizations to make their own copies.

·  Dr. Wooten commented not everyone has access to computers so it is important to give them access to materials. She suggested developing a budget for materials so that additional funding can be pursued.

·  Cheryl asked the group if they would support a train-the-trainer session. Dr. Wooten suggested training parents and PTA members at schools and developing a toolkit.

·  Dr. Dansky suggested making a YouTube video that could be shown to interested organizations in lieu of an in-person presentation.

·  Dr. Wooten noted the County Television Network might be able to produce a video through their monthly segment, “A Livewell Minute.” The video could be done in nutrition month, which occurs in February.

·  JuliAnna asked Dr. Wooten if the Livewell or Building Better Health regions have adopted 5210. Dr. Wooten responded that it has not been formally adopted, but the nurses are using it and it was included in the most recent HHSA newsletter.

·  Katie Judd suggested County regional leadership teams could attend the train-the-trainer sessions.

·  JuliAnna added COI should develop SMART goals related to 5210, including number of new groups to contact. She asked the group for ideas to fund additional materials.

·  Chesley noted First 5 gives up to $5,000 in support of events, and that 5210 materials could be printed in conjunction with an event.

·  Dr. Wooten added the Commission on Border Health might support printed materials in Spanish.

·  JuliAnna suggested COI partner organizations can put 5210 into their own operational and/or strategic plans. She gave the following count of remaining materials: approximately 1000 posters in English, 500 in Spanish, 1300 English brochures, 1200 Spanish, 700 flyers.

·  Dr. Wooten noted COI will be going through the strategic planning process soon, and the distribution of 5210 materials should be included, along with target numbers.

·  Christine Lafontant said 17,885 people have seen the 5210 video before Movies in the Park.

·  COI staff will make a list of additional 5210 materials needed and also support needed for train-the-trainer sessions. COI staff will develop a budget and proposal for the additional support needed and present it at the next Leadership Council meeting.

II.  Domain Reports

·  Government Lindsey McDermid

o  Lindsey reported SANDAG is embarking on a regional plan update, which will be a 4-year project merging transportation and comprehensive plans. The kickoff process is happening now, and HHSA met with SANDAG about how they can work together on community engagement. On October 19th there will be a public workshop from 11:30am until 2:00pm at Caltrans. Community stakeholders are needed to give input into the plan. There is also a renaming project, which will be unveiled this Friday.

o  Deirdre asked if any workshops are planned for outside working hours. Lindsey replied that the goal of the first meeting is to gather feedback on who is being targeted, when to have meetings, etc.

o  Lindsey added one of the target groups is physicians. Kristin suggested the meetings be announced in San Diego Physician magazine and through their e-blast.

o  Dr. Wooten suggested adding the announcements to “public health news you can use,” and added that a joint article could be written between HHSA and SANDAG to be included in the San Diego County Medical Society journal.

o  Cheryl suggested approaching organizations that perform community outreach such as SDOP and JOB to help with outreach for the public meetings. She added RLA graduates could be included in community input.

o  Katie Judd added the suggestions of going to meetings that are already being held and making presentation regarding the plan update instead of having community members come to additional meetings.

o  Lindsey mentioned Tina Zenzola and Shelley Saitowitz will be leading the effort to do outreach through community collaborative, and they can give updates on progress at future Leadership Council meetings.

o  Deirdre expressed interest in mini-grants related to community outreach; some organizations related to Building Healthy Communities in City Heights might be interested in the grants and she can act as a liaison to those groups.

o  Lindsey added SANDAG is also reconvening their public health stakeholder group with a particular focus on CTG; meetings start on October 25th from 3:00 until 5:00pm.

o  Lindsey said SANDAG is working with Department of Environmental Health on food systems. When DEH finds places out of compliance they allow the violating agency to do an environmental project as an alternative to paying fines. Projects include improving bike paths or gardens, and DEH wants to partner with HHSA to work on a list of possible projects.

o  Dr. Wooten suggested the projects should tie into the violation and should improve conditions related to the violation. Violations are any types of exposure to toxic waste to the general public, mostly related to hospitals.

o  Lindsey added Naomi is the primary liaison with DEH on this project, and she can continue to update the Leadership Council. The projects are called Supplemental Environmental Projects.

o  Melanie C. reported a biannual COI Elected Officials breakfast, The Weight of the Nation, was held on 10/5/12. The breakfast used clips from the HBO documentary The Weight of the Nation to illustrate how elected officials can get involved in local obesity prevention efforts. The breakfast was attended by 45 people including 6 elected officials and/or their representatives.

·  Community Melanie Cohn

o  Melanie C. reported a COI “Mock” City Council event was held on 10/5/12. It was attended by 15 community members, who were trained on methods to present and speak in front of City Council meetings.

·  Media JuliAnna Arnett

o  JuliAnna reported the 5210 campaign will have reached approximately 1.275 million people this year. New partners include Rady Children’s Hospital Behavioral Crisis Center and Carlsbad Unified School District. Carlsbad is interested in doing a citywide campaign. COI is continuing to work with Palomar Health to distribute 5210 materials there.

·  Business Cheryl Moder

o  Cheryl reported the domain needs a new champion, and she hopes to have an update on the domain champion soon.

o  Healthy Kids Choice is continuing to do the Candy Buy-Back program this year in a limited capacity. COI will put the program information on the website and Sabrina at HKC will be the contact person.

o  Dr. Wooten suggested materials on the Candy Buy-Back program can be distributed through the County’s dental health program, Share the Care. Amethyst Cureg is the contact person for Share the Care.

III.  Funding Cheryl Moder

·  Cheryl reported she has been meeting with HHSA regarding a contract extension for COI. The Board of Supervisors will be voting on the contract extenstion tomorrow at 9:00am.

·  Cheryl reported COI is waiting to hear from Kaiser Permanente about a proposal that was submitted for COI core support for an additional two years of funding. Kaiser should be sending notification about this request by late November or early December.

·  Cheryl reported COI is also waiting to hear back from the Aetna Foundation about a proposal that was submitted for support for the Nutrition in Healthcare Leadership Team (NHLT).

·  Cheryl reported that she and Kristin met with Steve Eldred from the California Endowment about the potential for continued support. Kristin remarked that the conversation was promising; most of the Endowment support is going to Building Healthy Communities organizations, but Steve said the Endowment still wants to provide core funding to organizations outside of BHC. At this time the amount that the Endowment will provide to COI is uncertain but the likelihood they will provide support is high.

o  Dr. Wooten asked if there is an opportunity to work with City Heights and BHC organizations on the 5210 campaign continuation. Kristin responded the meeting with Steve included a discussion of how COI programs are working with City Heights. There is an opportunity to take County-wide initiatives to City Heights and vice versa. The Endowment is particularly interested in the COI legislative breakfasts and policy work.

o  Melanie C. provided an update on COI activities in City Heights, including involvement with the Food Justice Momentum Team, partnership with Mid-City CAN and other City Heights organizations on events such as Farm Bill 101 and Policy and Advocacy Training, and the YEAH! group in City Heights that worked with Somali women to get dedicated swim hours for women at the City Heights YMCA.

o  Deirdre reported the Food Justice Momentum Team is currently undergoing strategic planning, which will result in an action plan with participation from residents.

o  Kristin added the Endowment funded CHIP to conduct a Resident Leadership Academy at the Wellness Center in City Heights, which will begin in January.

o  Cheryl added Steve said that once the strategic plans are concluded, his future funding decisions will be driven by those plans. The Endowment plans to conduct a one-year funding cycle now for organizations not based in City Heights, which is a change from previous two-year timeline for grants received by the COI from the Endowment.

o  JuliAnna added Physicians for Social Responsibility was funded by the Endowment to replicate hospital collaborations similar to the bay area leadership teams in San Diego and Los Angeles. PSR plans to subcontract with CHIP/COI to continue to conduct its work with the NHLT since we have already convened a hospital collaboration to address healthy hospital food. These funds are slated to begin in November, and CHIP/COI will be a subcontractor of PSR. In total, three hospital collaborations are being funded by the Endowment: one in the bay area, one in Los Angeles, and the COI NHLT in San Diego.

IV.  Update: HEAL Zone Initiative Melanie Briones

·  Melanie B. reported project implementation started this month, which begins the three-year implementation phase. She added the community action plan is due today, and planning has started in the following working groups: budget, healthy eating, active living, one group that combines healthy eating and active living, wellness hub working group. There is a meeting on October 19th for steering committee and residents to start working on evaluation activities.

·  Dr. Wooten mentioned the HEAL Zone Initiative overlaps with Building Better Health leadership teams, and Katie Judd has been coordinating activities.

·  Melanie B. confirmed the overlap with BBH, and added the projects have the same working group topics. HEAL Zone Initiative partners are traveling to Pasadena for Kaiser Permanente Southern California HEAL Initiative learning community meeting this week.

·  Cheryl added the vision for Lemon Grove was to take as many current COI projects as possible and implement them in Lemon Grove. Stephanie Gioia connected COI with Square Foot Gardening Foundation, which had resources to place garden beds at preschools. One of the preschools at a church in Lemon Grove is working with that group to create a garden. COI is also looking for demonstration projects for health impact assessments. Graham Mitchell is applying for support for this project. Katie secured a letter of support for the proposal, and additional letters of support are being pursued now.

V.  Update: Healthy WorksSM / CTG Chesley Blevins

·  Chesley said the current focus is on communication, and HHSA is looking for opportunities to leverage Healthy Works communication plan while supporting 5210. Dan Bennett is leading the communications effort at HHSA.

·  Cheryl would like to connect Dan with the Media Domain. She will follow up with him.

·  Chesley reported San Diego Unified School District is focusing on Farm to School and healthy food procurement, which goes beyond the implementation of food standards.

·  SANDAG activities were reported in the Government Domain report, above.

·  The CTG grant for tobacco cessation has yet to be awarded, but the proposal deadline has passed so the award will be announced in the coming months.

·  The contract with Chula Vista Elementary School District will also be completed soon.

·  There are four competitive CTG opportunities: tobacco cessation, clinical and community preventive services, worksite wellness, and food systems. Requests for proposals have not yet been released for the latter three.