Wexford Educate Together
Anti-Racism Statement and Policy
Rationale for this Statement and Policy:
The inclusive school prevents and combats discrimination. It is one that respects, values and accommodates diversity across all nine grounds in the equality legislation – gender,marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race and membership of the Traveller community. It seeks positive experiences, a sense of belonging and outcomes for all students across the nine grounds. Outcomes include access, participation, personal development and achieving educational credentials.
- Wexford Educate Together N.S will not tolerate any form of racism and is committed to the development of an anti-racist ethos. The school anti-racist policy will help to identify and change those attitudes which lead to negative discrimination against people on the basis of their race, ethos, nationality or ethnic origin.
- Wexford ETNS acknowledge the harm caused by racism, sexism and all other forms of group or individual discrimination on grounds of gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual-identity, age or special needs.
- We acknowledge that it is within the personal capacity of all individuals in the school community (Patron, Board of Management, principal, teachers, SNAs, auxiliary staff, parents and children) to act either consciously or sub-consciously in a discriminatory manner.
- Our mission statement says: ‘In Wexford Educate Together N.S., every child will learn in a safe, inclusive, democratic, co-educational setting that is committed to enabling and supporting each child to recognise their gifts and to achieve their full potential while at the same time preparing them to become caring and active members of a culturally diverse society.’ The Board of Management and the teachers will endeavour to ensure that the school and classrooms reflect diversity in a positive manner. Images of and reference to people of different race, culture, language are displayed in all classrooms.
In Wexford Educate Together National School the aims of our Anti-Racism Policy are as follows:
- To ensure that the school complies with legislative requirements and principles of good practice.
- That each person in our school feels valued and respected.
- The creation of an environment where diversity is valued and celebrated.
- The awarding of equal opportunities to all persons.
- The preparation of our pupils for life in a multicultural society and with an understanding of the value of cultural diversity and pride in their own culture.
In order to ensure that discrimination on grounds of gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual-identity, age or special needs does not occur in our school we undertake to:
- Reflect critically on an ongoing basis the possibility that we may have acted personally in a discriminatory manner.
- Reflect critically on an ongoing basis the possibility that as an institution the school, the BoM, the Parents’ Association, the teaching staff, the support staff may have acted in a discriminatory manner.
- To monitor statistically and intuitively that all rewards, sanctions, opportunities, priorities, activities etc. are distributed in a manner that does not exclude one group or set of individuals in a discriminatory manner
- We undertake that the teaching staff, the BoM, the Parents’ Association agree to undertake training, to read widely and to discuss openly issues of discrimination at all school-structured (staff meetings, BoM meetings, policy meetings, in-service training) and informal meetings(staff room).
- We undertake to review and rewrite any school policy that is facilitating any form of discrimination.
- We undertake to prioritise the teaching of anti-racism in our classwork across all the curricular areas, and as outlined in the Intercultural Guidelines document.
- We agree to make anti-racism a component of our school’s citizenship project as defined by our Ethos, our Learn Together programme, our Human Rights Education initiatives and future initiatives such as Student Councils.
- We seek to be proactive in the employment of school staff that reflect the diversity of the school community and acknowledge the value of this in acting as a bulwark against racist, sexist and all discriminatory practice in the school.
Organisational Areas:
- All pupils are welcome to enrol in our school irrespective of race, religion, membership of traveller community, family status, gender, sexual orientation and disability. The school community is familiar with the Equal Status Act 2000
- Pupils are placed in age appropriate classes
- Arrangements can be made for pupils who do not wish to participate in RSE lessons if the school is notified by the parents.
- The ethos of the school is explained to parents through the School Booklet for Parents so that they are aware of the religious denomination of the school and its reflection in the curriculum offered and the organisation of the school.
- When enrolment forms are returned to the school arrangements can be put in place to take into account that parents may be separated, divorced, same sex or single parent families.
- Enrolment forms can be available in the native language of any families who do not speak English as their first language.
- The board an equal opportunities employer i.e. does not discriminate against any application for a position (or continuation in employment, training opportunities, promotion etc.) in the school based on the nine grounds as set out in the Equal Status Act.
- Procedures for promotional posts within the school are known to all staff.
- The school has policies in relation to harassment and bullying.
- Classes are assigned to teachers in a fair and transparent manner. The principal circulates staff each year seeking teachers to rank their choice of classes in order of preference from one to three. Teachers who were unable to receive their first choice in previous years are given the first choice the following year. Mobility of staff is encouraged in the school.
- The school has a fair and equitable procedure in relation to job sharing, secondment, staff development, career breaks, study leave, carer’s leave, maternity and paternity leave applications. All DES circulars on such areas are followed strictly.
Home School Communication:
- If requested by parents the school will provide separate copies of all communications and reports to parents who are separated.
- For parents who are unable to read the teachers will communicate all information by requesting a meeting with these parents. The school provides a translation service whenever possible for non-English speaking parents.
- The school is in the process of setting up a multi-lingual website
- The role of the school, the expectations of the school, the expected role of parents etc. are explained to parents through our Home, School and Community Links Document and also in our ABCs Policy. The school is also aware of different child rearing practices and different expectations parents have for their children.
Parental Involvement:
- Does our Parents Association have a broad balance e.g. representatives from the Traveller community/international community?
- Does our Parents Association have a gender balance?
- Could our Parents Association organise intercultural events/language classes?
- Are international parents aware of language development, the need to continue speaking the child’s first language at home while at the same time assisting the child to learn English?
- All parents are made aware of the National Education Welfare Act (2000) and issues relating to attendance as mentioned in the Act.
- Non-English speaking parents are made aware of its implications through the translation service the school operates for parent/teacher meetings.
- The school has a written policy on attendance.
Code of Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy:
- Our Code of Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policies promote respect for all.
Induction of New Pupils/Staff:
- New pupils are brought into school during the month of June so they can familiarise themselves with the school.
- New teachers are met by the principal/deputy principal before they start in school.
- School policies and procedures are explained to all new staff and a mentor is appointed to act as their guide for the initial period. This mentor is usually the teacher who is closest to the new staff member. A follow-up meeting is held with the new staff member and the principal within the first two weeks of starting to teach in the school.
- Homework is assigned as per the homework section in the school’s Code of Behaviour.
- Teachers differentiate homework to suit the needs of all children.
Tours and school organised events:
- All our pupils have equal opportunity to participate in school tours and school organised outings? (Wheelchair transport and access/cost).
- All additional staff are aware of the obligation on schools to provide an education to the pupils which is appropriate to their abilities and needs. The educational needs of all pupils including those with a disability or other special educational needs are identified and provided for.
Staff Development:
- All teachers are aware of what equality involves, the principles of equality education and the methodologies advocated for its success.
- The BOM facilitates teachers to up skill themselves through the allocation of a specific grant of €1000 each school year.
- The school has broadband Internet access to source reference materials.
- Assessment is carried out as outlined in the school’s Assessment Policy.
Extra- Curricular Activities (arranged for after school hours):
- All pupils can avail of the extra-curricular activities promoted by the school
- The school considers whether these activities address equality of access and participation before promoting them.
Transition to Post Primary:
- All pupils are encouraged to continue their education to post primary level.
- The school supports “at risk pupils” to continue their education as outlined in the school’s policy on tackling educational disadvantage under DEIS.
- Arrangements are made to assist successful transition to post primary school as outlined in the school’s policy on Transition to Secondary School.
Success Criteria:
- Awareness of language of rights, of concept of equality and justice.
- Reduction in incidents of bullying/racist incidents.
- Pupils having and using appropriate language.
- All pupils accessing and participating in all areas of the curriculum and school life at a level appropriate to their needs.
- Improvement in pupil attainment levels in curricular areas (especially literacy).
- Parental satisfaction with the values being promoted in the school.
- Staff feel that they are valued.
Roles and Responsibility:
- Teaching staff in differentiating the curriculum to reflect the principles of this policy.
- All staff in supporting the policy.
- Parents and community in supporting the policy.
- Board of Management in supporting the policy and in providing the identified resources.
Implementation Date:
March 2014
Timetable for Review:
Reviewed bi-annually
Ratification & Communication:
Circulated to parents via the website.
Ratified by: ______(Chairperson)
On the ______of ______2014.