8/27/12 Meeting Minutes

Meeting opened by President – Janine Caruso

Question raised re meeting frequency, informally decided to keep meetings at 2 weeks.

Reminder to avoid sidebar discussions so that we can get through meeting.

Kathy Ludwig website—checked on who got the email test

Note—Website is available through edline as well by clicking on the Athletics tab.

Secretary – question on job description---Lisa read from by-laws; Sharon West will consider

Showcase – Karen Legters and Kathy Mizary

Lockers – Rhianna---get locker numbers from Kathy Spahr

Fundraising – Mary– needs emails for younger kids, newer players still need to fundraise…about 8 that do not have $100. Tag days went very well. May have 1 more

Memory Book – Renee each senior parent will get an email re pics –voted yes

Sidenote, Mary will take pics all year, we can each give her a flash drive and she will put the pics on for us.

TriCity Soccer Night 9-13-12 - ?Chair? Karen Murphy (help)–need to send emails out to coaches, do not need to do concessions, talk to Matt Potts re ball boys?? and mini game, could also do decorations

Comment that we should send an email to those not here to see if they would like to help

Senior Night – Renee-- 10-11-12—Rhianna going to work on pamphlet; need an announcer, email out to cheer coach, email to Mrs. Storch about band coming that night; Middle School team as ball boys

Spirit Sale – Karen Legters & Nicole Rigatti – Kathy advised to work with Todd at Tees and Tops

Scholarship – Lisa (need new chair) (need small committee to incorporate current with BEA form) – need one volunteer (preferably Sophomore or Freshman parent) to serve, meet with BEA (Dr. Connor is main rep) to work to mesh BEA and soccer forms –Kathy Ludwig volunteered

Junior Jackets – Martha (Lisa) – are ordered, are to come in on Oct. 26

1.) sharing cost with other sports

Motion made by Mary Spagnolo to not share payment of jacket with other sports, seconded by Kathy Mazury, all in favor

2.) Year’s on team vs. booster pay)—

Motion made by Kathy Mazury, seconded by Renee Davis-- A player will receive a $75 credit per year played toward their jacket, in a player’s Junior year any additional money he raises in his Junior year may be put toward the jacket.all in favor

Motion made by Mary Spagnolo, seconded by Jessica to pay for the patches earned through soccer to be sewn on Junior jackets. all in favor

Banquet – Sharon – Affirmed that we want a banquet.

Break into two committees? Motion Sharon West, seconded by KathyLudwig all in favor

Discussion on budget

Former gift budget: 2010--$65 Seniors $35 freshmen-juniors; 2011-- $55 Seniors $23 freshmen-juniors; 2012 -- need further info

Motion by Sandy Spiering, seconded by ?? to table the discussion on banquet until next meeting. All in favor

Gift committee -- Sharon and Janine

Away Game Meals – Karen – 4” lower sodium hoagie on wheat, yogurt, water, chocolate milk--

Motion made by Sandy Spiering to have meals as suggested above, Kathy Ludwig seconded. all in favor

50/50 – Jennifer Remper, Joe Ban & Brad Misera --

Motion made by Renee Davis to discontinue 50/50 due to poor revenue seconded by Janine Caruso. All in favor.

Comment – boy players should get in free to girls games and vice versa, Janine to propose this as well as a lower price for adults to Mr. Ferra.

Concession – Sherri/Jennifer Have a lot of donations, thank you! Sign up available, please sign up for 2 games, JV if your son plays Varsity and vice versa, will send email and if needed assign. Additional sign up for special nights.

Requested permission to buy two drip coffee pots and cooler. Sandy Spiering may have one coffee pot to donate. Motion made by Janine Caruso to purchase one of each seconded by Nadine Ciapetta. All in favor.

Start-up donations –Concerns expressed that the freshmen donation is much more of an expense than other grades (1 case of Gatorade as opposed to a pack of hotdogs). Motion made by Janine Caruso to revise start-up donations seconded by Sherry Baker. all in favor

Concession storage is an issue – Mr. Ferra suggested that it might not be wise to store in the concession stand at the high school. Suggestion of log, or working on other storage.

End of Season cleanup – Jennifer Remper & Joe Ban

Uniform collection – (Same as above)Comments ---TJ is responsible for Uniform Collection though we may want to help him and check condition of uniforms. Re-visit at next meeting

Other comments on uniforms -- do not buy uniform items in the future…..need to go to school board meeting to help influence. TJ also needs to put in his budget for new uniforms.

Shed??Janine going to talk to Mr. Boylan re putting next to field

Carry-over funds – lowered by:discontinuance of 50/50 $250, meals increase $200, patches future, $60 coffee pot and cooler

Fundraising/buy-outneeded $100 per player – As noted above, most players have already raised this amount, Mary Spagnolo will be in contact with the rest to help them work out how they will raise the rest or if they want to buy-out.

Other topics of discussion:

-Emails – Keep in mind that there are players who are on the master e-mail distribution list. Emails should be used for informational purposes only. Players do not need to be involved in the hot topics of the booster organization. If there are any suggestions or issues you have to offer, please contact the officers and/or that committee person directly.

Comment—May want to send out reminder for next meeting time and location.

Motion to adjourn Kathy Mazery, second by NadineCiapetta

Player # card - (Renee) Boosters share cost with girls. Since this was forgotten a mini vote was taken after the meeting, remembering however, that no vote was required since the cost is only $25, well under the $100 allowance in accordance with the by-laws.

Minutes recorded by Karen Murphy