TEAM PLAN 2012/13



Library and Information Service



Sian Jones

Service Plan


Strategic Planning and Performance

Date signed off


23rd July 2012

Signed off by



Section 1

Cross Cutting Objectives

Financial Management:

To exercise robust financial management and explore all opportunities to improve efficiency and service quality including collaborative working.


Service Plan risk reference / Risk description
SPP/R010 / Failure to meet savings targets resulting in overspending thereby placing pressure on the Council’s limited resources


Ref. to other action plans / Team Plan sub ref. / Action / Success Criteria / Priority / Officer / Start Date / Finish Date / Resource implications / Progress /
SPP/A057 / Investigate options for collaborative working for the provision of library services / Opportunities identified and assessed for potential efficiencies / benefits / High HighMediumLow / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / One FTE for 2 months
Contribute to the development of regional stock management proposals / Regional stock policies complement Vale Stock Management Plan and provide a platform for closer collaborative systems / High HighMediumLow / Helen McNabb / 1/6/2012 / 31/3/2013 / One FTE for 1 month
Take the lead in delivering the Focus on Reading project across library services in SE Wales / Collaborative projects completed, and workshops to identify areas of good practice held / High HighMediumLow / Shelley McNally / 1/8/2012 / 31/3/2013 / One FTE for 3 months

People Management:

To implement good staff management practices and ensure there are sufficiently trained staff to provide services to meet customer needs.


Service Plan risk reference / Risk description
SPP/R016 / Ability to maintain staff morale and performance in uncertain times
SPP/R011 / Inability to maintain training and development programmes due to competing demands for resources
SPP/R017 / Lack of capacity to deliver core statutory services


Ref. to other action plans / Team Plan sub ref. / Action / Success Criteria / Priority / Officer / Start Date / Finish Date / Resource implications / Progress /

Sustainability and Equalities:

To meet and respect the needs of customers, colleagues and future generations.


Service Plan risk reference / Risk description


Ref. to other action plans / Team Plan sub ref. / Action / Success Criteria / Priority / Officer / Start Date / Finish Date / Resource implications / Progress /
SPP/008 / Maintain level four of the Vale Equalities Scheme / Level 4 maintained, staff are aware of relevant equality issues both internally and for customers / Medium HighMediumLow / Paula Ham / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / One FTE for 5 days
Equality issues included in team plan actions and on team meeting agendas / Staff aware of equalities issues, and service continues to develop services for relevant target groups / Medium HighMediumLow / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / One FTE for 1 day
Implement Six Steps initiative for visually impaired customers / Staff aware of scheme. Scheme promoted to customers. / Medium / Chris Edwards / 1/9/12 / 31/3/2013 / One FTE for 1 week
CYP11 / Increase the number and use of learning resources in languages other than English in schools and libraries / High / Paula Ham / 1/4/2012 / 31/12/2012
Develop and launch online form to facilitate requests for materials in different languages in libraries / System for identifying demand streamlined with supply of materials / High HighMediumLow / Chris Edwards / 1/4/2012 / 31/8/2012 / 1 FTE for 1 week
Introductory library leaflets translated into a range of languages and distributed to appropriate venues / Increased use of minority language resources / High HighMediumLow / Andrea Griffiths / Colette Chilcott / 1/4/2012 / 31/12/2012 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
SPP/A007 / Work across Learning & Development Directorate to maintain level two of the Green Dragon Scheme / Level Two maintained. Staff are aware of relevant sustainability issues. / Medium HighMediumLow / Mark Haynes / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / One FTE for 5 days
Libraries continue to maintain level two of the Green Dragon Scheme / Staff are aware of relevant sustainability issues / Medium HighMediumLow / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / One FTE for 1 day

Section 2

Service Plan Objective:

To deliver a library & information service appropriate to the needs of Vale citizens


Service Plan risk reference / Risk description


Ref. to other action plans / Team Plan sub ref. / Action / Success Criteria / Priority / Officer / Start Date / Finish Date / Resource implications / Progress /
New / Carry out a refurbishment of Llantwit Major library subject to a successful grant application / Grant funding obtained. Library refurbished and reopened by Dec 2012 / High HighMediumLow / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 3 FTE for 3 months
Plans drawn up and costed / Detailed plans and costs available / HighMediumLow
Grant application submitted / Application received by CyMAL within timescale / HighMediumLow
Implementation of project subject to funding being available / Refurbished library open to public by Dec 2012 / HighMediumLow
New / Consolidate and extend the Home Borrower Service / Service promoted across the Vale. Customers satisfied. / High HighMediumLow / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 1 month
Recruit sufficient volunteers to work from each full time library to meet demand for the service / High HighMediumLow / Andrea Griffiths / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
Seek opportunities to promote the service, working together with partner services to target those at greatest need / High MediumLow / Andrea Griffiths / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
New / Develop a Reading Strategy for the Library & Information Service to clarify priorities and provide a focus for reading promotion activities / Ongoing programme of activities and events in place to promote reading and literacy / High HighMediumLow / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 2 months
Hold workshops with key stakeholders to develop local strategy and priorities / Programme of activities in place to promote reading and literacy by March 2013 / High HighMediumLow / Sian Jones / 1/10/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 1 month
Develop a calendar of promotional activities and events in libraries to assist with planning and promoting the service / Customers have access to an ongoing programme of activities and events across all libraries / High / Katherine Owen / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 1 month
Re-focus promotional work with children as part of a service-wide promotional plan / Children have access to a wide ranging programme of activities to promote reading, support study and improve literacy and information skills / High / Gillian Southby / 1/7/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 2 months
Implement Frontline training programme for staff by rolling out the Outreach module, completing basic Frontline training, and reviewing trainees’ ideas for reading related activities / Frontline staff actively involved in delivering reading activities across all libraries by March 2012 / High / Colette Chilcott / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 6 weeks
Participate in the South Wales Valleys Literature Project to encourage reading and creative skills for a group of reluctant readers identified by a local school / Participants are more confident with reading / High / Katherine Owen / 1/10/2012 / 31/3/2012 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
Programme of reading promotion displays in place across libraries, supported by high quality display materials / Customers exposed to variety of reading choices and recommendations / Medium / Colette Chilcott / 1/9/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
Set up and run a shared reading group / Benefits and practical implications of this model identified / Medium / Andrea Griffiths / 1/10/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 1 month
Establish a reading initiative with the Open Learning Centre for adults with literacy needs / Participants gain confidence in reading and improve their reading skills / High / Colette Chilcott / 1/10/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
Deliver a Health & Wellbeing Library Festival in November 2012 / Consolidate partnership working with health sector
Increase awareness of library services among public / High / Katherine Owen / 1/8/2012 / 1/12/2012 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
New / Develop a Stock Management Plan for the Library & Information Service to ensure best possible provision of books and other library resources for library users / Stock policies and process in place by March 2013 and communicated to staff and customers / High / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 3 months
Review and update stock policies and processes through a series of workshops with managers / Workshops held on a monthly basis with all managers involved in the development of new policies by March 2012 / High / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 2 months
Review and update stock selection processes / Stock purchased is appropriate to customer needs and undertaken in most efficient way possible by March 2013 / High HighMediumLow / Helen McNabb / 1/4/2012 / 31/12/2012 / 1 FTE for 1 month
New stock maintenance routines rolled out across libraries / Stock is maintained to a high standard across libraries, with frontline staff trained in stock maintenance routines / High / Helen McNabb / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2012 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
Review and modify existing categorisation system to accommodate supplier servicing / Servicing of stock is carried out by supplier / High / Helen McNabb / 1/8/2012 / 31/12/2012 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
Conduct an Equality impact assessment on the draft Stock Management Plan / Libraries provide resources appropriate to the needs of all sectors of the community / High HighMediumLow / Sian Jones / Andy Griffiths / 1/2/2013 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 1 week
Review and promote Reservations System / Customers have ready access to information about reserving library items / Medium / Helen McNabb / 1/1/2013 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 1 week
New / Develop the use of social media to promote services, inform customers, and to reach new audiences / Library presence established on at least one social media site / High / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 1 month
Implement a drive to gather customer e-mail addresses / Proportion of e-mail addresses for customers increased by 10% by March 2013 / High HighMediumLow / Chris Edwards / 1/9/2012 / 31/12/2012 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
Pilot the use of Twitter for library promotion and information / High level of positive interaction achieved / High / Andrea Griffiths / 1/4/2012 / 31/12/2013 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
New / SEP52 / Improve library resources in community languages identified through recent research / Supply of library materials available in appropriate languages to meet demand / High / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 31/12/2012 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
Develop and launch online form to facilitate requests for materials in different languages / System for identifying demand streamlined with supply of materials / High HighMediumLow / Chris Edwards / 1/4/2012 / 31/8/2012 / 1 FTE for 1 week
New / SEP53 / Promote library resources in community languages through BME networks and venues where minority ethnic residents gather / Increased use of minority language resources / High / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 31/12/2012 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
Introductory leaflets translated into a range of languages and distributed to appropriate venues / Increased use of minority language resources / High HighMediumLow / Andrea Griffiths / Colette Chilcott / 1/4/2012 / 31/12/2012 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
Raise awareness of computer services among ethnic minority groups and deliver taster sessions in Barry Library using First Steps software / At least two taster sessions delivered by March 2013 / Medium / Colette Chilcott / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
New / Promote library services and resources directly to and within schools / Increased use of libraries by school pupils / High / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
Develop and deliver an Information Literacy project with at least one group of school pupils / Pupils’ skills in accessing and using information is improved / High HighMediumLow / Gethin Sheppard / 1/10/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 1 month
Library managers to contact each school in their area to encourage take-up of services on offer / Increased use of libraries by school pupils and teachers / High / Library managers / 1/9/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 1 month
New / Promote online services and resources including e-books and monitor take-up / Increased use of online resources / High HighMediumLow / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
Each library to hold specific promotion activities both within their library and in other local venues / Increased use of e-books and online resources / High / Library Managers / 1/4/2012 / 31/3/2013 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
New / Review provision of computer facilities for the public to identify changes in demand and plan to respond appropriately within available budgets / High level of satisfaction with IT facilities / High HighMediumLow / Sian Jones / 1/4/2012 / 1/9/2012 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks
Conduct a review of current provision and use and put forward proposals for future development / Action plan in place for IT facilities in libraries / High / Chris Edwards / 1/4/2012 / 1/9/2012 / 1 FTE for 2 weeks