Canterbury Public School
P&C Meeting
Wednesday 21 May at 7.30pm
Present: James Iliffe, Zoe Jenkins, Janette Elwell, Nathan Wort, David Lewis, Berlinda Cook (Principal), Lisa Haller, Paul Scouller, Annabel Kain, Alexis Joseph, Annette Watts, Suzanne Trimmer, Emma In der Maur, David Taffa, Amanda Barker (minutes)
Meeting opened: 7:30 pm
If you could do one thing for your school this year what would it be?
1. Welcome to new parents and citizens
2. Apologies
3. Minutes from previous meeting
4. Matters arising
5. Reports:
Principal’s report - Berlinda Cook
Treasurer’s report - Paul Scouller
Committee reports:
- Music
- Indigenous projects
- Canteen
- Garden
- Event management and fundraising
Agenda Item / MinutesWelcome to new parents and citizens
Apologies / Cate Lyons-Crew, Phillippa Talbot, Natalie Bishop, Lisa Wright
Tabled Correspondence / · P&C Federation Magazines
Minutes from previous meeting and Matters Arising / · Minutes from previous meeting were passed.
· The P&C executive met subsequent to the last meeting to discuss planned expenditure. It was agreed the P&C would fund Student Equity Fund, but to what dollar amount was not set. Berlinda Cook advised that no Student Equity Fund requests have been received this year, however more costly activities such as camps are yet to come. The decision on the amount of funding was deferred.
Principal’s report / · Management plan - All monies have been allocated – there’s nothing extra bar contingency. All professional learning has been expended. Proposed varying term 4 Staff Development Day to Saturday 25th October to determine directions for 2015. Would like P&C representation at this.
- Finance committee meeting in the next few weeks – thank you to Paul Scouller who’s continuing as the parent rep.
- Thank you to the P&C executive for considering part funding of shade shelter for sandpit and $500 towards kindergarten resources. There’ll be a fund raising activity later in the year to cover the white board, given David has advised the P&C can’t fund this due to the limited funds available at the moment.
· Staffing - Submitted vacancy to replace Bryony Heath’s classroom teacher position and was given approval to advertise. Requested dance, drama and music skills. Applications close Thursday afternoon. Lisa W and David Lewis are the panel representatives.
- Dora K is on leave for the remainder of term 2.
· Attendance Policy – Updated policy to be adopted this term; will be on website.
· Breakfast Program – to start up again shortly. The welfare team have requested a small start-up grant from Kellogg’s and there’s the possibility CPS may be involved in making a short documentary about it as well.
· Lease agreements – Some funds coming from hire of hall, including to CHPRSL for dance lessons
· Reports - School reports will be distributed late June; based on feedback they’ll include a general comment at the end
- Parent interviews will be held early in term 3.
· New furniture for some classrooms - 5/6D & C and 3/4M and C, 4 more refitted next year. Excess old furniture will be sold at the car boot sale.
· Visit to the Northern Beaches Christian School - 18th June, David Taffa, Berlinda and a member of the executive team will do a study tour of the school, which is recognised internationally for its innovative learning spaces, personalised learning through innovative use of technology and inquiry/project based learning.
- David and I will also be attending the Federation of Community Language’s (FCL) Annual Dinner – Sat 28th June. Berlinda is hoping to have the Dep’t of Education fund a new electrical board, which is at capacity, before the FCL starts.
· Sport - PSSA, 98% of students involved
- Zone Cross Country today, 23 participated and 5 went through to Regionals
- Children are loving the spider
- Approx. $2000 worth of jerseys ordered. Thanks to the Dads book Swap night for supporting this. Will also be applying for a grant.
· Kindergarten 2015 - Enrolment enquires have started.
- Lisa H, Bryony and I are presenting information at the School’s Expo at Earlwood Children’s Centre next Wednesday evening 6.30 -8.00pm
- Thursday 31 July (Week 3, Term 3, during Education Week) Preschool Information session followed by Open day until 12.20
- Teddy Bears Picnic Sat 11th Oct – Week 1 Term 4
- Transition program Wednesdays weeks 5, 6 and 7 of Term 4, 9.30-11.20
- Playgroup has started up again
· Speech Therapy - After a lot of work behind the scenes, Bryony Heath and Kristy do Canto have organised self-sustaining speech therapy onsite with Sue Wilks from Educational Speech Therapy. This will occur each Tuesday, 4 x group sessions, 2 mainstream and 2 special ed. and some individual sessions. 12 students confirmed and a few undecided. Information session Wed. 4th June 8-9am
· Changes to P&C Federation Act – refer to materials
· Parent Workshops - Tuesday 27th May 3.30 – 4.30pm Taking Off with Numeracy and Wednesday 25th June 3.30-4.30pm and 6-7pm Positive Behaviour for Learning; excellent sessions but these will only go ahead if we have the interest.
· Science grant has been obtained - thanks to Lisa W.
· Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) and finance audit – passed the finance aspect but failed WHS. In process of rectifying and have 12 wks to do so.
· Uniforms – Genevieve will be out of action as a volunteer this term and would appreciate a backup.
· Tree safety – tree next to the canteen to be removed and waiting approval for one next to the new playground equipment to also go.
· Working with Children Check –all parent volunteers to complete; this was endorsed by the P&C.
· Hon. Michael Kirby’s speech at the Public School Awards night The speech was tabled; Berlinda commented that this sets out what we’re all about in public education.
· Ex-students were recently hosted – they couldn’t speak more highly our students. It was an absolute pleasure to have them hear an outline of how different schooling was. They thanked the school for our generosity and time.
· Swimming scheme - data from parents who completed Lisa W’s survey is available. Split between preferences for 1st or 4th term. It will be changed to 4th term.
Treasurer’s report / Paul Scouller presented his report including an overview of expenditure in recent years.
Music sub committee report / David Lewis provided his report: there is a concert at the school this Sunday; the band has successfully got into Engadine Band Fest; they’re hoping to set up a training band – a number of Yr6 performers will be leaving at the end of the year; a charge of $5 per term will be introduced for junior recorder and junior choir to defray costs – this can be paid annually, and by direct deposit.
Update on Indigenous projects / Alexis Joseph advised she is seeking funding for Indigenous programs in participation with Lisa Haller.
Canteen sub committee report / The renovation is finalised & Nicole and the children love it; there’s a new winter menu; orders are up; there will be a special Italian Day held this term; volunteers are needed – mainly for Thursdays and Fridays which are the busiest days; the full report will be loaded onto the website in the next few days.
Garden sub committee report / Annabel referred to the report Natalie provided, which is on the website: Green Thumbs is going well; the next Market Stall is on 13 June; a locked box to make the main gate key easily accessible for garden volunteers was requested and this was supported by the P&C and Berlinda.
Events and fundraising sub committee report / Full report is on the website, which includes reference to the Term 1 Movie Night; Blokes Book Swap on 24 May; Trivia Night on Saturday 21 June; Fathers’ Day Breakfast; and Car Boot Sale on Sunday 12 October. Doing a Bunnings BBQ was considered but this is not going ahead.
6. General business
- There will be changes to the P&C Federation, and a document was distributed with information on these reforms. David advised we still have insurance cover and the changes only affect the governing body, not our P&C.
- A shade sail will be installed over the sandpit. This is largely funded by a grant but there is a $1900 shortfall. The P&C agreed to fund this. Motioned by Emma In der Maur; seconded by James Iliffe.
- Berlinda requested the P&C fund the purchase of Kindergarten resources, e.g. puzzles, to the value of $500. This was agreed to and was motioned by Alexis Joseph and seconded by Nathan Wort.
- The soil and rubble remaining after the installation of the climbing structure was discussed. Berlinda advised a report confirming the safety of the soil was obtained before building commenced. Nathan advised to move the soil and rubble is a huge task. Discussion led to the motion that after large rocks and bricks are removed the mound will be retained. It can remain fenced until it’s grassed and suitable for children to play on. Motioned by Suzanne Trimmer, seconded by Annabel Kain.
Meeting officially closed at 9.15pm