February 4, 2014
Contact: Pamela Brown, Minnesota Agri-Women, 507-573-1016
2014 Outstanding Agricultural Mentor Award
In Its Eleventh Year
Nominations are being sought for the 2014 Outstanding Agricultural Mentor Award. The Outstanding Agricultural Mentor Award is in its ninthyear and recognizes people in agriculture who have been positive mentors and role models for people in agricultural fields, especially women. Mentors play an integral role in the development of our agricultural leaders and they often go unheralded. Minnesota District 11 Agri-Women formally recognizes the excellent work of these mentors during their annual Women’s Agricultural Leadership Conference. Please assist us in recognizing these outstanding mentors by nominating a mentor that has made an impact for agriculturalists.
The Outstanding Agricultural Mentor Awards will be presented during the luncheon at the 16th Annual Women’s Agricultural Leadership Conference on April 2, 2014 at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chaska, Minnesota.
Anyone may nominate a mentor to receive this award. You do not have to be in a formal mentoring program to make a nomination. Mentors can be of any age or gender and need to have influenced somebody in the field of agriculture. Although this award is coordinated by Minnesota District 11 Agri-Women, mentors or their nominators need not be affiliated with the Agri-Women organization, nor is affiliation considered criteria for evaluation.
Applications are due March 4, 2014 and may be found at the “Agriculture 2014: Lean In”conference web site or by e-mailing Pamela Brown
Past Mentoring Award winners include:Carol Abrahamzon, Minnesota CattleWomen; Leah Addington, Minnesota FFA Association; Susan Anderson, University of Minnesota;Jim Boerboom, Minnesota Department of Agriculture;Mary Buschette, University of Minnesota-College ofFood, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences; Tim Claus, John Deere; Dale Dahl, University of Minnesota; Steve Dille, Minnesota State Senator;Shirley Doering, University of Minnesota Extension Service; Yvonne Erickson, Producer; Annette & Kay Fernholz, Producers;Claudine Goodrich, Producer; Margaret Hart,Minnesota Department of Agriculture;Gene Hugoson, Minnesota Department of Agriculture; Jerry & Linda Jennissen, Producers; Robin Kinney, Minnesota Farm Bureau; Marie LeFebvre, Minnesota State Fair; Kim Lippert, Ridgewater College; Will Marsh, Farm Wise Systems;Robert Marzolf, Forest Lake Area High School; Sheryl Meshke, Associated Milk Producers Incorporated;Becky Meyer, Academy for Sciences and Agriculture; Michael Miron, Forest Lake Area High School; Former Lieutenant Governor Carol Molnau, State of Minnesota; Doris Mold, Agricultural Consultant and Producer; Natasha Mortenson,Morris Area High School,Sherry Newell-Opitz, Midwest Dairy Association; Melissa Norby, Lacek Group; Mary Ellen Otremba, Minnesota State Representative; Barb Overlie, Producer; Barb Piehl,Regional Extension Educator; Steve Pooch, Minnesota State Fair;Lavyne Rada, Hutchinson High School;Juanita Reed-Boniface, Producer, Past State 4-H Coordinator; Kris Schmitt, John Deere;Yvonne Simon, Producer;Jim Stordahl, Extension Educator Polk County; Linda Tank, CHS, Inc.;Julie Tesch, Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council; Tamia Trulson, University of Wisconsin-River Falls; Donna Ulseth, Producer;Susan VonBank, MAST International; Don Wick, Red River Farm Network; Stephanie Wohlhuter, Academy for Sciences and Agriculture; and Pat Yeagle, Illinois Agri-Women.