MK 470 Final Marketing Management Project
(Cover Page, Marketing Management Project Draft, Testing, Pricing Strategy, Distribution Channels, Discounts, Tactics, Media Strategy, and Sample Surveys)
Students will prepare a marketing plan for a new product designed and developed by the student for a given company. This will be a new product that will be developed to launch in the student’s chosen market. Students will upload a written report on Blackboard in the appropriate area. Think about how this new product will improve the market and will beneficial to consumers. Follow the guidelines below for the draft of the marketing plan for the new product. This assignment will be submitted through Turnitin. See examples online for additional reference.
- This section should be a minimum of eight pages in length double spaced.
- Use Times New Roman, 12pt. with 1” margins.
- Use Appropriate APA format.
- Be sure to include headers for each section in your paper.
- Cite ALL sources
- Use diagrams when needed
- Be sure to include any relevant appendices.
- Cover Page (Name, Product Name, Course, and Date)
- Marketing Management Project Draft
- Testing- What testing will be used for the product before it goes to market? (focus groups, experiments, beta testing, and etc.)
- Pricing Strategy- How the company will price the product to compete with market. What variables will determine the final cost? Include the following in your description: (Product cost, Transportation costs, and Wholesale Costs)
- Distribution Channels- What intermediaries will the product go through before it reaches the consumers? (Wholesalers, Retailers, Distributors, and E-commerce)
- Discounts- Percentages and total number costs taken off if purchased in bulk, limited time specials, or encouragement to purchase. Include the following for those to be utilized by the company: (Wholesaler, Retailer, and Consumer)
- Tactics- Marketing- (Includes Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Direct Marketing, and Digital). Pick at least two tactics that will be used by the company for promotion and how each theme will be implemented.
- Media Strategy- Which media will be employed to get the message across and why? How will the message be executed in each media? What levels of reach and frequency do you hope to achieve?
- Sample Surveys for market research and evaluation (Two separate surveys)- Includes questions to be asked to consumers about their thoughts on the product, pricing, and willing to purchase for the market research survey. Includes questions about how the consumer felt about the product post purchase for the evaluation survey. Include a minimum of ten questions on each.
Critical Elements / Exemplary / Needs Improvement / Not Evident / Total
Introduction (30) / Fully describes why the product was invented, why it is needed in the market and how it benefits consumers. / Describes some information of why the product was invented, why it is needed in the market and how it benefits consumers. / Does not describe why the product was invented, why it is needed in the market and how it benefits consumers.
Product Design (35) / Fully describes the name, logo, colors, product features, tagline, packaging, and brand personality. / Describes some of the name, logo, colors, product features, tagline, packaging, and brand personality. / Does not describe the name, logo, colors, product features, tagline, packaging, and brand personality.
Target Market Analysis (10) / Fully describes the intended target market for the promotion and their characteristics. / Describesthe intended target market for the promotion and their characteristics with some gaps. / Does not describe intended target market for the promotion and their characteristics
Positioning Strategy (15) / Fully describes how the company’s product will be defined in its target audience minds’ and its position relative to its competitors. / Describes some information of how the company’s product will be defined in its target audience minds’ and its position relative to its competitors / Does not describe how the company’s product will be defined in its target audience minds’ and its position relative to its competitors
Situation Analysis (20) / Fully describes the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses. Includes the company’s external opportunities and threats. / Describes the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses. Includes the company’s external opportunities and threats. / Does not describe the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses. Includes the company’s external opportunities and threats.
Testing / Fully describes what testing the company will use before the product goes to market. / Describes what testing the company will use before the product goes to market with some gaps. / Does not describe what testing the company will use before the product goes to market
Pricing Strategy / Fully describes how the company will price the product to compete with market including final costs. / Describes how the company will price the product to compete with market including final costs with some gaps. / Does not describe how the company will price the product to compete with market including final costs.
Distribution Channels / Fully describes what channels the product will go through before it reaches the consumer. / Describes what channels the product will go through before it reaches the consumer with some gaps. / Does not describe what channels the product will go through before it reaches the consumer.
Discounts (15) / Fully describes discounts to be given to Wholesalers, Retailers, and Consumers when applicable. / Describes discounts to be given to Wholesalers, Retailers, and Consumers when applicable with some gaps. / Does not describe discounts to be given to Wholesalers, Retailers, and Consumers when applicable.
Media Strategy (15) / Fully describes how the message will be delivered through various communication mediums. / Describes how the message will be delivered through various communication mediums with some gaps in information. / Does not describe how the message will be delivered through various communication mediums with some gaps in information.
Tactics (20) / Fully describes what communication mediums and approaches will be used to garner attention from the target audience. / Describes what communication mediums and approaches will be used to garner attention from the target audience with some gaps in information. / Does not describe what communication mediums and approaches will be used to garner attention from the target audience with some gaps in information.
Media Strategy (15) / Fully describes how the message will be delivered through various communication mediums. / Describes how the message will be delivered through various communication mediums with some gaps in information. / Does not describe how the message will be delivered through various communication mediums with some gaps in information.
Sample Surveys (15) / Fully describes estimated expenses for implementing the IMC plan and achieving stated goals. / Describes estimated expenses for implementing the IMC plan and achieving stated goals with some gaps information. / Does not describe estimated expenses for implementing the IMC plan and achieving stated goals.
Overall Organization (20) / Overall purpose, methods, results and conclusions of study clearly stated; logical flow always easy to follow / Purpose, methods, results and conclusions stated; possibly some awkwardness in logical flow / Major sections missing or lack of logical flow.
Originality Score (20) / Written in author’s own words; appropriate paraphrasing and citations; originality score at 5% or below / Moderate use of quotations in place of author’s own words, excessive use of paraphrases; originality score between 16-25% / Excessive use of quotations in place of author’s own words, excessive and incorrect use of paraphrases; originality score more than 25%
Format/ Submission/ Writing Style (10) / Used APA formatting correctly, followed all formatting guidelines, error free, easy to read writing style, well-practiced and polished use of language / Used APA formatting with many errors, followed some formatting guidelines, relatively few errors, minimum use of unnecessary paraphrasing / Did not use APA formatting, did not follow formatting guidelines, serious errors and awkwardness