Table 1. Selected nongame birds that can be featured with habitat management on private lands in the southeastern United States
Species Associations / Habitat Type/Requirements / Recommended ManagementHenslow sparrow
Bachmann’s sparrow
Brown-headed nuthatch / Longleaf pine – grass ecotype
Mature pine forests (<70 BA), Wet pine savannahs with herbaceous ground cover and limited midstory / Use prescribed fire in pine stands and wetland savannahs.
Restoration of longleaf pine and growing season burns in selected areas
Selective harvest mature pine to 50 - 65 BA
Prairie warbler
Yellow-breasted chat
Orchard oriole
Rufous-sided towhee
Field sparrow
Indigo bunting
Hooded warbler
Northern cardinal / Shrub-sapling habitat
Midstory (shrubs/saplings) in forests
Shrub/vine dominated ecotones and forests / Reduce mowing under forests
Small group selection, shelterwood and seed tree cuts
Retention of shrub communities along field and road edges
Pine warbler
Carolina chickadee
Eastern wood peewee
Red-headed woodpecker
Northern parula
Tufted titmouse
Red-bellied woodpecker
Wood thrush
Hooded warbler
White-eyed vireo
Red-eyed vireo / Pine, pine-hardwood, hardwood forests with living cavity trees and snags / 3-5 year prescribed burns in pines
Retention of snags and cavity trees
Uneven age forest management with older classes being retained (>70 years for hardwoods)
Wood thrush
Acadian flycatcher
Great-crested flycatcher
Pileated woodpecker
Yellow-billed cuckoo
Hooded warbler
Prothonotary warbler
Swainson’s warbler
Blue-gray gnatcatcher
Red-eyed vireo
Barred, screech owls
Great-horned owl
Herons/Egrets, gallinules
Belted kingfisher
Yellow-throated vireo
Yellow-throated warbler / Mature bottomland hardwoods and riparian hardwoods with midstory and switch can thickets, wetlands with cavity trees, snags and shrub cover
Bottomland hardwoods
Beaver and floodplain wetlands / Limit forest fragmentation
Allow forests to mature (>70 years)
Harvest through single tree selection
Retain switch cane thickets, cavity trees and snags
Retain soft mast producing shrubs and vines
Maintain forest SMZ’s of >100 foot widths on each side of streams
Protect wetland vegetation
Allow cypress, gum, oaks to reach >70 years of age
Species Associations / Habitat Type/Requirements / Recommended Management
Blue grosbeak
Fox sparrow
American goldfinch
Eastern bluebird
Loggerhead shrike
Eastern meadowlark
Northern cardinal
Northern mockingbird / Seasonally mown fields and roadsides
Maintained areas landscaped with native or horticultural soft mast-producing trees, shrubs and vines
Areas should have nesting cavities or nest boxes available
Native food and cover plants in unmown areas along roads or at forest edges / Limit mowing along selected roads, field edges, under forests, and in clear zones to develop shrub ecotones
Landscape with native and horticultural plants that provide food and cover
Retain cavity trees and snags
Maintain nest box program for shrikes and bluebirds
American kestrel
Chuck-will’s widow
Eastern bluebirds
Field sparrow
Loggerhead shrike
Northern bobwhite quail
Mourning dove
Eastern meadowlark
Indigo bunting / Unmown old fields and roadside ecotones near forest edges
Shrub and vine ecotones along forest – opening interfaces / Maintain fields and roadsides in herbaceous plant cover
Retain snags and cavity trees
Retain pickweed, elderberry, blackberry and plum thickets
Table2. Selected birds that may be found on private lands in the Southeastern United States
Common Name / Scientific NameAcadian flycatcher / Empidonax virescens
American crow / Corvus brachyrhynchos
American goldfinch / Carduelis tristis
American kestrel / Falco sparverius
American robin / Turdus migratorius
American swallow-tailed kite / Elanoides forficatus
American woodcock / Philohela minor
Bachman’s sparrow / Aimophila aestivalis
Barn swallow / Hirundo rustica
Barred owl / Strix varia
Belted kingfisher / Ceryle alcyon
Black vulture / Coraglypus atratus
Black-billed cuckoo / Coccyzus erythropthalmus
Blue grosbeak / Guiraca caerulea
Blue jay / Cyanocitta cristata
Blue-gray gnatcatcher / Polioptila caerulea
Brown-headed cowbird / Molothrus ater
Brown-headed nuthatch / Sitta pusilla
Brown thrasher / Toxostoma rufum
Carolina chickadee / Parus carolinensis
Carolina wren / Thyrothorus ludovicianus
Cedar waxwing / Bombycilla cedrorum
Chimney swift / Chaetura pelagica
Chipping sparrow / Spizella passerina
Chuck-will’s widow / Caprimulgus carolinensis
Common grackle / Quiscalus quiscula
Common nighthawk / Chordeiles minor
Common snipe / Gallinago gallinago
Common yellowthroat / Geothlypis trichas
Cooper’s hawk / Accipiter cooperii
Dark-eyed junco / Junco hymalis
Downy woodpecker / Picoides pubescens
Eastern bluebird / Sialia sialis
Eastern kingbird / Tyrannus tyrannus
Eastern meadowlark / Sternella magna
Eastern pewee / Contopus virens
Eastern phoebe / Sayornis phoebe
European starling / Sturnus vulgaris
Field sparrow / Spizella pusilla
Table 2. (continued)
Common Name / Scientific NameFish crow / Corvus ossifragus
Golden-crowned kinglet / Regulus satrapa
Grasshopper sparrow / Ammodramus savannarum
Gray catbird / Dumetella carolinensis
Green heron / Butorides striatus
Great blue heron / Ardea herodias
Great-crested flycatcher / Myiarchus crinitus
Great egret / Casmerodius albus
Hairy woodpecker / Picoides villosus
Henslow’s sparrow / Ammodramus henslowii
Hermit thrush / Catharus guttatus
Hooded warbler / Wilsonia citrina
House wren / Troglodytes aedon
Indigo bunting / Passerina cyanea
Kentucky warbler / Oporornis formosus
Killdeer / Charadrius vociferus
Leconte’s sparrow / Ammospiza leconteii
Little blue heron / Egretta caerulea
Loggerhead shrike / Lanius ludovicianus
Merlin / Falco columbarius
Mississippi kite / Elanoides mississippiensis
Mourning dove / Zenaida macroura
Northern bobwhite / Colinus virginianus
Northern cardinal / Cardinalis cardinalis
Northern flicker / Colaptes auratus
Northern harrier / Circus cyaneus
Northern mockingbird / Mimus polyglottus
Northern parula / Parula americana
Northern rough-winged swallow / Stelgydopterix serripennis
Orange-crowned warbler / Vermivoa celata
Orchard oriole / Icterius spurius
Palm warbler / Dendroica palmarum
Pileated woodpecker / Dryocopus pileatus
Pine warbler / Dendroica pinus
Prairie warbler / Dendroica discolor
Prothonotary warbler / Protonotaria citrea
Purple gallinule / Porphyrula martinica
Purple martin / Progne subis
Red-bellied woodpecker / Melanerpes carolina
Red-eyed vireo / Vireo olivaceus
Red-headed woodpecker / Melanerpes erythrocephalus
Red-shouldered hawk / Buteo lineatus
Red-tailed hawk / Buteo jamaicensis
Red-winged blackbird / Agelaius phoeniceus
Table 2. (continued)
Common Name / Scientific NameRuby-crowned kinglet / Regulus calendula
Ruby-throated hummingbird / Archilochus colubris
Rufous-sided towhee / Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Savannah sparrow / Passerculus sandwichensis
Sedge wren / Cistothorus platensis
Sharp-shinned hawk / Accipiter striatus
Solitary vireo / Vireo solitarius
Song sparrow / Melospiza melodia
Summer tanager / Piranga rubra
Swainson’s warbler / Limnothlypis swainsonii
Swamp sparrow / Melospiza georgiana
Tufted titmouse / Parus bicolor
Turkey vulture / Cathartes aura
White ibis / Eudocimus albus
White-eyed vireo / Vireo griseus
White-throated sparrow / Zonotrichia albicollis
Wild turkey / Meleagris gallopavo
Wood duck / Aix sponsa
Wood thrush / Hylocicla mustelina
Yellow-billed cuckoo / Coccyzus americanus
Yellow-breasted chat / Icteria virens
Yellow-rumped warbler / Dendroica coronata
Yellow-throated vireo / Vireo flavifrons
Yellow-throated warbler / Dendroica dominica