General Grant Application Guidelines
For Funding Year 2013-14
Qualifications: To be considered forfunding of your charity’s project by Texas Women’s League (TWL), all portions of this application must be completed, including all required attachments. Incomplete and/or late applications will be rejected. In addition, eachapplicant organizationmust meet the following TWL Bylaws requirements:
(1)be located solely in Fayette County, use granted funds solely in Fayette County, or apply requested project funds solely for the benefit of Fayette County residents;
(2)be in existence for at least one full year; and
(3)be currently designated by IRS as a category 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, in good standing.
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Texas Women's League P.O. Box 1114 - La Grange, Texas 78945
Gaye Wunsch 979-702-0700
Note: If applicant organization conducts a fundraiser on the same date as the TWL Annual Spring Charity Gala(held annually on the first Saturday of March), it may not be eligible for funding.
Selection Process: The TWL Charities Committee will review each application in detail and deliver a comprehensive report of all applications to the TWL Board of Directors. Charity grant applications that, in the view of the Board of Directors, meet the qualifications as set out in TWL Bylaws to receive funding will be presented to the TWL general membership at the Fall/October meeting. A formal votewill be conducted among all eligible TWL members to assess the needs of the community addressed by proposed projects. Applicant charities will be notified of the charity projects accepted and approved for funding consideration, following the November TWL Board of Directors meeting.
Funding: A maximum funding of $5,000 per grantforeach qualifiedcharitableprojectwill be determined by(1) the availability of funds, (2) the number of votes received by each applicant, (3) an assessment of the priorities and needs of the community addressed in the project, and (4) the level of participation by each charity’s members in support of TWL gala (see page 3), as determined by the TWL Board of Directors. The amount of funding to be granted to each applicant charity will be determined by the TWL Board of Directorsafter the TWL Annual Spring Charity Gala, and will be distributed at the May TWL funding event.
Please mail the entire completed application and supporting documents to address below. Application must be postmarked by Friday, September 20, 2013—no exceptions. You may seek assistance in completing your applicationby E-mail to or telephone to Gaye Wunsch, Charities Committee Chair, at 979-702-0700, no later than Sept. 16th.No extensions will be granted.Hand-delivered, incomplete, or late applications will not be accepted. The application contact person will be notified upon receipt of each completed, timely mailed, application. The application deadlineof Friday, September 20, 2013, will be strictly enforced.
Mail completed applications to:Texas Women’s League
Attention: Charities Committee
P.O. Box 1114
La Grange, Texas 78945
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Texas Women's League P.O. Box 1114 - La Grange, Texas 78945
Gaye Wunsch 979-702-0700
Submittal Date: ______Requested Funding Amount: $______
Organization Name:(dba)______
Physical Address/Location: ______
Mailing Address: ______
Telephone(s):______E-mail: ______
Website(s):Local:______State/Nat’lOrg. (if applicable): ______
Description/Purpose of Organization: ______
Contact Person: ______Title/Role: ______
Telephone(s): Home: ______Cell: ______Work/Other: ______
E-mail: ______Home Mailing Address: ______
- Official Registered Name (as shown on 501(c)(3) Designation): ______
- First Year of Operation in Fayette County: ______
- IRS assigned EIN: ______Date of 501(c)(3) IRS designation: ______
- If this is your initial TWL grant application, attach a copy of the IRS 501(c)(3) designation letter.
Note: TWL may accessIRS online public records to verify your charity’s organization status and to confirm tax compliance,as needed, for grant evaluation.
- Attach a listof current operations officers, including telephone and E-mail address for each officer.
- Target Population Served: (who and how many, annually—be specific) ______
- Geographic area(s)served within Fayette County: ______
- Does this organization operate onlyin Fayette County? Yes No [If not, describemanner in which requested funds will benefit Fayette County residents or clients in Project Description –see items #11-16.]
- Indicate which IRS charitable code(s) best describe(s) the goals of this organization and briefly explain:
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Texas Women's League P.O. Box 1114 - La Grange, Texas 78945
Gaye Wunsch 979-702-0700
- Kindness or help for the needy, suffering, handicapped, community protection or communitybeautification;
- An institution engaged in relief of the poor, health care providers, community protection, senior citizens, arts;
- Public provision for the relief of the poor, health care providers, community services; historical preservation; or
- A gift for public benevolent purposes as hereinbefore defined.
Section(s) that apply: ______Explain:______
- Briefly describe the general nature of recent activities and/or services provided by this organization:
(Attach additional pages if needed.)
- Select one category that best describes thenature of this proposed project:
Food/Shelter Community Services Education /Literacy Arts/Humanities/History Sports/Youth
12. Brief description of projectfor which funding is sought: ______
13. Target Objective(s): Describe specific need or problem this project will address:
14. Funding: How will requested funds be used to meet target objectives? ______
- Collaboration: Identify other funding sources that will also be applied to this project (i.e., matching funds).
- Impact: How many people/clients will be served through this requested project? ______
What area(s) of Fayette County will be impacted? ______
- Previous Funding: Attach a full accounting of most recentgrant funding received from TWL, including year in which funds were received, and date project was completed. If most recent grant project has not been completed, please attachexplanation, including an estimated date of completion, andreason for any delay in completion. If no prior funding has been received from TWL, check here.
- Attach detailed project budgetfor which this organization is seeking funding, including any other sources of funding or income (i.e., matching funds) to be combined with requested project grant.
- Attach a complete list of your charity’s scheduled fundraisersto be completed by December 31, 2014, including dates for each.
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Texas Women's League P.O. Box 1114 - La Grange, Texas 78945
Gaye Wunsch 979-702-0700