With the ever growing excitement of Corvettes at Carlisle, it has been difficult for many Corvette Clubs to join us on the Fun Field. Corvettes at Carlisle will once again make available a special space just for Corvette Clubs. The space will include a 15’ x 15’ tent. The new club tent will provide clubs the chance to network, showcase and display while enjoying the enthusiasm of Corvettes at Carlisle. The Club Tent will be available for set-up on Thursday at 8 a.m. and will remain available to the clubs until close of event on Sunday.First come, first served - space is limited. / CLUB CHALLENGE
We challenge all clubs to show their strength in numbers! The Top 3 clubs (based on the number of registered show vehicles) are recognized at the Awards Ceremony with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place banners to proudly display at Carlisle, at your home gatherings and at any other events your group attends. For accuracy, be sure that all club members register with the exact same club name.
The Coolest Club Hangout Award is presented to a club participating in the Club Tent Program with the most creative club tent display. In addition to the display you must also be an example of what Carlisle Events is all about: HAVING FUN! The Coolest Club Hangout award is a banner for your club to proudly display at Carlisle, at your home gatherings and at any other events your group attends.
Each club may purchase up to two spaces. Each Tent
is 15 ft. x 15 ft.
(1 or 2) _____ space(s) x $225 per space = $______
Each club will receive 1 (8 ft) table and 2 chairs per space.Requests for tables and chairs will not be taken during
the event. All requests must be received with this application to ensure availability. Additional table and chairs available
Per request at the following rates.
______x $15.00 per table = $______
______x $ 2.00 per chair = $______
Application and fees associated with the Club Tent do not reserve space or parking on the Fun Field.
Fun Field registration for vehicles must be submitted through registration separately. Please visit Carlisle Events.com or call 717-243-7855 for Fun Field registration. / ONE FORM PER CLUB – TO BE COMPLETED BY CLUB ORGANIZER.
Club Name______
Club Contact______
Phone #______
Make checks and money orders payable to Carlisle Events.
Form of payment: Check MasterCard Visa Am. Exp. Discover
Credit Card No.:______
Expiration Date: ______Card Verification Value (CVV)*:______
Authorized Signature:______
*The CVV code is an anti-fraud security feature to help verify that you are in possession of your credit card. For Visa/MasterCard/Discover, the three-digit CVV number is printed on the signature panel on the back of the card immediately after the card’s accountnumber. For American Express, the four-digit CVV number is printed on the front of the card above the card account number.
Complete and mail, fax or email to Jodi Morrison.
Carlisle Events • 1000 Bryn Mawr Rd. • Carlisle, PA 17013 • Fax 717-243-0255 •