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Bell Brothers Nurseries Ltd
EarlySpring 2010 Catalogue
West End, Benington, Boston, Lincs, PE22 0EE
Tel: 01205 760319 Fax:01205 760422
Premium 4 Pack Bedding-Order in Multiples of 18
Varieties Available:Crocus (King of the Striped, Rememberance)
Iris (Harmony, Purple Cream)
Narcissus (February Gold, Jet Fire, Tete a Tete)
Tulip (Pinnochino, Red Riding Hood)
Hedera Variegated
Colours Available:Green/White, Green/Yellow
Varieties Available:Aubretia mixed, Coreopsis Yellow, Geum Cooky, Poppy Mixed,
Saxifraga Mixed
Colours Available:Blue, Red, Rose, Yellow
Colours Available:Blue, Red, Rose, Yellow
Primula Wanda
Colours Available:Mixed
Standard 6 Pack Bedding-Order in Multiples of 18
Colours Available:Deep Blue & Blotch, Fire Surprise, Light Blue & Blotch, Orange & Blotch, Pure Lemon, Pure Rose, Pure White, Pure Yellow, True Blue, Violet Face, White & Blotch, Yellow & Blotch, Yellow & Purple Wing, Mixed
ColoursAvailable:Baby Face Yellow, Coconut Duet, Blackberry Cream, Blueberry Cream, Icy Blue, Orange Duet, Yellow Frost
Value 20 Pack Bedding-Order in Multiples of 12
Colours Available:Mixed
Colours Available:Mixed
9cm Pot Production -Order in Units of 1 Tray
(9cm x 18)
Varieties Available:Assorted Variegated Types
ColoursAvailable:Blue, Pink, Red, White, Yellow, Mixed
9cm Pot Production -Order in Units of 1 Tray
(9cm x 20)
Varieties Available:Over 200 varieties available – see weekly availability for listing
Herbaceous Perennials
Varieties Available:Over 200 varieties available – see weekly availability for listing
Varieties Available:
Balm LemonBushy lemon scented upright foliage.
Balm- Lemon All GoldStriking golden yellow lemon scented foliage.
Balm-Lemon VariegatedGreen and yellow variegated foliage.
Basil-SweetHighly aromatic with shiny bright green leaves.
ChervilAnthriscus cereolium. Light green fern like foliage.
ChivesThin green foliage, purple flowers.
CorianderVery strong taste.
Curry-Large LeafedHelichrysum angustifolium Tall. Soft silver foliage with a mild
curry scent.
DillLeaves used as garnish.
Fennel-BronzeTall plumes of bronze feathery foliage.
Fennel-GreenTall green feathery plumes.
Garlic ChivesMild garlic flavoured leaves with white flowers.
Lavender-HidcoteDwarf lavender dark purple flowers
Lavender-MunsteadFloriferous dwarf lavender with blue flowers.
LovageLarge dark green leaves
Marjoram-CompactDwarf form of Pot Marjoram.
Mint ChocolateMint with a distinctive "After Eight" smell.
Mint-AppleHairy light green foliage.
Mint-Black PepperStrong peppermint flavour with dark stems and leaves.
Mint-Eau de CologneStrong Eau de Cologne scent.
Mint-GardenThe traditional Garden mint with a strong spearmint flavour.
Mint-GingerVariegated gold and green foliage.
Mint-GrapefruitZesty citrus fragrance from attractive green foliage.
Mint-MorrocanMentha viridis-Closely set, toothed leaves with a clear spearmint
Mint OrangeDark green leaves with a citrus smell.
Mint-PineappleVariegated cream and green leaves.
Mint-SpanishErect robust habit with a strong spearmint flavour.
Mint-SpearSpearmint, strong flavour.
Mint-SwissUnique cool minty flavour.
Mixed HerbsOur selection of "looking good varieties" mixed in tray.
OreganoUpright habit with pink flowers in Summer.
Oregano-Country CreamCream and pale green variegated foliage.
Oregano-French GoldenSmall gold leafed Oregano.
Origanum Hot & SpicySmall leaved compact habit- strong flavour.
Our Selection (Straight Trays)Straight Trays of a good selection of varieties
Parsley-CurledEmerald green curly leaves.
Parsley-FrenchPlain flat leaves with a strong flavour.
Parsley Hortense -Large plain flat leaved variety with good flavour
(Italian Giant)
Rosemary-CreepingAttractive prostrate form, ideal for planting at front of tubs.
Rosemary-officinalisUpright silver foliage.
Sage-Common BroadleafGreen leafed common cooking Sage.
Sage-IcterinaLight green and gold variegation.
Sage-PurplePurple leafed.
Sage-TricolorCream, green and purple variegation.
Tarragon-FrenchUpright branch stems with ainseed flavoured leaves
Thyme-Archers GoldSpreading habit with slight variegation.
Thyme-CommonCommon green leaf thyme.
Thyme-Creeping RedCrimson Pink flowers, with small elliptic aromatic leaves.
Thyme-DooneValleyLow growing gold and dark green variegation.
Thyme-Golden Spreading habit turning deep golden colour in cold periods.
Thyme-LemonGreen leaf, spreading, strong lemon scent.
Thyme-Lemon CreepingProstrate habit, lemon scented foliage.
Thyme-Lemon VariegatedGold and green variegation.
Thyme-OrangeAttractive grey-green foliage with a balsamic-orange scent.
Thyme-Pink ChintzPale pink flowers, prostrate habit, grey slightly hairy leaves
Thyme-Silver PosieWhite and light green upright foliage.
Thyme-Silver QueenPink flowers on silver variegated foliage
Thyme-SnowdriftPure white flowers, prostrate habit, bright green leaves.
HardyGarden Pinks
Claret JoyBright red.
Cranmere PoolCreamy white with deep magenta centre.
Dawlish JoyCarmine pink stripes on pink background.
DianeCarmine rose.
DorisPale pink with carmine ring.
Grans FavouriteWhite laced with currant red edges.
Haytor WhiteWhite.
Houndspool CherylCurrant red.
Laced MonarchLavender richly laced with burgundy.
Letitia WyattSoft pink.
Monica WyattPhlox pink with ruby centre.
Moulin RougeWhite laced with lavender.
Mrs SinkinsWhite feathered petals.
Our Selection(Straight Trays)Straight Trays of good selection of varieties.
Rose JoyRose-bengal.
RubyRose with a currant red eye.
Valda WyattRosy lavender.
Widecombe FairSubtle champagne.
Hardy Patio Plants
Ajuga BraunherzRich purple foliage with deep blue flowers
Ajuga Burgundy GlowVariegated red and cream foliage with blue flowers.
Ajuga Chocolate ChipLow growing chocolate coloured foliage with blue flowers.
Ajuga Golden BeautyGolden foliage with mid-blue flowers.
Arabis ferdinandi Old GoldSmall white flowers over golden green and cream foliage.
Artemesia schmidtiana NanaFerny silver foliage with daisy like flowers.
Artemesia vulgaris Oriental Iridescent green and yellow foliage plant
Carex BuchananiiErect growth of reddish-brown foliage.
Carex Comans BronzeUpright Bronze foliage-ideal centre plant for containers.
Carex Frosted CurlsUpright silver-green foliage.
Corynephorus CanescensDense low growing bluey-grey-green foliage.
Cotula HispidaSilver mounded feathery foliage with button yellow flowers.
Spiky Blue
Erysimum linifolium VARIEGATED PERENNIAL WALLFLOWER. Purple flowers on
striking variegated cream and green foliage.
Euonymous Emerald andStriking emerald and gold foliage.
Euonymous GaietyGreen and silver foliage.
Euphorbia amygdaloides Dark bronze green leaves with lime green flowers.
Euphorbia characias 'Humpty Light yellow bracts.
Festuca Glauca FestinaBlue-green foliage
Helichrysum angustifoliaSilver foliage with yellow flowers.
HeucheraPalace PurpleCreamy white flowers produced over dark purple foliage.
Lamium Beacon SilverSilver green variegated foliage with pink flowers.
Lamium Hermans PrideGrey-silver green foliage with yellow flowers.
Lamium Pink PearlsSilver green variegated leaves with pink flowers.
Lamium White NancySilver foliage with green margins.
Lavendula angustifoliaGrey-green foliage with the classic lavender flower.
Lonicera Baggesons GoldGolden green foliage tinged with red in cold weather.
Lonicera LimeGolden green and lime foliage.
Lonicera nitida "Red Tips"Broad upright habit with young growth of purple/red.
Lysimachia "Goldilocks"Golden yellow foliage tinged with red in cold weather.
Origanum GoldBrilliant gold foliage getting brighter in cold weather.
Phlox sub. Emerald CushionEmerald green feathery foliage with bright pink flowers.
Phlox variegataVariegated cream and green foliage with bright pink flowers.
Rosemarinus officinalisSilver green leafed sub-shrub with blue flowers.
Salvia officinalis IcterinaGold and green variegated foliage
Salvia officinalis PurplePurple leafed sage with purple flowers.
Salvia officinalis TricolourGreen, pink and cream leafed sage.
Santolina chmaecyparissusSilver foliage with yellow flowers.
Sedum cauticola "Coca Cola"Silver grey foliage with soft pink flowers.
Sedum lineareSilver-green trailing foliage.
Stipa Pony TailsErect waving tufts of bright green foliage
Thymus Archers GoldGold leaves with deepening colour as temperatures drop.
ThymusDooneValleyBright green and gold, with gold colour deepening as season
Thymus Lemon VariegatedGold and green variegated lemon scented foliage.
Thymus Silver PosiePink flowered upright green and silver variegated thyme.
Thymus Silver QueenSilver and green variegated foliage.
Veronica Oxford BlueBright sky blue flowers on purple-green foliage.
Veronica pedunc.Georgia BlueClear rich blue flowers.
Vinca major variegataBlue flowers with creamy white margins
Viola LabradoricaDark purple green foliage with
9cm Potted Bulbs -Order in Units of 1 Tray
(9cm x 24)
AnemoneBlue, Pink, White
Convallaria (Lily of the Valley)
CrocusBlue, Cream Beauty, Prince Clause, Purple, Striped, TriColour, White, Yellow
English BluebellBluebell
FritillariaMeleagris, Michailovskyi
Galanthus (Snowdrops)
Galanthus Double (Double Snowdrops)
HyacinthBlue, Pink, Purple, White, Yellow
IrisCantab, Danfordiae, George, Harmony, Joyce, J.S. Dijit, Katherine Hodgkin, Purple Gem, Springtime
MuscariBlue Spike, White Spike
NarcissiBellsong, February Gold, Hawera, Jack Snipe, Jet Fire, Jumblie,
Minnow, Rip Van Winkle, Tete a Tete
OrnlthogalumStar of Bethleham
TulipsGluck, Hearts Delight, Monte Carlo, Peach Blossom, Pinocchio, Red Riding Hood, Shakespear, Show Winner, Tarda, Verde
11cm Pot Production -Order in Units of 1 Tray
(11cm x 12)
Primula Paloma
12cm Pot Production -Order in Units of 1 Tray
(12cm x 8)
Dianthus Scent First
Varieties available:Candy Floss (pale pink), Passion (red), Tickled Pink (deep lavender)
Cupressus Goldcrest
13cm Potted Bulbs -Order in Units of 1 Tray
(13cm x 10)
AnemoneBlue, Pink, White
AlliumChristophii, Kariviense, Purple Sensation, Schubertii
AmaryllisTo be confirmed
DaffodilsBridal Crown, St Patrick’s Day, Spellbinder
Double Early TulipsPeach Blossom (Pink), Monte Carlo (yellow)
Hyacinths – OrdinaryBlue, Purple, White
Hyacinths – Prepared & SleevedBlue, Pink, White
MuscariBlue Spike
Narcissi – Dwarf Tete a Tete
TulipsVarieties to be confirmed
1 Litre Pot -Order in Units of 1 tray
Production(1lt x 8)
Varieties Available:Huge variety available – see weekly availability for listing
ChivesThin green foliage, purple flowers.
CorianderStrong curry flavour
Curry Large LeafSoft silver foliage with a mild curry scent.
DillLeaves used as garnish
Fennel-BronzeTall plumes of bronze feathery foliage.
Fennel-GreenTall green feathery plumes.
Lavender-HidcoteDeep lavender blue flowers.
Lavender-MunsteadMid-blue flowers.
Marjoram-CompactDwarf form of Pot Marjoram.
Mint-AppleHairy light green foliage.
Mint-Garden (Spear)The garden mint, strong flavour.
Mint-MoroccanClosely set, toothed leaves with a clear spearmint flavour
Mint-PineappleVariegated cream and green leaves.
Mixed Trays
OreganoUpright habit with pink flowers in Summer.
Oregano-Country CreamCream and pale green variegated foliage
Oregano-French GoldenGold leafed oregano
Parsley-CurledEmerald green curly leaves.
Parsley-FrenchPlain flat leaves with a strong flavour.
RosemaryUpright silver foliage
Sage-Common BroadleafGreen leafed common cooking Sage.
Sage-PurplePurple leafed.
Sage-tricolorCream, green and purple variegation.
Tarragon-FrenchAniseed flavour.
Thyme-Archers GoldSpreading habit, gold leaves in cold weather.
Thyme-CommonCommon green leaf thyme.
Thyme-DooneValleyLow growing gold and dark green variegation.
Thyme-Lemon VariegatedGold and green variegation.
Thyme-Silver PosieWhite and light green upright foliage.
1.5 Litre Pot -Order in Units of 1 tray
Production(1.5lt x 8)
Herbaceous Perennials
AchilleaCerise Queen, Terracotta
AconitumStainless Steel
AgapanthusAfricanus Blauw, Albus (White), Blue Triumphator
AlceaRosea Nigra
AquilegiaBlack Barlow, Blue Barlow, Dragonfly (Dwarf) Mixed, McKana Hybrids, Nora Barlow,
Aster (Novi-Belgii)Alice Haslam, Jenny, Lady in Blue, Little Pink Beauty, Snowcushion
AstilbePink, Red, White
CampanulaCanterburyBell Mixed, Glomerata Superba
CirsiumJapanese Rose Beauty
CoreopsisLanceolata Sterntaler
DelphiniumAstrolat (Pink), Black Knight (Dark Blue), Bluebird (Light Blue), Camelaird (Lavender Blue), Gallahad (White), Guinevere (Lavender), King Arthur (Violet)
DicentraLuxuriant, Spectabilis Pink, Spectabilis White
DigitalisExcelsior Hybrids, Purple Foxy Hybrids
DorinicumLittle Leo
EchinaceaPurpurea, Purpurea White Swan
EryngiumPlanum, Varifolium
ErigeronPink Jewel
EupatoriumRugosum Chocolate
GaillardiaGolden Goblin
Geranium (Hardy)A. T. Johnson, Brookside, Johnsons Blue, Patricia, Phaem, Phaem Samabor, Wargrave Pink
GeumLady Stratheden, Mrs Bradshaw
HeleniumHelena Gold, Moerheim Beauty
HemerocallisArtic Snow, Bonanza, Catherine Woodberry, Crimson Pirate, Gentle Shepherd, Pandora’s Box, Pardon Me, Pink Damask, Sammy Russell, Strawberry Candy
2 Litre Bulbs -Order in Units of 1
VarietiesAvailable:Allium, Fritillaria, Narcissi, Tulips
2 Litre Pot Production -Order in Units of 1
ColoursAvailable:Green, Tri Colour, Variegated,
Carry Packs -
Kitchen Herbs (9cm x 3)
(Order in Units of 14)
Contains: 3 pots of 9cm culinary kitchen herbs in a window sill tray with reservoir
Hedera (9cm x 4)
(Order in Units of 21)
ColoursAvailable:4 mixed hedera with handle
Spring Collection (9cm x 6)
(Order in Units of 14)
Contains:A minimum of 4 different varieties in each carry pack from the following - Ajuga, Arabis, Artemesia, Chrysanthemum, Conifer Ellwoodi, Calluna, Cineraria Silverdust, Cyclamen, Euonymous,Festuca Glauca, Hedra Variegated, Lonciera, Lyssimachia, Sage, Saxifraga, Santolina, Thyme,
Garden Pinks (9cm x 6)
(Order in Units of 14)
Contains:6 different 9cm garden pinks
Lavender (9cm x 6)
Contains:6 assorted 9cm lavender plants
Primrose (9cm x 6)
(Order in Units of 14)
ColoursAvailable:6 mixed plants with handle
19cm Terracotta -Order in Units of 1
Primrose Bowl
Contains:3 primroses planted in a bowl
9cm Pot Production –Order in Units of 1 Tray
(9cm x 20)
Varieties:Cambridge Favourite, Elsanta, Florence, Hapil, Honeoye, Judibell, Pegasus Sonata, Symphony
2 Litre Soft Fruit Bush / Cane –Order in Units of 1 Tray
Production(2litre cm x 6)
Soft Fruit Bush
Varieties:Blackcurrant Ben Lomand
Blackurrant Ben Sarek
Gooseberry Careless
Mixed Trays
Soft Fruit Cane
Varieties:Raspberry Autumn Bliss
Raspberry Glen Ample
Raspberry Glen Moy
Raspberry Tulameen
Plug to Grow Range
Varieties To be confirmed, sold in mini greenhouses
Instant Gardening – Order in Units of 1
Outdoor Hanging Baskets
ADD01013(previously BAS6)-27cm Plastic Hanging Basket
10 per shelf, 50 per trolley
ADD01011(previously BAS5)-30cm Half Round Rattan Wall
12 per shelf, 72 per trolley
ADD01006(previously BAS7)-30cm Rattan Round Basket
8 per shelf, 40 per trolley
Textured -Various Styles
ADD01001 (previously BAS12) -30cm Horn Basket in Elba Style
6 per shelf, 24 per trolley
ADD01004 (previously BAS19) - 30cm Textured Basket in
Causeway Style
8 per shelf, 40 per trolley
ADD01002 (previously BAS13) -30cm Sea Grass Tri-Basket
6 per shelf, 24 per trolley
ADD01003 (previously BAS14) -30cm Cone basket
6 per shelf, 18 per trolley
ADD01000 (previously BAS11) - 35cm Fengle Basket
5 per shelf, 25 per trolley
ADD01009 (previously BAS48) -35cm Round Cone Basket
4 per shelf, 12 per trolley
Outdoor Herb Planters
ADD04002 (previously BAS39) -32cm Wooden Mixed Planted
Herb Trough12 per shelf, 72 per trolley
ADD05005 -TerracottaBabylon Herb Planter
Containing 7 Different Herbs
4 per shelf, 16 per trolley
ADD03018(previously BAS49) - 25cm Cauldron Mixed Planted,
10 per shelf, 50 per trolley
ADD03013 (previously BAS8) - 24cm Piazza Square Plastic Pot
10 per shelf, 40 per trolley
ADD03010 (previously BAS4) - 25cm Plastic Bell Pot
11 per shelf, 55 per trolley
ADD03015 (previously TER01) - 23cm Terracotta Seasonally Planted Pot
10 per shelf, 40 per trolley
ADD03004 (previously BAS24) - 24cm Egg Bowl
10 per shelf, 40 per trolley
ADD03007 (previously BAS31) - 30cm Flared Pot Seasonally Planted
6 per shelf,18 per trolley
ADD03012(previously BAS44) - 24cm Handmade Egyptian Pot
8 per shelf, 32 per trolley
ADD03016 (previously TER02) - 31cm Terracotta Seasonally Planted Pot
6 per shelf, 18 per trolley
Glazed Terracotta
ADD03006 (previously BAS29) - 23cm Mono Planted Coloured Pot
10 per shelf, 50 per trolley
ADD03001 (previously BAS17) - 25cm Silhouette Glazed Pot in Blue or Black
10 per shelf, 40 per trolley
ADD03002 (previously BAS22) - 30cm Silhouette Glazed Pot
6 per shelf, 12 per trolley
Textured Planters
ADD04000 (previously BAS26) - 32cm Mono Planted Trough
12 per shelf, 72 per trolley
ADD03005 (previously BAS27) - 25cm Planter in Elba Round Style
8 per shelf, 32 per trolley
ADD04001 (previously BAS28) - 53cm Trough in Kerry Style
7 per shelf, 35 per trolley
Zinc / Stone
ADD03011 (previously BAS40) - 30cm Stone Black Mono Planted
Containerwith Cordyline
4 per shelf, 8 per trolley
ADD03009 (previously BAS35)- 35cm Flared Pink Zinc Mono Planter
Container with Cordyline
3 per shelf, 9 per trolley
Points to Note
- Deliveries.
Please be aware of clause 5. It would be of great assistance to us if you could ensure the appropriate numbers of trolleys and shelving is made available for return with each delivery made to you. The company reserves the right to charge the Customer for all Trolleys and Shelves not available for return to Bells on delivery, the current CC Container short term hire rate will be used or charged at a replacement value.
Should there be any damages to, or shortfalls on, the goods delivered, please could you notify us of these discrepancies within 24 hours of receipt (clause 7.2). As you will appreciate, once you have accepted delivery of the goods, you will be responsible for the care and quality of the same (clause 7.4). In addition, you will appreciate we cannot be held responsible for any consequential loss suffered by you, or your customers, arising out of any representation or implied warranty etc., made to you. This is in accordance with established trade practice and custom.
- Payment.
The catalogue price of all goods excludes VAT at the appropriate rate (clause 4.4). Payment shall be made to us within 30 days from the date of invoice, unless otherwise agreed with us in writing (clause 6.2).