LSC 150 Fall 2008
Hands-on assignment 5
Name (s) ______
We have been working with bibliographic citations since the last class meeting. Today we learned more about a Web based utility that is designed to help us format our bibliographic citations. The utility is called RefWorks. RefWorks is available through our library's subscription.
This assignment's objective is to reinforce your APA citation writing skills. As we have seen in the review of last week's hands on assignment, not everyone gets every citation 100% correct.
Working in pairs login to a computer and at the library's home page and look for the wordSERVICES; click the link called RefWorks (Citation Manager). Click SIGN UP FOR AN INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT. At this point only one person has to sign up for an account.
You will now begin to create your RefWorks account. On the left hand side of the screen: (Note for individuals completing this assignment from off-campus, our institution's code, which you will need to enter, is RWCCSU)
Enter your name
Make up a login name that you will remember (minimum 7 characters)
Make up a password that you will remember (minimum 7 characters)
Re-enter the same password on the next blank part of the form.
Enter an email address
Designate your user type
Designate your area of focus
Type in the code that you see and click "Register"
Leave the RefWorks program open on your computer
The exercise begins here:
Last week we used theCriminal Justice Abstracts database. Go to the database called Criminal Justice Abstracts and find the same article we used last week by going to "advanced search" and searching forthe word gangs in the title field and the phrase prison guards the abstract field.
When you have found the article by Gregory Scott, click on the "Save, Print, Email" link (directly above the article's title) and scroll down the next page looking toward the bottom LEFT.
- Click
- RefWorks should already be open and running, but if it is not, log into RefWorks using the login name and password you created just a few moments ago.
- Click "View last imported folder"
- In the RefWorks toolbar, click BIBLIOGRAPHY
- Choose the output style called APA - American Psychological Association, 5th edition.
- Click the radio button that says, "Format a Bibliography from a List of References"
- From the "File type to Create" drop down menu select
Word for Windows (2000 or later)
- Select the radio button next to Select a Folder and from the drop down menu choose "Last Imported" and then click "Create Bibliography."
Compare the citation you wrote last week with "Citation #1" on the classroom screen or "Citation #1" on the last page of this assignment. Note "Citation #1" is 100% correct without any errors.
Wasthe citation you wrote last week 100% correct? _____
If not, what did the instructor note was missing? ______
______(1 point)
Now, compare the RefWorks citation with "Citation #1" on the classroom screen or "Citation #1" on the last page of this assignment. Note "Citation #1" is 100% correct without any errors.
Ignore the "retrieved from" information in the RefWorks citation and answer:
Is the RefWorks citation correct? ______
If not, what is wrong with it? ______(1 point)
Open a new Microsoft Word document on your computer. Type your name(s) at the top of the page.
- Copy and paste the RefWorks citation into your document under your names. Do not copy the HYPERTEXT information that begins with the words "retrieved from."
- Directly under this newly copied citation type the words ORIGINAL REFWORKS CITATION ABOVE
- Now, copy and paste the RefWorks citation again, but correct any errors you have found in the citation that RefWorks generated. Remember, now that you are using Microsoft Word, be sure to use italics correctly.Use the tab key to indent any lines after the first line. (1 point)Under the version that you have corrected type the words EDITED REFWORKS VERSION
- Give your Microsoft Word document a name and SAVE IT to the desktop. Leave the document open.
The next step of this exercise is to perform this search:
Using the MLA Bibliography database, find the article we used in last week's class about The dream vision of King Arthur
A) Remember – go the advanced search option
B)Remember to perform a BOOLEAN search (using the operator AND to connect and combine your separate concepts). THE DEFAULT ADVANCED SEARCH FORM MAY DO THIS FOR YOU.
- When you have found the item (the same item you located for last week's hands-on assignment) click on the title of the item to retrieve the full record. Then click the graphic
- On the next page, select the button that says Direct Export to RefWorks and click "SAVE"
- Find the RefWorks program (it should still be open) and click "Last imported folder".
- In the RefWorks toolbar, click BIBLIOGRAPHY
- Choose the output style called APA - American Psychological Association, 5th edition.
- Click the radio button that says, "Format a Bibliography from a List of References"
- From the "File type to Create" drop down menu select
Word for Windows (2000 or later)
- Select the radio button next to Select a Folder and from the drop down menu choose "Last Imported" and then click "Create Bibliography."
Compare the citation you wrote last week(for the King Arthur item) with "Citation #2" on the classroom screen or "Citation #2" on the last page of this assignment. Note "Citation #2" is 100% correct without any errors.
Wasthe citation you wrote last week 100% correct? _____
If not, what did the instructor note was missing? ______(1 point)
Now, compare the RefWorks citation for the King Arthur item with "Citation #2" on the classroom screen or "Citation #2" on the last page of this assignment. Note "Citation #2" is 100% correct without any errors.
Ignore the "retrieved from" information in the RefWorks citation and answer:
Is the RefWorks citation correct? ______
If not, what is wrong with it? ______
______(1 point)
Find your Microsoft Word document on your computer.
- Under all information that has already been written, copy and paste the RefWorks citation into your document. Do not copy the HYPTERTEXT information that begins with the words "retrieved from."
- Directly under this newly copied citation type the words ORIGINAL KING ARTHUR REFWORKS CITATION ABOVE
- Now, copy and paste the RefWorks citation again, but correct any errors you have found in the citation that RefWorks generated. Remember, now that you are using Microsoft Word, be sure to use italics correctly.Use the tab key to indent any lines after the first line. (1 point)Under this edited version enter the words EDITED KING ARTHUR REFWORKS ABOVE Save the document again. Print the document.
More on the following page including correct Citation #1 and Citation #2
Finally, circle the response that best describes your experience with RefWorks:
- RefWorks is a utility that I can use to format my bibliographic citations. It always works with 100% accuracy.
- RefWorks is a utility that I can use to format my bibliographic citations. It never works with 100% accuracy.
- RefWorks is a utility that I can use to format my bibliographic citations. It always well, but the user needs to check the way RefWorks formats citations because it performs inconsistently.
Citation #1
Scott, G. (2001). Broken windows behind bars: Eradicating prison gangs through ecological hardening and symbol cleansing. Corrections Management Quarterly, 5(1), 23-36.
Citation #2
Shelton, D. L. S. (1993). Malory's use of dream vision: Medieval and contemporary
strategies for interpretation. In W. E. Tanner (Ed.), The Arthurian myth of quest
and magic: A festschrift in honor of Lavon B. Fulwiler (pp. 19-26). Dallas: Caxton's
Mod. Arts.