Mktg 4795 Sports Marketing Draft Spring 2012

Time/Location:1:00-1:50 MWFLSBE 225

Prerequisites:Mktg3701, LSBE candidate or college consent.

Professor:Dr. Stephen B. Castleberry

385L LSBE Building

(218) 726-6314 office phone(218) 726-7578 office fax

E-MAIL: (This is the best way to reach me)


Office Hours:3:00-4:00 MW or by appointment

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of various aspects of sports marketing. This will include three basic components: (1) the use of sports as a marketing tool for other products; (2) the marketing of sports products; and (3) emerging considerations that are relevant for both marketing through sports and the marketing of sports products. Component one addresses the various domains of the sports marketing environment, the introduction to traditional sponsorship, and the three special forms of sponsorship (endorsement, licensing, and venue naming rights). Component two which features the marketing of sports products including the marketing of professional and amateur sports (NHL; NASCAR, Olympics; NCAA), the marketing of participation-oriented sports, and the marketing of a broad array of sports-related products such as sporting goods and apparel. Component three addresses the emerging issues of relationship marketing, technology and controversial issues within the sports marketing industry.

Course Textbook:Sports Marketing, 2nd Edition (2010), by Sam Fullerton, McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Power Point slides and assignments are on our Moodle page


Sponsorship Proposal Project30%

Marketing Plan for a Sports Property Project40%

Course Participation30%


Note: Assignments are due online at Moodle. No credit for late assignments or assignments not posted on Moodle.

Course Outline

Date / Topic / Chapter assigned
See Moodle for homework assignments
W 1/18 / Introductions
F 1/20 / Sports Marketing / 1
M 1/23 / Four Domains of Sports Marketing / 2
Marketing Through Sports
W 1/25 / Mainstream Strategies / 3
F 1/27
W 2/1 / Sponsorship: Introduction / 4
F 2/3 / Sponsorship: Developing and Selling the Proposal / 5
M 2/6
W 2/8 / Sponsorship: Pre-event Evaluation / 6
F 2/10 / Sponsorship: Leveraging / 7
M 2/13
W 2/15 / Sponsorship: Ambush Mktg. / 8
F 2/17 / Sponsorship: Postevent Evaluation / 9
M 2/20
W 2/22 / Venue Naming Rights / 10
F 2/24 / Endorsements / 11
M 2/27 / Licensing / 12
W 2/29
F 3/2
M 3/5 / Sponsorship Proposal Project Due
Marketing of Sports
W 3/7 / Segmentation / 13
F 3/9
3/12-3/16 / SPRING BREAK Be safe out there!
M 3/19
W 3/21 / Product Decisions / 14
M 3/26
W 3/28 / Distribution Decisions and Facilities Management / 15
F 3/30
M 4/2
W 4/4 / Promotional Strategy / 16
F 4/6
M 4/9
W 4/11 / Pricing Decisions / 17
F 4/13
M 4/16
Emerging Issues in Sports Marketing
W 4/18 / Relationship Marketing / 18
F 4/20
M 4/23 / Role of Technology / 19
W 4/25
F 4/27 / Controversial Issues / 20
M 4/30
W 5/2
F 5/4
FINAL EXAM Date/Time / Marketing Plan Project Due

Course Participation

This includes such items as the following: attend class (arriving on time), turn in homework

as required, be prepared to intelligently discuss assigned material (as demonstrated by quality of class discussion and pop quizzes), be prepared to participate in class activities, speak respectfully to class members and to me, serve as a well-prepared participant during in-class exercises and role plays, provide significant written and oral feedback that is constructive during in-class role plays and presentations, provide complete status reports as required, write timely thank-you’s to our guests, other assignments, etc. Note that course participation occurs both inside and outside the classroom.

Course Projects

I. Sponsorship Proposal

As the sponsee, you must select a sports property (e.g., Minnesota Wild, UMD Women’s Hockey, AMF World Cup of Bowling, The Masters, etc.) and prepare a sponsorship proposal for your selected prospective sponsor (e.g, Coca Cola, General Motors, FedEx, Hilton Hotels). The organizations that you select cannot already have a sponsorship in place. For example, you cannot assume the role of FIFA and target adidas as your prospect because that relationship already exists. Your proposal must include the key issues that will be covered throughout this course; an overview of the proposal can be found in chapter 5. Chapters 4, 6-9 provide more important information for this project. As you prepare your Sponsorship Proposal, make sure you consider/cover such topics as likely assessment of sponsorship opportunities by the prospective sponsor, how to leverage the sponsorship, how to avoid ambush marketing, and how to evaluate the success of the sponsorship.

II. Marketing Plan for a Sports Property

Choose a sports property and create a marketing plan. The property can be a spectator sport (e.g., UMD Rugby team , Duluth Superior Shoremen football team, etc.) or a participation sport (Duluth Amateur Hockey Association, a local golf tournament, etc.). Chapters 13-17 provide important information for this project. Follow this outline:

1. Sports property description (recent history and successes)

2. Strategic focus

A. Mission and vision

B. Goals (financial and nonfinancial)

C. Sports property’s core competency and sustainable competitive advantage

3. Situation Analysis

A. SWOT analysis

1.Internal factors (strengths and weaknesses). Include such factors as

management and/or owners, current offerings, personnel, finance

2. External factors (opportunities and threats). Include such factors as

consumer/social factors, competitive factors, technological factors, economic factors.

B. Industry analysis: trends for this sports product class

4. Market-product focus

A. Primary target market

a. Description of this market

b. Marketing program (product, price, promotion, distribution)

B. Secondary target market

a. Description of this market

b. Marketing program (product, price, promotion, distribution)

5. Financial data and five-year projections (make assumptions as necessary)

6. Organization of the sports property needed to achieve the objectives

7. Implementation plan

8. Methods of evaluation and control

Ch 1 career option most interests you (see pp. 17-21)

Ch 2 Q 1 and 2 on page 55 (does not have to be a sports magazine)