Performance Feedback

From Clientele

Sample Letter



You have been identified as a person who is familiar with the work of EMPLOYEE NAME in OSU Extension. As a person who is familiar with the Extension professional’s work, we seek your input for use in the annual performance review process. Your input will be used along with other input from a variety of sources to assist the above named individual with professional growth and development.

We ask that you respond to the following statements with brief comments/notes (where you have feedback to share) and return this form in the enclosed postage paid envelope no later than DATE. Please be honest in your evaluation. We will assure confidentiality so far as the law allows.

Thank you for your assistance.


Performance Feedback Form

Employee’s name:

Please respond to the following statements. Provide a brief statement or indicate no feedback if you are not able to respond to a question. See letter requesting your feedback for additional guidance.

1. / In what capacity have you observed the employee’s performance during the past year?
2. / How would you rate the employee’s skills in the following areas?
COMMUNICATION – Communicates effectively with others using the range of methods and tools available in today’s environment; in individual and group settings; and with coworkers, clientele, and other stakeholders.
CUSTOMER SERVICE –Works constantly to have superior services provided for clientele, making each interaction a positive one. Understands who clientele are (internal and/or external) and delivers quality service through a customer focused mindset that acknowledges the importance and value of the person being served; acts accordingly; dedicated to meeting expectations and needs of customers; uses customer feedback to improve.
DIVERSITY –Recognizes, understands and appreciates differences and the impact differences may have in the workplace, in interactions with clientele, or in Extension programming; works effectively with individuals having diverse styles, abilities, motivations and backgrounds; demonstrates commitment and ability to include one’s own as well as others’ different cultural perceptions, assumptions, norms, beliefs, and values.
FLEXIBILITY AND CHANGE –Demonstrates agility and adaptability, maintaining effectiveness when experiencing changes in the work environment or conditions affecting OSU Extension (e.g., social, economic, or political); has an openness to new and different ways of doing things; accepts change and is willing to deal with ambiguity; adjusts to new work structures, programs or processes; recognizes need to change.
INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS –Successfully interacts with diverse individuals and groups, creating partnerships, networks and dynamic human systems, relates well with people; builds trust by interacting with others in a way that gives them confidence in one’s intentions and in OSU Extension. Develops and uses a network of collaborative relationships with internal and external contacts to leverage efforts and accomplish results; manages conflict constructively.
PROFESSIONALISM – Demonstrates behaviors that reflect high levels of performance and a strong work ethic; has a focus on results, ethical decisions, and balance. Professionalism involves personal characteristics (positive attitude, integrity, honesty, trust, and manners/etiquette), commitment to Extension work (the mission, vision, and goals of OSU Extension), and productive work habits (organizational skills; setting and managing priorities), and balancing all aspects of personal and professional life.
TEAMWORK AND LEADERSHIP – Effectively participates and contributes as a member of a team, making contributions to organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Makes decisions and positively influences diverse groups and individuals.
Highly Proficient – successful and viewed as strength of the individual
Skilled – exceeds expectations for a person in this role
Competent / OK – meets expectations on most of the descriptors
Weakness – some areas of concern/need to change and improve
Cannot Rate Clearly – have not observed sufficiently to rate
Highly Proficient / Skilled / Competent/OK / Weakness / Cannot Rate Clearly
Customer Service
Flexibility and Change
Interpersonal Relationships
Teamwork and Leadership
3. / If you rated this employee as either “Highly Proficient” OR at “Weakness”, please take a moment to explain why.
4. / In your opinion, what are the employee’s strengths? Please be specific.
5. / How can this employee become more effective? Please be specific.
6. / Please provide additional comments here:

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