Thought Police vs. Outer Party

Violating the following instructions will increase the NUMBER AND LIMIT YOUR CHOICE IN THE FINAL Assessment.

Welcome to 1984. To remain in good standing with Big Brother, you must obey the Party’s rules. There are at least three Thought Police in your class. Thought Police may report offenses for any Outer Party members they observe committing crimes against the Party. Since you do not know who the informants are, you may choose to violate the rules at will; however, you never know who will be watching. Big Brother reserves the right to select more than the original three Thought Police as time goes on to monitor the actions of the Outer Party.

The game will begin Monday, April 4 at 8:30 a.m. and end on Friday, April 8 at 2:45 p.m.

Informants / Thought Police

Here is how you are to report Outer Party offenses:

1.Make a list of the offenders and their crimes (list attached). Use the email format found below.

2.Email the list to Big Brother every evening no later than 7:00 p.m. We will be sharing these infractions in class each day, so please submit the lists on time. Submission of these lists will affect the length of and freedom of choice in your final assessment.

Email Format:

Date: <fill in date here>

Dear Big Brother:

I am now submitting today’s list of offenders.


<first name, last name> <infraction number> <where the person broke the rule>

Your Name

Outer Party Members

If you did not violate any of the rules, your work will be unaffected and you are free to choose the topic you write about.

If you have violated any one of these rules, you will do more work than your classmates. For EACH following offense, youmust add an additional assignment and you will be given the topic you must write on.

If, at the end of the week, you suspect who might be a member of the Thought Police, then you may share this sentiment privately with Big Brother in an email no later than 7 am on Friday, April 8. If you are correct, you do not have to do the extra work. If you are incorrect, you must do additional work and you may not choose your topic. You have only one guess. I will apprise you of the verdict after the game has ended.

Thought Police

If you are a member of the Thought Police and no one guesses your identity, and if you have submitted your lists daily, you do not have to do any extra work and you have the freedom to choose your topic.

If your identity is discovered and you submitted the required lists, you must do one additional assignment and you will have a topic assigned to you.

Not submitting lists in a consistent manner (at least one infraction each day) will result in two extra assignments.

* The identities of the Thought Police will be posted on Mr. Doyle’s course pageFriday, April 8, 2:50 p.m.

List of Party Rules

  1. Books will be carried in the right hand. When backpacks are worn, both straps must be used as the manufacturer intended (one strap over each shoulder). Bags and purses must be worn over the right shoulder.
  2. Blue must be worn (not carried) at all times. Anyone should be able to see the blue without having to look for it.
  3. Classmates must be greeted with the phrase, “Good morning/afternoon, Comrade,” before any other speech commences. This phrase substitutes for hi, hello, what’s up, or any other such greeting.
  4. Students must greet all teachers with the phrase “I am ready and eager to learn today” and depart from the class saying “Thank you for enlightening and educating me today.”
  5. When speaking to lunch ladies, janitors, office staff, or any non-teaching adult, students must express gratitude for their service by greeting them with the phrase “We appreciate your work on behalf of our education.”
  6. Students must be food-, gum-, and beverage-free (except for clear water) in all classrooms to avoid learning distractions.
  7. Students must not inform non-Party members of their allegiance to the Party during school hours. Any discussion of this game other than during this class, with Big Brother, or with other adults outside school hours is strictly prohibited. If asked questions by a teacher, students may say they would love to discuss the Party with him or her before or after school to avoid distraction from class learning time. (This rule is in force immediately.)
  8. Students must wear a Party identification string (white) at all times on their persons, clothing, or attached to their backpacks during the regular school day. It must be worn so that all may see it clearly at any time. Students will present their string for inspection to Big Brother (Mr. Doyle) each day.
  9. The door to Mr. Doyle’s classroom may be used by only one person at any time.
  10. During any announcements during Mr. Doyle’s class, students must sit quietly, looking straight ahead with hands folded on the desks in front of them. When announcements are over, students must say “Go Terriers!” in a voice sufficiently loud so that other students can hear.
  11. If Mr. Doyle is NOT present during the school day (i.e.: there is a Substitute monitoring British Literature), all comrades must email Big Brother every school night before 8:00 PM stating their name and their continued allegiance to the Party. Example: “Comrade ______reporting and wishing to support the Party.”
  12. Members of the Thought Police must also follow all rules.

Big Brother’s email:. Anyquestions about the rules must be discussed before this game begins.


Due Tuesday, April 18.

Thought Police Game Response/Reflection

Name: ______

I am a member of the Thought Police. (circle one) Yes No

If I am a member of the Thought Police, have I been “outed”?(circle one) Yes No

Outer Party Members:

Number of crimes committed: ______

Total number of assignments due: ______(1 additional page for the first offense, half of a page for each additional subsequent offense).

Reflect on your experience of the game.

  1. How is your understanding of the book different than before we played the game? Provide specific experiences that you felt that you can now relate to the novel.
  1. Write about your general reactions to the game. Did you feel paranoid, indifferent, challenged, etc?

Did you think about your classmates differently?

  1. Write about your feelings about the ability of others to monitor your actions at school. Now that the game is over, what are your thoughts about the ability of others to monitor things like your banking activity, Internet activity, phone activity, etc? How have your opinions on this topic changed since the game?