During your Needs Assessment for Disabled Student Allowance (DSA), your Advisor may recommend that your funding body provides you with a laptop or desktop computer.
Under normal circumstances, your Advisor will recommend a PC unless there is a disability related reason why an Apple Mac computer would be more suitable. They will not recommend Macs based on your personal preference.
You do have the right to upgrade to a Mac but you should be aware of the following:
· Mac computers and related software / hardware are more expensive than PCs. If you choose a Mac over PC, you will have to make up the difference in cost from personal funds.
· You must still buy all of the equipment listed on your Needs Assessment, i.e. you cannot decide not to buy your recommended printer in order to leave you with more funding for the Mac laptop.
· If software was recommended in your Needs Assessment, you must purchase all of the recommended software and ensure that it is compatible with the Mac. Remember that Mac versions of some assistive technologies are not as developed as PC versions and may not meet your needs.
· You must ensure that all hardware has the correct warranties and insurance.
· You must inform the Student Disability Service and your funding body that you are purchasing a Mac.
· The Student Disability Service has some facility for Mac software training, but this is more limited than that available for PCs.
· In some cases you will be required to pay VAT on your purchases as they will no longer be considered solely for disability related use.
· Failure to adhere to the above policy may result in you having to pay your DSA back, in full, to the funding body.
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August 2012