NOVEMBER 9, 2005

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Indian Lake Borough Council was held on November 9, 2005 at 7:00 P.M. at the Indian Lake Borough Building.


Andrew L. Horvath, Council President

John Walters

Michael Miscoe

Robert Pyle

Terry St.Clair

Alex Majesky

Patricia Dewar

Barry S. Lichty, Mayor

Theresa L. Weyant, Borough Secretary

David S. Dickey, Solicitor

Harry Huzsek, Superintendent

Visitors – Myles Stepanovich, Dean Uschak, Veil Schiffhauer, Denise Miller, Robert McGowan, Robert McGowan, Jr., Albert Diehl, Scott Moore, and Gary Williams.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Andrew L. Horvath, President


1. Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on October 12, 2005 – Horvath asked for additions and/or corrections. There being none, Miscoe moved and Walters seconded to approve the minutes as submitted. All ayes, motion carried.

2. Financial Reports – Secretary reviewed the Income & Expense Report, the Budget Report and the List of Bills for October 31, 2005. Secretary would like to add the following additional outstanding bills to the List of Bills Report: H.A. Thomson-4th payment for W/C insurance, in the amount of $2,163.49; Musser Engineering-engineering services for the Calendar’s Run Hiking and Biking Trail, in the amount of $133.00; Cingular Wireless-Oct ‘05 cellular phone charges, in the amount of $13.48; Bell & Dickey-Oct ’05 legal services, in the amount of $442.50; and Lincoln Supply, additional broom bristles for the Massey Ferguson Tractor, in the amount of 164.07. Miscoe made a motion to approve the Borough’s Financial Reports, including the amendments to the List of Bills Report. Dewar seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Secretary reviewed the Water Works Income & Expense Report and the List of Bills for October 31, 2005. Miscoe made a motion to approve the Water Work’s Financial Reports as presented. Dewar seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Secretary reviewed the Sewer Plant Financial Reports and the List of Bills for October 31, 2005. Miscoe made a motion to approve the Sewer Plant Financial Reports as presented. Walters seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Secretary reviewed the Summary of Account Balance Report for October 31, 2005. Miscoe made a motion to approve the Summary of Account Balance Report for October 31, 2005. Dewar seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

3. Welcome Visitors - Stepanovich, Dean Uschak, Veil Schiffhauer, Denise Miller, Robert McGowan, Robert McGowan, Jr., Albert Diehl, Scott Moore, and Gary Williams.

4. Myles Stepanovich-Calendar’s Run Inlet – Mr. Stepanovich stated that he met with Randy Musser, from Musser Engineering regarding a silt remediation plan for the Calendar’s Run Inlet.

One possible solution to the problem would be to divert Calendar’s Run to the west just as it enters the lake. This would require the construction of an earthen or rock berm that would direct the stream flow into the unused portion of the channel located to the west of the stream mouth. An outlet would then need to be constructed to allow the stream to exit the channel in behind the stumps. Redirecting the flow in this manner would allow the sediment to accumulate in the unused portion of the channel where it would not impact the portion of the channel used for boating. This plan would essentially convert the unused portion of the channel into a sediment trap. Accumulated sediment could be removed from this area as needed to prevent it from flowing out into the main body of the lake.

Bob Pyle stated that he has spoken with Keith Largent, from Soil Conservation, and this work would require either a GP3 Permit or a GP7 permit. Mr. Largent is recommending that the permits be applied for under the Borough’s name instead of the property owner’ name.

Miscoe made a motion to authorize an expenditure of up to $2,500.00 to cover any permit application fees. Walters seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

5. Legal Report – None.

6. Correspondence:

A. Somerset County Boroughs Association- Social Meeting – The Somerset County Boroughs Association is holding their annual social meeting at Hoss’s Steak and Seahouse in Somerset on November 17, 2005 at 6:30 P.M. The cost is $12.00 per person. No one to attend.

B. Lake Properties, Inc.-Requesting a Refund of Unused Monies in the Cheyenne Subdivision Development Escrow Account – Lake Properties, Inc. is requesting a refund of $3,556.33 from the Cheyenne Subdivision Development Escrow Account. The development is completed and no further work will be done in this development. Council tabled any action on this matter until the December 14th meeting. Council asked the Secretary to send a letter to Lake Properties, Inc. stating that the Borough understands that this property was sold on September 1, 2005 and what is the basis for their entitlement to the escrow account when they are no longer the owners of the underlining property.

C. Robert Hanson-Requesting Council to Reconsider the Offer to Purchase Fairway 67 from Tax Claim Bureau – Mr. Hanson is requesting that the Borough Council reconsider accepting his offer to purchase Fairway Lot 67 from the Tax Claim Bureau. In consideration of this, Mr. Hanson has submitted a check to the Indian Lake Service Corporation, in the amount of $1,640.00 to cover all back Service Corporation fees owed with the understanding that this fee be reimbursable if the property transfer does not take place. Miscoe made a motion to accept the offer from Mr. Hanson to purchase Fairway Lot 67 from the Tax Claim Bureau. Dewar seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

7. Committee Reports:

1. Finance Report:

A. Consideration to Purchase a 2005 GMC 5500 Dump Truck – Walters made a motion to purchase a 2005 GMC 5500 Dump Truck, with a 5 year extended warranty with no deductible from W.W. Engine at a cost of $60,537.00 and to purchase a 10’ Fisher Plow from U.S. Municipal Supply at a cost of $5,295.75. Total cost - $65,832.75. St. Clair seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

B. Proposed 2006 Budget – Walters made a motion to authorize the Borough Secretary to advertise the Proposed 2006 Budget, with the changes to the weed treatment category and adjusting the dam repair budget according to GAI’s recommendations. St. Clair seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

C. Proposed 2006 Tax Rate Ordinance – Walters made a motion to authorize Attorney Dickey to advertise the proposed 2006 Tax Rate Ordinance for adoption at the December 14th meeting. St. Clair seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

D. 2006 Proposed Sewer Rate – Walters made a motion to authorize Attorney Dickey to advertise the proposed ordinance modifying the sewer rates for adoption at the December 14th meeting. Pyle seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

E. Redemption of Certificate of Deposit – Secretary reported that on November 15th a Water Works Certificate of Deposit from Countywide Bank, in the amount of $82,438.96 is maturing. Walters made a motion to authorize the Borough Secretary to redeem the Certificate of Deposit and to re-invest it at the highest interest rate available for 6-months. Miscoe seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

2. Public Works:

A. Installation of Security Lights – Miscoe made a motion to contact Somerset Rural Electric and request a high-pressure sodium street light at the end of East Fairway Road and at Peninsula 2054. St. Clair seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

8. Old Business: None.

9. New Business:

A. Appointment of Member to the Zoning Hearing Board – Miscoe made a motion to re-appoint Kathy Moore to the Indian Lake Zoning Hearing Board for a three (3) year term, term expiring December 31, 2008. Pyle seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

10. Public Comment – None.

With no further business to discuss, Walters moved and Miscoe seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 P.M. All ayes, motion carried.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Indian Lake Borough Council will be held on December 14, 2005 at 7:00 P.M. at the Indian Lake Borough Building.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa L. Weyant

Borough Secretary