

1.Your full name and qualifications:

2.Your address and telephone/fax numbers (business and home):

Business / Home

Is there a particular time at which you can be contacted by telephone?

Email address:

3.Your present appointment:

4.Have you written or edited a book before? If so, details of title, publisher, year of publication, etc would be appreciated:

Have you published in journals? Please provide details (attach a separate page if necessary):


Please list all contributors, showing who is writing what:

Note that it is advisable not to approach contributors, unless on a very tentative and informal basis, before we invite you to do so. Until then, we are happy to regard the list of contributors as being provisional.


1.What is the provisional title of your proposed book? (Choose a title that is as explicit as possible, bearing in mind keywords for electronic search.)

2.What is the aim and scope of the book? (Why is the book being written? Why is it needed? What will it cover? How much depth? What is special about the style? What is special about the approach? What is special about the writers and editors? This section is the heart of the proposal and should normally be between 200 and 500 words in length.)

3. Who is the target market? (State the group for whom the book is intended and add any group from whom it may be of interest. What is the intended academic level? Any statistics known to you on the size of the target market will be welcomed.)

4.Why do you believe that this book is needed?

5.If your book is allied to a formal course of training or instruction, for which course will it be essential reading?

6.For which courses will it be recommended or supplementary reading?

7.Is there a market in industry or business for your book? (e.g. drug companies,

equipment manufacturers). If so, please give details below:

8. Competing/complementary books: (To supplement the description of the aims and scope of your proposal, list on a separate sheet or sheets other titles on the same subject as your proposed book, including any you believe may be in preparation. Give the usual publication details, including the price, year of publication and number of pages each, and note in a few sentences how your book would differ from it. Do make this review a thorough one. Not only will it demonstrate that your knowledge of the literature is up to date and complete, but also it will greatly help to give a clear picture of what you want to achieve.)

8.1 Please give details below:


8.2.How will your book differ from, and be better than, the competition?

9.How quickly will your book become out of date?

10.List the contents: (List the chapters in the sequence in which they will appear. Show how many words are allotted for each. Devote about 30-100 words to each chapter to spell out what it should cover, either by writing a synopsis or by listing headings and subheadings.)

11.Sample chapter: (Be prepared to produce a sample chapter (or part of a chapter) of around 3000-4000 words, if asked, to show the level, approach and style of writing of the whole book. We, or our reviewers, may select a particular chapter we would like to see. If so, we shall ask you for this. For some books, more than one sample chapter may be needed.)

12.The physical parameters: (Please estimate below the extent of your book in either numbers of pages (please state whether printed/typed) or words, and add other information on illustrations, etc. One page of A4 double-spaced typing equals approximately 325 words. You may find it helpful to think in terms of the number of typewritten pages you think the book will occupy, or the number of pages it will run to when typeset, using an existing book as a yardstick. You can arrive at the total extent by multiplying the number of pages by the number of words on whatever typical page you are using.)

...... words

...... line drawings

...... black and white photographs

...... colour photographs (to be avoided on cost grounds!)

...... tables (not counted as illustrations)

...... other illustrations (please specify - e.g. flowcharts)

13.How long will it take you to write/edit your book?


We usually have all proposals for new books peer-reviewed. To help us, please provide the names and addresses of two people who are qualified to give an opinion on your proposal. (We shall not necessarily approach these people.) Do be prepared to rework the outline at a later stage in the light of feedback you may get from our reviewers and us.

1. Name / 2. Name
Address: / Address:

Finally, please add any further information that you feel may help us evaluate your proposal:


Have you- completed all sections of the form?

- enclosed a list of chapter headings and synopses?

- estimated the length, etc. of your book?

- added any other useful information?

We shall acknowledge receipt of this form and will review your proposal as quickly as possible. However, please allow a minimum of 4-6 weeks. We shall then be in touch with you to discuss next step.