Lesson plans: 1st block
Date: 8/05/2017 Subject : Theatre Arts I
Plans for the week: Clanton
Monday: Journals, exercises, choral reading The students will write three things they want to learn and three things that they want Mrs.C To teach. The teacher will teach how to do a quote. This will be their bell ringer. The students will put one on the board each day. The students will learn how to exercise. They students will learn their voice warm-ups. The teacher will assign their first monologue. Tell from first person the story of their birth... Three paragraphs . Will hand out first vocabulary words. Due by Tuesday this week Test on Thursday.Tuesday: journals, exercises and choral reading the student will present their first monologue for an oral critique by peer and teacher. This will be handed in. The teacher will make the assignment for the second monologue.Their first day of school. Three paragraphs. The teacher will dictate notes for this chapter. This is the unit on early theatre. The teacher will give out three handouts. The students will choose a partner to introduce with next monologue. The teacher will model the first monologue for students. Will have their first vocabulary words due for theatre. Write out in complete sentences and do a set of flash cards. Poem “Introduction to poetry”
Wednesday: journals, exercises and choral reading Will take notes on the Greek theatre will complete the choice to begin to do their duo lip sync for class\ Teacher will assign the songs to be used. Teacher will hand out drawings of costumes and theatres from this era .The teacher will give tips on their lip syncs * several hand outs on this era. Saddest moment will be due Friday.
Thursday: Journals, exercises, choral reading –Students will give their monologue for class. Teacher will give out a written critique to peer and one will be given from the teacher. The teacher will assign the second monologue. The students will go over handouts and be assigned a report. Catch up for” Your most saddest moment”. Three paragraphs. Will give our choral reading poems.” I wrote this little poem”. Will take a test on vocabulary words.
Friday : Journals, exercises , choral reading – The students will go to the library to research their topic on early theatre. The students will make a collage of pictures from this time. The teacher will hand out hand list of vocabulary words due next week. Flash cards will be assigned.. The students will get their first poem for choral reading. “Ballad of the land lord”( Library is not available can will use Mrs. Case ‘s room)This will be on Tuesday next week. First time in library .
Objectives for: Theatre One and Two
1) Write scripts on personal experience and heritage, imagination, literature and history.2) Develop and communicate characters through acting in improvisations and informal productions.
3) Design and produce environments utilizing elements of theatre.
6). Know how to apply discoveries to support classroom dramatizations through research.
7). A. Recognize major developments in the theatre history of particular cultures.
4) Write scripts on personal experience and heritage, imagination, literature and history.
5) Develop and communicate characters through acting in improvisations and informal productions.
6) Design and produce environments utilizing elements of theatre.
6). Know how to apply discoveries to support classroom dramatizations through research.
7). A. Recognize major developments in the theatre history of particular cultures.
7) Write scripts on personal experience and heritage, imagination, literature and history.
8) Develop and communicate characters through acting in improvisations and informal productions.
9) Design and produce environments utilizing elements of theatre.
6). Know how to apply discoveries to support classroom dramatizations through research.
7). A. Recognize major developments in the theatre history of particular cultures.
1).Write scripts on personal experience and heritage, imagination, literature and history.
10) Develop and communicate characters through acting in improvisations and informal productions.
11) Design and produce environments utilizing elements of theatre.
6). Know how to apply discoveries to support classroom dramatizations through research.
7). A. Recognize major developments in the theatre history of particular cultures
12) Write scripts on personal experience and heritage, imagination, literature and history.
13) Develop and communicate characters through acting in improvisations and informal productions.
14) Design and produce environments utilizing elements of theatre.
6). Know how to apply discoveries to support classroom dramatizations through research.
7). A. Recognize major developments in the theatre history of particular cultures