Sample letter to approval authority:

Note to User: Adjust content of letter reflect individual request to attend Professional Development Day and/or Symposium.

The purpose of this letter is to seek your approval and funding for me to attend the 2014 RPIC Real Property National Workshop, Transformation: The Path to Success,November 18 and 19, 2015 at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa. The Real Property Institute of Canada’s (RPIC) learning event is directly related to my work and the core mandate/priorities of the department – [INSERT specifically how it is directly related here]. It will allow me to gain knowledge, enhance my skills and network with Workshop partners, other federal government or other level of government representatives, academic researchers and private sector firms to learn about new approaches, best practices, policy and program developments in the management of real property.

The Workshop will consist of upwards of 18 sessions delivered by industry experts, grouped in the following streams:Managing Partnerships, Portfolio and Program Planning, and Projects; all of which address current issues on the federal agenda. The ever-popular "Ask the Expert" and "Senior Executive Panel Discussion" sessions have also been included.The Workshop is structured to provide opportunities for discussion and learning about many of the technical, operational and long-term sustainability challenges associated with the management of federal real property.

Many of the presentations are tailored to the [INSERT your primary function here], and provide information on public sector and industry trends, best practices and strategic direction. I have identified the specific sessions that will assist me in delivering my core responsibilities in a more effective manner and assist me in contributing to addressing an issue [INSERT issue details here]faced by our organization (if applicable).The presentations are to be facilitated by public and/or private sector experts in the particular field being discussed. Attending the RPIC Real Property National Workshop will greatly reduce the time and costs that [INSERT your department's name] would normally incur for me to attend individual learning events on each topic or to research the topics individually (if applicable).

[INSERT the sessions that are most applicable to your work]

As a holder of a professional[INSERT your designation(s)]designation, professional development credits can be earned by submitting the Workshop program to my certification body. Note to participant:Recognition of training varies and, depending on the designation, may only apply for self-directed learning credits. Confirmation with the certification body will be required to determine the types of credits to be applied for as part of your participation.

Travel to this event is required as there are no for virtual presence or remote meeting options available. This travel authorization request relates to the following category/categories (indicate your selection(s) in the list below):

Travel that is required in support of the direct delivery of the core mandate of a department or legislative or legal requirements.

Travel that is necessary to engage key stakeholders in relation to policy, program or regulatory development or renewal or other matters that support the departments' ongoing working relationship or operations with such communities.

Travel that is necessary to support sound internal governance of a department including management meetings and Departmental Audit Committee meetings, or that is necessary for the recruitment or hiring of employees.

Travel to enable the training of employees to meet the assigned duties of their positions.

The total for travel and learning costs are [$xxx.xx].

[You will need to insert your travel cost numbers below.]

Here is the breakdown of costs for this learning event. I have chosen the most economical means for travel costs.

Roundtrip Airfare: [$xx.xx] (RPIC offers participants 10-15% discounts with WestJet and Porter)

Ground Transportation: [$xx.xx] (RPIC offers participants 10% discount with VIA Rail)

Hotel: [$xx.xx] (RPIC offers participants a rate of $179 at the Novotel and $169 at Les Suites)

Meals: [$xx.xx] (RPIC provides breakfast, lunch and refreshment breaks (morning and afternoon))
Incidentals:[$xx.xx] (Calculated in accordance with National Joint Council Travel Directive)

Registration Fees: $750 + HST(Workshop – November 18 and 19)

Number of travellers (if applicable): There are [INSERT the # of travellers from your department] of travellers from this department attending this event. It is important for me to attend given my role as [INSERT your position/title].

The opportunity for me to gain more in-depth knowledge and network with colleagues and industry representatives in [INSERT your area of expertise]makes my attendance at the 2015 RPIC Real Property National Workshop a wise investment, which will yield rich dividends for [INSERT your department's name]. In addition, to maximize the return to [INSERT your department's name]from my attendance, I am committed to sharing information with my colleagues/team upon my return by sharing documentation and/or holding information sessions/presentations to ensure maximum outreach to all interested employees.

In summary, the investment in my attendance at the workshop will providevalue for money and is a great learning and professional development opportunity to add to my personal learning plan (PLP).

Thank you in advance for considering this learning request.


[INSERT your signature block here]