St. Theresa of Lisieux, Stansted

High Lane, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex, CM24 8LQ

Parish Priest: Father John Garrett

Tel: 01279 814349, E-mail:

(New website under construction)

14th June
2015 / / Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Liturgy of the week

Sat 13th June / 10.00 – 11.00am*
6.00pm / *Confessions
People of the Parish
Sun14th June / 10.00am / Catherine Harvey
Anniversary Mass
Mon15th June / 9.30am
Tues 16th June / 9.30am
Wed 17th June
(No morning Mass) / 1.30pm
2.30pm /
  • Rosary Group
  • Wednesday Club

Thurs 18th June / 9.30am
Fri 19th June / 9.30am

Sat20th June / 6.00pm / Kath & John Whiting
Golden Wedding
(Wednesday Club)

Collections for 6th /7th June, Many thanks

Gift aid / Loose / Total
First / £279.00 / £171.89 / £450.89
Sick and Retired Clergy Fund / £88.70 / £94.15 / £182.85

Food bank

Our local Food Bank is desperately in need of food items. If you would like to donate food, please see the poster in the church foyer listing items needed and leave any donations in the box provided. Many thanks.


The rotas for various parish groups are now in a folder at the back of the church if you need to check.

Local news & events

Magna Carta arrival

A cyclist will arrive with a copy of the Magna Carta at 10.00am on Monday 22nd June at St. Mary’s Church.

Magna Carta embroidery

There will be a display of Magna Carta embroidery on Tuesday 23rd June at Forest Hall School from 6-8pm.

Stansted medieval fayre

Stansted Medieval Fayre will take place on Saturday 27th June at Stansted Hall.

Book now to avoid disappointment. Family tickets are £20 for 2 adults and 2 children. Once they are sold, tickets will be sold at the standard price of adult £8, child £5 (age 3 to 15). Volunteers are needed for the smooth running of the Fayre. As all displays are staged twice no one will miss out on seeing the main events.

Look out for Magna Carta quiz sheets on sale for £1 at venues around the village.

For more information visit or see the poster in the church entrance.

Diocesan news & events

Bradwell Pilgrimage

All are welcome on the ecumenical pilgrimage to Bradwell on Saturday 4th July, from 11am – 3.30pm. With prayers, a talk by Canon Michael Mitton and a visit to one of the oldest church buildings in England. There will be stalls and fun activities for all the family and it is right next to the beach. Please see the posters on the noticeboard for more information or go to: or search Bradwell Pilgrimage on Facebook.

Ever Ancient, Ever New

Men aged 18-40 with a passion for God and the Church are invited to consider a vocation to the men's branch of a new religious community. Join us on the weekend of 4th/5th Julyat Abbotswick House of Prayer, Brentwood, for a time of prayer, sharing and reflection. It will provide you with the opportunity to learn more about the Community of Our Lady of Walsingham's charism and how it may relate to your own faith journey.

Call Jim on 01277 373848 or visit

Calling all Grandparents, Grandchildren and of course Mums and Dads!

Join us on Saturday 11th July at Aylesford Priory for a day of faith and fun. Plenty to do for all the family in wonderfully peaceful surroundings. Rosary procession and concelebrated Mass.

Also on Sunday 26th July, the Feast of St Joachim and St Anne, for a day of faith and fun. Plenty to do for all the family. Rosary procession and concelebrated Mass.

For more details on either event, please contact Caroline on 01328 560333.