Rubric for Medieval Times Unit in Social Studies
Window Theme
Beginning / On My Way / WOW!Knowledge
/- Window is unfinished
- Stock images about the middle ages are copied from television or popular culture or created from own imagination without checking for relationship to topic
- No additional sources are consulted
- Minimal information is provided
- Little to say about the images or their meaning or relationship to medieval times
- Window begins to tell a story, but has unclear parts or gaps
- Images informed by a specific source
- One or two additional sources consulted to learn about medieval times
- Solid information is provided
- Can give a general idea about the main parts of the window though parts are not clearly explained
- Window tells a story about Medieval Times
- Images informed by lots of background research
- Many sources consulted to learn about medieval times
- Extra information provided with some detail and specificity
- Can easily and enthusiastically explain meaning of images and relationship to medieval times in some detail
Follows Directions /
- Follows directions inconsistently or goes off on own direction
- Disrupts others
- Follows most directions; requires some guidance from time to time
- Attentively and consistently follows directions given
- Unobtrusively helps others
Technique and Use of Media (Watercolours) /
- Makes little use of suggestions and ideas given
- Careless or inappropriate use of materials and equipment given
- Final work looks unfinished or lacks a solid effort
- Makes general use of suggestions and ideas given
- Attempts to use materials and equipment carefully and well, though lack of understanding sometimes impedes efforts
- Some difficulties in execution hamper final effects or not on topic
- Makes strategic use of suggestions and ideas given
- Shows very good use of materials and equipment given
- Finished work is accomplished and interesting aesthetically
Creativity/ Originality /
- Ideas are copied directly from others or media
- Viewer is confused
- Ideas are executed in a sketchy or unfinished fashion or are so overworked and complex that they can’t be understood
- Ideas are borrowed and adapted to own needs
- Viewer understands general idea and intention
- Main ideas are well executed, but some details or gaps are not completed as well
- Finds new ideas and ways to express ideas
- Self-explanatory—fully elaborated so that the viewer knows what the window is trying to show and is impressed
- Ideas well executed, showing planning and thought
Involvement /
- Avoids working on window and visits or does other things
- Seems resistant to learning more about medieval times or watercolours
- Is content to end activity
- Works fairly consistently and makes good use of time
- Understands what is being learned
- Is happy to have learned about medieval times and watercolours
- So involved that doesn’t want to stop
- Enjoyed the process of learning
- Wants to learn more about medieval times and about watercolours
Grade 6-8 Rose Odling, Learning Through The Arts, Regina, SK, October 2003