Course Outline
Part I
Programme Title : Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) (Five-year
Full-time) Primary
Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) (Five-year
Full-time) Secondary
Course Title : Psycholinguistics and Second Language Acquisition
Course code : ENG 3251
Department : Linguistics and Modern Language Studies
Credit Points : 3
Contact Hours : 39
Pre-requisite(s) : Nil
Medium of Instruction: English
Level : 3
For Second Major (English Language): Core Course
For Minor (English Language): Available
Part II
1. Synopsis:
This course provides opportunities for students to develop their understanding of how language is learnt and how it is related to thinking. It introduces students to theories of second language learning and explores how second language development is affected by individual learner factors and social contextual factors.
2. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
CILO1 demonstrate a clear understanding of how people comprehend
and produce language; [PILO1 (SK1)]
CILO2 identify the major theories that seek to explain second language
acquisition; [PILO5 (SPK2)]
CILO3 use relevant theoretical concepts to analyze how individual
learner factors and social contextual factors affect second
language acquisition; [PILO5 (SPK2)]
3. Course Intended Language Learning Outcomes (CILLOs)
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
CILLO1 Write logical and coherent academic texts [PILO3 (SK3)]
4. Content, CILOs and Teaching & Learning Activities
Course Content / CILOs/CILLOs / Suggested Teaching & Learning ActivitiesHow language develops in the first language / CILO1
CILLO1 / Lecture,
Group work, Students’ PPT presentation,
Online learning activities
Key explanatory theories of second language acquisition: Behaviourism, Innatism, Interactionism / CILO1,2
Stages and processes of second language acquisition:
· learner language
· developmental sequences
· the processes of transfer, generalization, simplification and imitation / CILO1,2
Learner factors which affect second language acquisition including:
· language aptitude
· personality
· motivation
· learning styles and strategies / CILO3
Contextual factors that affect second language acquisition: language and identity / CILO3
Structure a logical and coherent academic text / CILLO1 / Lecture, seminar, group work
5. Assessment
Assessment Tasks / Weighting (%) / CILOs/CILLOsa. Oral Presentation: Students work in groups to analyze their language learning experiences across group members, using relevant theoretical concepts to explain the similarities and differences of second language learning outcomes. / 40 / CILO1, 2,3
b. Individual written essay: An essay in which each individual student analyzes his/her own language learning experiences in terms of theories associated with the processes of second language learning and / or with the effects of learner factors on second language learning. / 60 / CILO1,2,3
6. Required Text(s)
7. Recommended Reading
Baker, C. & Prys Jones, S. (1998). Bilingualism and second language acquisition. In C.
Baker & S. Prys Jones, Encyclopedia of bilingualism and bilingual education (pp. 635-64). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Brown, H.D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching (4th edition). White
Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman.
Cook, V.J. (2001). Second language learning and teaching (3rd edition). London: Arnold.
Dornyei, Z. (2001). Teaching and researching motivation. London: Longman.
Dörnyei, Z. (2005). The psychology of the language learner: individual differences in
second language acquisition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Ellis, R. (1997). Second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ellis, R. (2004). Individual differences in second language learning. In A. Davies & C. Elder
(eds.) Handbook of applied linguistics (pp. 525-551). Oxford: Blackwell.
Emmitt, M. & Pollock, J. (1997). Language and learning. Melbourne: Oxford University
Goh, C., & Silver, R. (2004). Language Acquisition and Development. Singapore:
National Institute of Education.
Johnson, K. (2001). An introduction to foreign language learning and teaching. Harlow:
Lamb, M. (2009). Situating the L2 self: Two Indonesian school learners of English. In Z. D Dörnyei & E. Ushioda (Eds.), Motivation, language identity and the L2 self
(pp.229-247). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Lam, W. Y.K. (2005). Is Strategic Competence Teachable? The Journal of Asia TEFL, 2,
4, pp. 87-112.
Leaver, B.L., Ehrman, M. & Shekhtman, B. (2005). Achieving success in second
language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Littlewood, W. (2000). Foreign and second language learning. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press and Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching Press / People's Education Press. (Available for purchase only in the PRC.)
Littlewood, W. (2004). Second language learning. In A. Davis & C. Elder (eds.)
Handbook of applied linguistics (pp. 501-524). Oxford: Blackwell.
Mackey, A. (2006). Second language acquisition. In R. Fasold & J. Connor-Linton (ed.) An
introduction to language and linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
McDonough, S. (2002). Applied linguistics in language education. London: Arnold. Peregoy, S.F. & Boyle, O.F. (2001). Reading, writing and learning in ESL (3rd
edition). New York: Addison Wesley Longman.
Saville-Troike, M. (2005). Introducing second language acquisition. Cambridge
University Press.
Scovel, T. (1998). Psycholinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
VanPatten, B. (2003) From input to output: a teacher's guide to second language
acquisition. USA: McGraw Hill.
Whitney, P. (1998). The Psychology of language. Boston, MA: Houghton Miffin.
Williams, M. & Burden, R. (1997). Psychology for language teachers. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
8. Related Web Resources
This site gives information about language acquisition and the relation between language and cognitive development.
9. Related Journals