Southern African Wildlife Management Association (SAWMA)

Symposium 16-19 September 2012

Klein Kariba ATKV Conference Resort, Bela-Bela, LimpopoProvince

Responsible Biodiversity Research and

Wildlife Management



The Southern African Wildlife Management Association (SAWMA) invites all SAWMA members, managers, scientists, students and decision-makers in the field of wildlife and natural resource management and research to attend our annual symposium from 16 – 19 September 2012. The event will be held at theKlein Kariba ATKV Conference Resort, Bela-Bela, LimpopoProvince. This Bushveld resort is situated in one of the WaterbergMountains’ most beautiful ravines (outside Bela Bela) and is just over an hour’s drive from Pretoria and Johannesburg(


Responsible Biodiversity Research and Wildlife Management

With declining resources and smaller budgets for conservation agencies, the efficiency and relevance of interventions to solve conservation challenges are becoming increasingly important. Conservationists are bombarded with social and economic realities and need to find real solutions to a variety of conservation challenges. Not only has society seen a huge escalation in the scale of the issues, but also in their complexities. The conservation of biological diversity is a societal need - much of humanity is dependent on biological diversity for livelihoods or lifestyles or both - that has many problems that progressively need more and more innovative thinking.

The question society needs to ask is: how relevant is biodiversity science currently to the conservation practitioners? Given that the practice of science has at least two functions - generating new knowledge and solving societal problems, both of which provide opportunities for academic capacity building, it is probably more and more important that the type of problems that scientists tackle reflect the need of society at large. SAWMA Conference 2012 seek to explore the relevance of biodiversity research and how researchers and conservationists can responsibly address important conservation challenges that influences the South African Society.

Efforts will be made to accommodate all contributions related to the main theme, but should a larger number of topics be received, presentations will be selected on the basis of relevance to the following sub-themes offered:

Sub themes:

  • Adaptive management
  • Science/management interface
  • Intensive wildlife management and implications for biodiversity
  • Habitat/species preservation as a key factor in maintainingimportant biodiversity variables
  • Indicators of changes in biodiversity
  • The influence of scale on biodiversity conservation and management
  • A special session on "Small Carnivore Conservation" will also be included


Contributions in the form of platform papers and posters would be most welcome. Paper presentations will allow15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes questions/discussion.

Posters will be in the form of a speed presentation of 5 minutes, a poster display and informal discussion.

Abstracts for all the above are required and should be maximum 300-350 words. Abstracts should explain clearly what the paper/poster is about. See “Guidelines for Papers”.

Deadlines for submissions

31 May 2012: Titles of posters and abstracts should be submitted electronically to Elma Marais:

30 June 2012: A short abstract for accepted papers and posters (about 300 - 350 words) should be submitted as soon as possible after 31 May, but not later than 30 June 2012. See “Guidelines for Abstracts”.


Students will qualify for an award for the best presentation and poster. All presentations of work done towards a degree/diploma, including Masters and PhD degree will be considered.

The objective of these awards is to encourage a high standard of presentations and to motivate young scientists/managers.


No formal proceedings of papers presented at the symposium will be published, but presenters are encouraged to submit their papers for publication in the South African Journal of Wildlife Research. See the instructions for authors and guidelines at


As usual efforts are made to make the event as affordable as possible and therefore fees do not differ much from the previous year.

Please note that only undergraduate and post graduate students in full-time registration at a tertiary institution will be considered for student rates.Non-SAWMA members are charged a higher rate, but are invited to join membership to SAWMA and will then qualify for lower rates.

The symposium will run for 3 full days.The full registration fee excludes accommodation and breakfast, but includes the following: Lunches (Monday to Wednesday), Dinners (Buffet Cocktail on Sunday, Braai on Monday and Gala Dinner on Tuesday)and mid-morning and –afternoon tea/coffee and snacks. A cash bar will be available for dinners, but some wine will be provided during the evening functions.

Delegates are welcome to book accommodation for an extra night after the symposium. Note that dinner for the extra evening is not included in the registration fee and you will need to make your own arrangements.

Registration forms and payment should reach Elma Marais by 15 August 2012 to qualify for “early registration rates”. The “Late registration fees” will be applicable to registrations after this date.The cut off date for registrations is 7 September 2012.

Option 1: Full Registration Rate: Symposium (Evening of 16 September - afternoon of 19 September) This option is for delegates attending the full symposium.

Symposium rates / (Early Registration) Before 15 Aug. / (Late Registration) After 15 Aug.
SAWMA Member / R2 000.00 / R2 200.00
Non- SAWMA Member / R2 500.00 / R2 750.00
Student Member
(fulltime students) / R1 300.00 / R1430.00

Option 2: Daily registration fee for delegates not attending the full conference:

If any partners are attending the symposium, extra dinners should be indicated.

Days / Daily rates excluding dinner / Dinners
Monday, 17 September / R 750.00 / R180.00
Tuesday, 18 September / R 750.00 / R250.00
Wednesday, 19 September / R 750.00 / No dinner on Wednesday


  1. Delegates who would prefer to pay the registration fee bydirect deposit, or electronic transfer can use the following bank details:

Standard Bank account holder: Southern African Wildlife Management Association

Cheque Account: 270805575

Branch: Tyger Manor Branch

Branch code: 050410

  1. Registration fees can also be paid by posting a cheque (preferably ZAR currency), made payable to the Southern African Wildlife Management Association, and posted to the SAWMA Secretariat, P.O. Box 217, Bloubergstrand, 7436, South Africa.
  1. NOTE that only cash or cheques will be accepted during registration at the conference. SAWMA does not have facilities for credit card payments.

Cancellation policy:

Please note that once a registration form is returned, arrangements will be made for meals etc. Unless attendance is cancelled, the delegate will be responsible for the registration fee. No refunds will be paid after 10September 2012.


Completed registration forms (obtainable from the secretariat / SAWMA website) should be returned as soon as possible but not later than 7 September 2012to Elma Marais: Email: , or fax: 0866729882 or postal mail: P.O. Box 217, Bloubergstrand, 7436, South Africa. (After 15 August the late registration fee applies)OR alternatively: Register online at

ACCOMMODATION(Bed & Breakfast - payable to Klein Kariba Conference Resort)

Delegates will stay in chalets. Single and sharing options are available.Each individual will be responsible to make their own arrangements and paying their accommodation at Klein Karibaby completing the booking form obtainable from the SAWMA Secretariat. Book your accommodation before 15 August 2012 to avoid disappointment.

Special low rates have been negotiated for the symposium!

  1. Non-sharing (one person per unit): R480.00 per person, per night.
  1. Sharing (two persons per unit; separate bedrooms): R360.00 per person, per night.
  1. Sharing (three persons per unit; 2 sharing a room and 1 in a separate room): R260.00 per person, per night.

Accommodation booking forms are available from Elma Marais () or from the SAWMA website: The completed booking forms should be faxed or e-mailed to Zanie Jordaan (), Klein Kariba Resort Conference Co-ordinator (cc to );

Contact details for Zanie Jordaan: T: 014 736 9839 / F: 014 736 9837 E:


A brief outline of the programme: (A provisional programme should be available by July 2012)

Sunday, 16 September 2012:

Delegates arrive for registration and “Meet and Greet” Cocktail buffet from 18h30.

Monday, 17 September 2012:

Morning: Registration continues; Opening address by an invited guest speaker; presentation of papers

Afternoon: presentation of papers, AGM and election of new council members.

Evening: Braai

Tuesday, 18 September 2012:

Morning: Presentation of papers

Afternoon: Presentation of papers. Poster session.

Evening: Gala Dinner

Wednesday, 19 September 2012:

Morning: Presentations continue.

Afternoon: Presentations continue; Awards for best presentations.

Departure: Not later than 16h00.


The organising committee:

Scientific support: Chair –Pieter Nel (North WestParks and Tourism Board) Michael Somers (Centre for Wildlife Management, UP), Sam Ferreira (SAN Parks),Kelly Marnewick and Harriet Davies-Mostert (Endangered Wildlife Trust)

Administration: Elma Marais (SAWMA Secretariat),


Delegates have to arrange their own transport to the venue.

GPS coordinates: 24º50’59″ S / 28º20’20″ E

From Johannesburg:Take the N1 highway direction north. Follow the highway past the eastern suburbs of Pretoria. The first tollgate after Pretoria is approximately 10 km from Menlyn and the next one 40 km from the Bela-Bela/Settlers off-ramp. Take the Bela-Bela/Settlers off-ramp and turn left on the bridge. Follow the Bela-Bela road for approximately 9 km. Turn right at the T-junction and right again at the first traffic light. The resort is approximately 7 km further on the R101, direction Modimole. ATKV Klein-Kariba is on the left.

A map can be down loaded at


Submissions of paper/poster titles:by 31 May 2012

Submissions of abstracts:by 31 May 2012,not later than 30 June 2012

Booking of accommodation at Klein Karibaby15August 2012

Early Registration: Until 15 August 2012

Final submission of registration forms: 10 September 2012

Cancellation: After10 Sept. 2012, Nil reimbursement


The SAWMA Secretariat, Elma Marais, P.O. Box 217, Bloubergstrand, 7436

E-mail address:

Tel: 021-554 1297

Fax: 086 672 9882