General Professional Studies - Introduction
The General Professional Studies (GPS) module forms an important part of your wider professional development within your initial teacher training. It is designed to broaden your knowledge and understanding of both schools and the education system.
In addition to your SHU based lectures and seminars, the school based tasks to be undertaken during your placements will allow you to build a record of your teaching and learning experiences and secure many QTS standards. It is imperative that you maintain an up to date record of these tasks within your Career Preparation Portfolio in order to satisfy course requirements. These will be viewed by your mentors as part of your regular reviews and by SHU tutors within moderation visits.
The final GPS assessment involves an extended written assignment that focuses upon one of the areas from within the overall GPS programme. Essay titles are included in the programme. Please select 1 from 6.
GTP Trainees are not expected to attend the lecture programme but if the opportunity arises to attend please do. The GPS School Based Tasks may be utilised as a means of providing additional evidence for completion of a training plan and for final assessment.
Below is a selection of educational texts that will support your study of GPS. The key texts relate very closely to the taught programme and will assist your studies considerably. The additional texts are for either supplementary support or for specific guidance.
Key Texts:
Overall LS and Sangster M / 2003 / Secondary Teacher’s Handbook / London ContinuumCole M(Ed) / 2003 / Professional Values and Practice for Teachers and Student Teacher / David Fulton Publishers
Cohen L, Manion M & Morrison K / 2004 / A Guide to Teaching Practice
/ Routledge
Capel S, Helibronn R, Leask M & Turner T (4th Edition) / 2004 / Learning to Teach in Secondary School / Routledge
Additional Texts:
Battersby J & Gordon J / 2006 / Preparing to Teach / RoutledgeArthur J, Davison J & Lewis M / 2005 / Professional Values and Practice / Routledge
Moon B (Ed) / 2002 / Teaching and Learning and the Curriculum in Secondary Schools / OU Falmer Press
Kyriacou C / 1998 / Essential Teaching Skills / Neslon Thornes
Pollard A / 2002 / Reflective Teaching / Continuum International Publishing Group
Carr D / 2003 / Making Sense of Education / Routledge
Marriott G / 2001 / Observing Teachers at Work / Heinemann
Riley KA / 2002 / Working with disaffected Students / Paul Chapman Publishing
Cantor L / 2002 / Assertive Discipline: Positive Behaviour Management for Today’s Classroom / Cantor Lee and Assoc.
Muijs, D & Reynolds, D. / 2001 / Effective Teaching / Paul Chapman Publishing
Carnel, E Lodge C / 2002 / Supporting Effective Learning / Paul Chapman Publishing
Villani V / 2002 / Mentoring Programmes for New Teachers / Corwin Press
McEwan, EK & McEwen PJ / 2003 / Making sense of Research / Corwin Press
Dyson A & Millward A / 2000 / Schools and Special Needs / Paul Chapman Publishing
Clough P / 1998 / Managing Inclusive Education / Paul Chapman Publishing
Mather N / 2001 / Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviours: A guide to Intervention and Classroom Management / Brookes Publishing
Riley KA & Rustique-Forrester E / 2002 / Working with Disaffected Students / Paul Chapman Publishing
Brine J / 2001 / Education and Training in the European Union / Longman Higher
Bolton G / 2000 / Reflective Practice / Paul Chapman Publishing
Web Sites: Legislative frameworks: Teaching and Learning organisations Inclusion and SEN specialists National Employment opportunities in education LEA systems and provision Teacher Trade Unions Educational Theory/Child Development
SHU GPS Programme and School Based Tasks 2006-07
Date Wed.Time: 1.00 3.00 / Key Lecture
Herbert Wing / Seminars / GPS - School Based Tasks
To be undertaken at an appropriate point within placement / Essay Title (3000words) Choose 1 from 6
Handing in Date:
20.9.06 / GPS Overview
Herb Gray
& Alison Hramiak SHU / Personal Assessment
Developing and Utilising evidence
Addressing the Career Prep. Profile / GPS Explained
Continue to develop ‘Initial Needs Analysis’ with Mentor
Undertake induction programme
QTS - S 1.7, S 1.8 & S 2.1
27.9.06 / What makes a 'Good School'
OFSTED / OFSTED Process & consequences / Review your placement school's OFSTED report - assess for validity and how does it compare with the reality
Check the school's newly complied SEF
QTS - S1.8, 2.1c/d / 1. What makes a good school? Discuss the ramifications of 'value added scores and leagues tables on the day to day experience for today's pupils.
4.10.06 / Pastoral Curriculum / Form Tutors Role
Support Systems / How does your placement seek to maximise its contact with parents?
Review your placement school’s pastoral provision. Identify the key components within and analyse ways in supports teaching and learning.
QTS - S 3.2.7 & S 1.4, S1.6 & S2.6 / 2. "To serve them all my days" (RF Delderfield) Are teachers doing teaching for love of subject, love of children or as a step in a serial career? Is there more to teaching than just imparting knowledge of subject? Discuss
18.10.06 / Behaviour / Classroom Management &
M Palmer
Thrybergh Comp
Rotherham / Classroom Management
Developing Pupil Involvement / Note 3 key features associated Behaviour / Classroom Management within your placement.
What systems of rewards and sanctions exist? How do these vary across the key stages 3,4 and post 16?
How are the policies associated with Behaviour/Classroom Management communicated to the pupils/students?
QTS - S 2.3, S2.4 S2.7 & S3.1 / 3. Can you really teach teachers how to control classes, or is behaviour management a learned skilled acquired through holistic, evaluative, iterative practice in schools?
1.11.06 / Special Educational Needs- SEN
Ian Archer
Don Valley / 'Every Child Matters'
Working with TOAs
MARRA / Drawing upon your placement, what professionals and/or roles exist in order to assist in the teaching of SEN pupils including ‘Gifted and Talented’
Within the classroom what are the Inclusion/SEN issues that you face?
QTS - S1.1, S1.2, S2.4, S2.4, S3.1 & S3.2 / 4. Schools Minister Andrew Adonis July 2006 (DFES)
“I am delighted to announce that we now have a further 14 special schools joining the Specialist Schools programme. Specialist schools continue to drive up standards across the mainstream sector which is why I am pleased that special schools are now getting the same opportunities to excel.
“These newly designated SEN specialist schools, supported by additional Government funding, will work with both mainstream and other special schools to spread best practice and raise standards”
Compare and contrast policies and methods of inclusion with those of specialist schools. Which is actually better for the child and for the school?
3.1.07 / Citizenship
Gary Clemitshaw
SHU / The politics of Citizenship
The educational context of Citizenship
Citizenship and School Development / Where is Citizenship delivered and developed within your placement school?
Identify the 3 strands of citizenship education
QTS S1.1 & S2.4 / 5. Is being a good citizen the same as being British? What does being British mean, and how well does it fit in with citizenship in an already full core curriculum?
17.1.07 / Curriculum Development
Steve Robinson
Head Teacher
Chaucer School / Being a Manager of Learning
Planning for Learning
Curriculum Initiatives / Review your placement documentation/policies/practice re the transition points at years 6/7, 9/10 and 11/12. Pay attention to pupil opportunity to undertake new subjects, pursue non-national curriculum subjects and undertake pre/vocational courses.
How does the status of your placement establishment affect the curriculum on offer to the pupils/students?
QTS - S2.1, S2.2, S3.2 & S3.3 / 6 The Norwood Report 1943 purported a tripartite system with grammar, secondary and technical schools. Discuss how this once "open" system might arguably being replicated within the current system.
7.2.07 / Into the Profession - NQT and beyond
Barry Hancock
Redbridge LEA / Working with Pupils and Teachers
Legal Requirements / After reviewing the staff handbook, list the roles and responsibilities you are expected to undertake as part of your school day/week.
Shadow an organiser of an out of school activity – review the risk assessment procedure and note the key features associated with it.
QTS - S 1.5-8 & S 3.1.5