Wigtownshire Executive Group

Meeting Notes 21st July 2015, Stranraer Fire Station


Gerry McCabe (Chair) (GMcC)Peter Ross (PR)

Mhairi Hastings (MH)Ewan Marshall (EM)

Sue Newberry (SN)Julie Currie (JC)

Mark Sindall (MS)Fidelma Eggo (FE)

Hazel Walker (HW)

In Attendance: Gillian Churms (GC) - note taker

Apologies: David Beattie (DB), Fleur Roddy (FR), Catherine Withington (CW), Fiona Barr (FB), Helen Brown (HB), Paula Moreira (PM) and Stephen Jack (SJ).

Welcome and Introductions
GMcC welcomed those present and gave details of apologies received.
Minutes of Previous Meeting and
Agreed as an accurate record of the previous meeting. GC to amend attendee list accordingly. / GC
Matters Arising
  • Paper by EM based on JIT Readiness for Integration document – this had been circulated to the group for information and reference.
  • It was asked if agendas and papers for future meetings could be issued to the group sooner. GC advised the group that problems had been experienced due to annual leave and also the volume of information to be shared which had lead to some members not receiving the papers for this meeting until the day before and some members not receiving them at all due to mailbox restriction. GC went on to advise that normally papers would be issued at least 7 days before the meeting or as soon as possible within the 7 days, however alternative arrangements could be phased in which would allow for papers to be issued earlier. GC to action this after the holiday period has ended. The new arrangements would also encompass the drip feed of documents where there are large numbers to circulate.
/ GC
Locality Planning Update
The group were updated regarding the preparation for the forthcoming Locality Planning Workshop (Monday 4th August 2015) and as a result of a brief discussion regarding this event the following action was agreed:
  • GC and JC to liaise to broaden the list of people invited to attend
Further Locality Planning Meetings are scheduled to be held thus:
  • Monday 27th July
  • Thursday 13th August
  • Wednesday 26th August
It is hoped that the first draft Locality Plan will go out to public consultation around September time.
WJ to provide details of Stranraer Library as a possible consultation venue. / GC/JC
Finance Update
HB was unable to attend the meeting, but an update will be sought and shared with the group at the next meeting. GMcC is to ask HB to provide a running update summary illustrating monies in terms of Proposed, Committed and Balance Available. / GMcC
ICF Proposals/Update
a) Draft ICF Checklist
The group had sighted this document and it was agreed that it would be tested by using it to evaluate the tabled proposals.
b) GP ANP Proposal
MH advised the group as means of an update that this proposal is unlikely now to be for the original £40k and would be more likely to be for approximately £20k as the Board have agreed to funding 4 ANPs across the Region and the recruitment process for these is to commence within the following week with a view to successful applicants commencing at Carlisle University in September 2015 – the posts will start as a Band 6 raising to Band 7 upon qualification. MH added detail around the need for there to be a mentorship programme and some of what this may entail, along with advising that the necessary paperwork and protocols for such a project have been made available for use/adaptation from our colleagues in Ayrshire and Arran. MH went on to add that further scoping in relation to this work will be carried out by herself with others.
SN introduced a further GP proposal based on initiatives drawn from the GP Scoping Project. SN advised that it is acknowledged that the engagement of GPs in Integration is challenging, but that the recently concluded GP Scoping Project identified that Practices do want to be included, but recruitment issues mean that resources are needed to enable this engagement. SN outlined a proposal that seeks to enable engagement by recruiting an Integration Liaison Officer to co-ordinate representation and facilitate information flow. This post would involve the Liaison Officer working 2 days per week across the 10 practices, emphasising that Practices would not receive payment if they did not engage.
Discussion and questioning around this proposal ensued concluding that the proposal is largely viewed favourably by the group, however it was challenged on what the benefits of the initiative might be to the Locality and also querying the usage of GP recruitment monies to fund the Liaison Officer. SN to develop the proposal and re-submit to the group for consideration after raised queries have been addressed within the proposal content.
Status: Recommended by Executive Group subject to caveat stated above – 21.07.2015
c) Community Link Worker
The SLWG set up to explore and develop this proposal had met and had tabled a proposal for consideration. The proposal was for the recruitment of a project worker who would identify existing link workers across all partner organisations and work to build liaisons, identify existing services and also to identify service gaps.
After discussion the group agreed that this proposal should be recommended subject to a stipulation that this would integrate the aforementioned FLC Project.
Status: Recommended by Executive Group subject to caveat stated above – 21.07.2015
d) Carers Proposal
GMcC informed the group about the details of this proposal, advising that there had been concerns raised re the initial proposal around the robustness of the outcomes. This iteration of the proposal was recommended for an initial year of funding (£6832 for 15/16 yr) subject to stringent review and evaluation processes being undertaken and working within Wigtownshire but with a regional liaison.
Status: £6832 for 2015/16 recommended by Executive Group subject to caveat stated above – 21.07.2015
The group briefly discussed the details of a Regional proposal for funding of an RVS Transport initiaitive that had now been re-submitted to each Locality for consideration as 4 individual Locality proposals. After a brief discussion the group declined this proposal, but suggested that the volunteer drivers be re-approached to enquire if their scope of travel could be broadened which may perhaps make this proposal mare attractive/feasible. / SN
  • GMcC to Chair next meeting as MH and MS are on leave.

Date of Next Meeting:
3.30pm, 18th August 2015, Stranraer Fire Station