Statistics and Risk Management – Mrs. Batts – (Perry)

Statistics and Risk Management Course Syllabus 2013 – 2014

Instructor: Mrs. Batts – (Perry) Email:

Room #: M324 Phone: 713 865-4440 (x371)

Welcome to Mrs. Batts’ (Perry) Statistics and Risk Management class!

Statistics and Risk Management Course Overview

Real Life Math. Real Life Skills. This course will give you the materials you need to be financially successful in college, in your career, and in your daily life. Topics covered include, but not limited to budgeting, loans, credit, taxes, and getting into college and getting jobs.

This course is recommended for students in Grades 11-12. This course may meet the requirements

for the fourth year mathematics credit. Recommended prerequisites: Accounting I and Algebra II.

Classroom and School Expectations

We will enjoy ourselves and accomplish more if we have an organized classroom environment in which everyone feels welcome and respected. We can make this happen as long as we all follow our classroom expectations:

1.  Be respectful.

Be respectful of Mrs. Batts, your classmates, the classroom, and yourself through your language and actions.

2.  Be on time.

Arrive on time; take out your class materials; start on the Warm up activity right away.

3.  Be prepared.

Bring required materials; have your homework complete; be in the mindset to challenge yourself.

4.  Be on task.

Listen carefully and follow directions; take ownership of your learning; always try your best.

Punctuality is important! Getting to class on time allows students to take full advantage of their education, and it shows respect for the teacher and classmates.

If a student is tardy, he or she must get a tardy pass from the main office and enter the classroom quietly and respectfully. Then, without distracting classmates, the student will get his or her notebook, have a seat, and participate in the lesson. Excessive tardiness will result in consequences.


1) Warning.

2) Classroom detention.

3) Parent contact.

4) Discipline referral.

5) Parent, teacher, student conference

Your Choices + Your Actions = Your Future. Choose Your Future.

I am confident that all of you can meet these expectations. If for any reason they are not met, I will first discuss the problem with you and we will try to resolve it together. If the problem persists, we will seek the involvement of adults who support you at Reagan High School (parents/guardians, coaches, principals).

Required Materials: DUE ASAP (Tuesday, September 03, 2013 at the latest)


· 1-inch 3-ring binder

· 5 tab dividers

· pencil and blue or black pen

· Classroom supplies: tissues/hand sanitizer and any other supplies you feel will be needed

Grading Policy:

Major Grades: 60%- tests, projects, and labs

Daily Grades: 40%- quizzes, homework, and class work.

Quizzes may or may not be announced.


Timed Warm-ups:

Warm-ups are daily assignments that will be posted. When you enter the classroom, you will immediately begin working on the warm-up activity. There are three pieces of information that should be recorded in your warm-up each day:

1. date (e.g. 8/23/13)

2. warm-up question

3. answer

If you miss a warm-up, you are responsible for getting the warm-up from another student. Unless I tell you otherwise, you may use your textbook or your notes to complete the warm-up. Periodically, you will have pop quizzes over information from the warm-ups. You will be able to use your notebook during the quiz.


You are required to bring your binder to class every day. Upcoming assignments will be posted on the board. After completing your warm-up, you should enter your assignments into the Agenda section of your notebook. Instructions given in class take priority over lesson plans posted online.

Teacher Absences:

I will most likely tell you in advance if I know I will be absent from school. Usually, you will know the assignment before you come to school that day. No matter what anyone tells you, you MUST turn in your completed work before you leave the room that day. If the associate teacher tells you to take it home to finish it, politely tell them that you are to turn it in today, and TURN IT IN. There are absolutely no hall passes when I am out, so please plan accordingly. You know how this classroom runs; continue as though I were here. If I have an unexpected absence, the same rules apply: turn your work in before you leave the room.

Student Absences:

If you must be absent, please notify me at the earliest possible time to receive your assignments ahead of time. If your absence was not anticipated, it is your responsibility to gather the assignments that you missed. You can do this by accessing my email or speaking to me personally before school or class begins. Additionally, I keep a copy of handouts in a yellow file folder near the door. You should check it for missed handouts when you return to class. I will not remind you of missed assignments. You will have three (3) weekdays to complete your missed assignments. If you miss an exam, be prepared to take it when you return to class. Keep in mind that the format of the re-test is at my discretion.

Missed assignments should be obtained outside of class hours only.

Late Work:

Classroom assignments and homework are expected to be completed on time. Late assignments will not be accepted without penalties.


All of your papers should be labeled with the proper heading. (typed or written) The upper left-hand corner should include the following information: 1)full name, 2)subject and period, 3)date. See the example below. Five points will be deducted from any paper that is turned in without a proper heading.

Terry Grier

Statistics – Period 1

August 26, 2013

Academic Integrity:

I take cheating very seriously. I have complete trust and faith in my students unless that trust is broken. If you are caught cheating, you will face the full consequences of your actions as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. In addition to disciplinary action, you will receive a zero on the assignment.


If you fail to follow these procedures or are disrupting the classroom environment, you will be given a personal detention with me. You will be required to spend 30 minutes before or after school or during lunch cleaning up the classroom. If I hand you a Detention Notice, please hand me your ID. I will keep your ID card at my desk until you have filled out and returned the Detention Notice. You will have one week to serve your detention. Failing to serve detention will result in referral to your dean. In high school classes, it falls on the student to inform the parent of a detention. Scheduling the detention in a timely manner so that it does not affect parent schedules is a student responsibility.


1) Immediately begin working on the warm-up activity. The bell doesn’t start class, you do!

2) After finishing the warm-up, record any homework assignments or upcoming tests into the agenda section of your binder.

3) Hall passes: Only one person may be out of the classroom at a time. If you must leave the classroom, (Do NOT interrupt me if I am speaking)

1) raise your hand and wait to be called upon

2) Fill out a hall pass form.

3) Immediately go and take care of your business and return

4) Record the time of your return on your pass.

5) Turn the completed hall pass in to the box assigned to your class period

*4) You will be expected to actively participate in all tasks and discussions in the classroom. This means asking questions, contributing answers, and playing an active role in all activities.

5) You should always bring the appropriate materials to class. Every day, you will need your binder, paper, and a pen.

6) The bell does not dismiss you, I do.

7) Keep your desk, lab station and surrounding areas clean. Desks should be kept free of writing and trash. Our custodial staff works hard to maintain a clean campus. Please support their efforts.

9) All work that is to be turned in must be completed in blue or black pen. If I can not read your work, I cannot grade it. No balled up or wrinkle work

10) If there is something about you that I should know (e.g. poor vision) please tell me ASAP so that I can accommodate your needs.


I have carefully read and understand these rules, procedures and guidelines for Mrs. Perry’s class. I will honor them at all times.


Student Name Student Signature Date


I have carefully read and discussed these guidelines with my child. I understand them and support them. (Please write your email address legibly. I will never send out information that does not directly pertain to my class.)


Parent Name Parent Signature Date


Daytime Phone Number Parent E-mail Address