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Boston University School of Social Work
264 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215
CHARLES RIVER CAMPUS – Foundation (First) Placement Form – Continuing PT Students
This form will be used to plan your field experience. Please complete and email this form along with a current resume to .
Summer Block September to May
E-mail: Student Terrier Card #: U
Present address:
Phone #s: home: work: cell:
Summer address and phone #:
Anticipated address for the coming year:
Education - School Degree Date Major
Relevant work experience –
Agency Position Date Paid or Volunteer
Will you have access to a car for your placement? Yes No
If you can practice professionally in any language(s) other than English, please specify language(s)
Please specify the METHOD CONCENTRATION which you are currently considering (check all that apply):
CLINICAL: Individuals Families Groups
MACRO: Community Organizing Management Planning
Please specify MACRO Minor (if applicable): Yes No
Have you already been accepted to or enrolled in a dual-degree program:
Public Health Education Theology
When do you plan to do your advanced (second) placement?
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Student's Name: Advisor:
Please complete the following assessment
1. Educational and Professional Background (include discussion of work and volunteer
experience and previous area of study). What relevant knowledge and skills do you bring
from these experiences?
2. Learning Style:
a) Describe your characteristic learning style
b) Comment on your level of independence in learning situations
c) What type of setting would be best for you (e.g. large or small, multi-disciplinary or all social
work, primary or host)?
d) What information would be helpful to a potential field instructor to support your learning?
3. Learning Needs and Goals
a) Have you defined a career path or goal? Yes No
Please describe briefly:
b) What knowledge and skills do you want/need to acquire in your foundation placement?
c) Are there particular populations, modalities or social problem areas on which you want to
focus in your foundation placement?
d) Are there particular populations or modalities on which you should not focus in your
foundation placement? If yes, please explain:
4. Learning Issues
a) Describe any learning problems you had in the academic program.
b) How were these problems resolved and how might they impact the field placement?
5. Other
Please describe other factors which might play a role in your placement (include day and
time constraints, physical or geographic considerations).
*If you have a disability which may require specific accommodation in your field placement,
we encourage you to talk to a member of the Field Education staff. Please note that such
disclosure is optional.
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Student Signature Date
Please answer the following questions:
1. Birthdate
2. Gender Identity
3. Ethnic/Racial/Cultural Identity
The next few questions address your educational interests and career goals. Your answers will help us identify a foundation field placement that will build on our previous experience, introduce you to new populations and fields of practice, and support your professional goals. Please keep in mind that the foundation placement is designed to expose you to both clinical and macro practice. In order for us to make thoughtful assignments, it is essential that we have an electronic copy of your resume along with this form.
4. It is recommended that you save your area of specialization for your advanced (2nd) placement. Please describe the type of setting you believe will best support your learning style in your
foundation (1st) placement:
5. If there is any additional information about you or your background that would be helpful for us to
have in making your assignment, please comment: