Fall Unit
Miss Mary’s Class
October 27, 2017
This week has been filled with lots of learning and fun. We finished up our apple activities with apple star print books and making apple pies. We started working on our pumpkin activities. We carved two jack-o-lanterns today. Our concepts this week were the letter “E”, number “6”, color “black”, patterning, sequencing, and to recall facts read to us. I can tell who’s been working at home with their child on their names and the letters. Thanks for the help. It takes all of us working together to get them ready for Kindergarten. Next week we will start our next unit of study which will be homes and families. We will be learning about our families, pilgrims, and Indians.
Important Dates:
Monday October 30th—field Trip to Tyler Zoo. It will be no charge for your child to attend. Your child will need a sack lunch and 2 drinks in a Ziploc baggie with their name on each. Please no Lunch kits. Parent are welcome to meet us at the zoo. The cost for parents will be $10.36 if our students have a sibling that will be going with you the cost is $7.16. We will meet our parent’s at the Rhino exhibit. Pease send me a note or text me this weekend at 903-721-3363 if you are going to the zoo. So will be waiting for you.
Tuesday October 31st—Halloween--Remember when dressing your child in there Halloween costume can they get it on and off to go to the restroom.
Wednesday November 8th—Fall Fest prizes due. That is the 24 count bag of chips.
Saturday November 11th—Fall Fest—please send a 24 count bag of Chips for our prizes and we also need parents to help at our booth. We will need at least 3 helpers that night at our booth during our time to work. If you can help send me a message. I’m stilllooking for helpers.
The week of November 13-17th—is college week and it is also report card pick up week.
Monday—Sam Houston—wear orange, royal blue and white.
Tuesday—University of Texas—wear burnt orange and white.
Wednesday—Stephen F. Austin—wear purple and white
Thursday—Texas A&M—wear maroon and white
Friday—College of your choice Day
Friday November 17th—we will have our Pow Wow and Thanksgiving lunch here at school. It will be before lunch that day.
Tuesday November 21st—Early Release at 1p.m.
Monday November 27th—School resumes at regular time 7:55
Let’s have a great weekend. See you Monday ready to go to the ZOO!