October 10, 2011 – Friends of the Paul Sawyier Library Board Meeting
Tonight’s board meeting was held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the full membership of the Friends of Paul Sawyier Public Library.
Board Members Present: Russ Wright, Carol Baughman, Janet Meyer, Donna Jones, Donna Gibson, Mimi Gosney, Ev Claffy, Gina Hagan, Christina Evans, Arba Kenner, Libby Kadler, Judy Stratton, Cloyd Stratton and Reba Pierce.
The meeting was called to order by President Russ Wright. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Christina Evans reported checking account balance of $43,928.38 and savings balance $34,316.57 as of 9/30/11. A new checking account has been opened with $50 for use with the Amazon affiliate initiative. Following disbursal of $18 for a debit card, the balance stands at $32.
Bookstore Report: Judy Stratton reported the bookstore is doing fine and noted the new Wednesday hours 10-4. Cloyd Stratton noted September bookstore receipts of $3414.86, including a $100 membership receipt. Year-to-date receipts in the bookstore stand at $36,379.98.
Library News: Librarian Donna Gibson referred to the activities for adults and children listed in the respective newsletters. She also mentioned the upcoming program in the library’s “Civil War Revisited” series coming up next Monday. It highlights the Civil War as it relates to Frankfort. The program on Paul Sawyier featuring Bill Coffey and Don Coffey is scheduled for November 3 at the library. The Friends group will furnish refreshments. Cable 10 will record the event.
Friends Book Sale: This is scheduled for October 13-15. A couple of slots for volunteers remain to be filled.
Meet and Greet: This event, scheduled for October 25, 5:30 to 7 p.m., includes Friends’ groups from Anderson and Woodford Counties. All local elected officials have been invited.
Amazon Book Sales: Maria Widmer with Samurai Books was introduced. An Agreement for Services contract between Samuari Books and Paul Sawyier Friends was approved. The committee working on the Amazon affiliate project—Mary Lynn Collins, Carol Baughman, Cloyd Stratton and Donna Gibson—will finalize wording on the Friends web page. Web master Steve Cohen presented some options for review.
Recognitions: The group recognized out-going board members Donna Jones, Cindy Shemwell, Mary Lynn Collins, Natalie Wilkerson and Reba Pierce for their service. Gina Hagan, Donna Gibson and Reba Pierce were recognized for preparations for tonight’s dinner.
Election of 2011 Board and Officers: The nominating committee of Cloyd Stratton, Ev Claffy and Gina Hagan presented the slate of officers and Board members for 2011. There were no nominations from the floor.
Board of Directors of the Friends of the Paul Sawyier Public Library, January – December 2012
Officers (1-year term) 2012
President: Russell Wright
First Vice-President: Mimi Gosney
Second Vice-President/Membership Chair: Janet Meyer
Secretary: Carol Baughman
Treasurer: Christina Evans
Immediate Past President: Cloyd Stratton
Directors at Large (2-year terms) 2012-2013
Gina Hagan
Arba Kenner
Stacy Klink
Judy Stratton
Lynn Russell
Dudley Ellis
Directors at Large (2 year terms) 2011-2012
Ev Claffy
Ann Howard
Libby Kadler
The next meeting of the board is scheduled for Monday, November 14, 5 p.m.