May 16thto May 19th, 2016

This sheet contains information about the upcoming final examination schedule for seniors. Hopefully it will answer any questions you might have about the schedule.

  1. Exam Schedule:

All final exams are ninety minutes in length. The first exam of the day runs from 8:20 to 9:50 AM, and the second exam runs from 10:05 to 11:35 AM.

Monday, May 16:

Day A Schedule, Period 1 and Period 2 Exams; Dismissal at 11:35 AM

Tuesday, May 17:

Day A Schedule, Period 3 and Period 4/4a Exams; Dismissal at 11:35 AM

Wednesday, May 18:

Day A Schedule, Period 5/5a and Period 6 Exams; Dismissal at 11:35 AM

Thursday, May 19:

Day A Schedule, Period 7 Exam; Dismissal at 9:50 AM

Make-Up Exams

Make-up exams will be given on Tuesday and Wednesday at 11:45 AM, and Thursday at 10:00 AM. Seniors who have not completed all exams by Thursday, May 19th are required to report to school on Friday, May 20th at 8:15 AM. Seniors who miss exams must contact Mr. Gargano to schedule make-ups. Seniors are required to be prepared to make up exams on the first available day they return to school.

  1. Attendance:

All students must be present for final examinations. A student may be asked to present a doctor’s note if he is absent from a final exam.The only exceptions are students who have a resource period or have been exempted from a final exam, as described below

Seniors who have a second semester resource period do not have to be in school for that period. Therefore, seniors who would normally have a resource period the first exam period on a given day do not have to be at Xavier until 9:50. Seniors who would normally have a resource period during the second exam period on a given day may leave Xavier at 9:50 after the first exam. If a senior is in the building during his resource period during exam week, he must report to either the dining hall (if there is no exam being administered in the dining hall) or the media center.

Likewise, if a senior met the criteria for being exempted from a final exam, he does not have

to be in school for that period. To be exempt, a student must have earned a 90 or higher

cumulativeaverage in a full year course through the end of the third marking period. (Students cannot be exempted from semester courses.) All seniors enrolled in AP courses are exempted from taking a final exam in that course, as they are required to take the AP exam. All students who meet the exemption criteria have been notified by their teachers.


  1. Locations of Exams:

Since freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will continue to have classes as usual during senior final exams, a special schedule has been developed for where seniors will take their exams. Your teacher will announce in advance where your exam will take place, so you know where to report. Please note carefully where exam rooms are located. A list of exam rooms will also be placed outside of the main office each day of senior final exams.

  1. Dining Hall:

The dining hall will be open for breakfast as usual before the first exam period. If any senior wishes to purchase lunch before leaving the building, he may go the dining hall at 11:35 (second lunch) to purchase food.

  1. Dress Code:

During final exams, the secondary dress code will be in effect. If you have any questions about the secondary dress code, please see Mr. Cerreta.

  1. A Request:

All students should treat his final exams seriously and prepare well for them. Exams are worth 10% of the final average for full-year courses and 20% for semester courses, so they have a significant impact on final grades for each course.

  1. Lockers:

All seniors should empty their lockers by the last day of senior exams so the custodians may begin cleaning them. If a student fails to empty out his locker, he will be disciplined appropriately and his belongings may be discarded.

  1. Report Cards and Summer School:

Report cards will be made available online after 6:00 PM on Tuesday, May31st. Any senior who fails one or more courses for the year will also be notified by mail prior to graduation weekend. Individual summer school courses will be offered at Xavier only if the numbers justify them and teachers are available. If a course is not offered, a student who has failed it will have to opt for an alternative program at another school or community college as approved by the administration.