Sample Cat Fanciers
1st and 2nd Annual Show
April 31 and 32, 2002
Chicago, IL
AB - Joan Aple
AB - Carol Barbee
AB - Dolores Kennedy
SP - LeAnn Harner / SUNDAY
AB - Tom Herbst
AB - Sandy Antcliff
AB - Dan Lally
SP - Jerry Braun
Closing Date - December 1, 2002
John Neverathome
1000 Park Place
Uppity Ville, IL 60606
Phone: 301-555-1212
Fax: 301-555-1000
Mary Doesallthework
1313 Railroad St.
Harvey, IL 60616
Phone: 301-555-9999
SHOW TIMES: CHECK IN: 7:30 - 8:30 Saturday, 8:00 - 8:30 Sunday. Judging begins at 9 a.m.
SHOW HOURS FOR THE PUBLIC: Saturday & Sunday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
RULES: This is a non vetted show. It is an ACFA affiliated show, conducted according to the Rules and Regulations of the Association. For a copy of the show rules, send $7. 00 to ACFA, P.O. Box 203, Point Lookout, MO 65726
LIABILITY: The club will not assume responsibility for any damage or injury to any person, animal or property. We reserve the right to refuse any entry and to remove any person, child, or animal from the Show Hall in the best interest of the show and exhibitors, as per ACFA show rules, Article 5, Section 7.
CHILDREN: This show is for the display and competition of cats. While well-behaved children are welcome, two days at a show can be very boring and tiring for them. Any exhibitor who cannot guarantee to keep their children under control At all times is respectfully requested not to enter this show. If an exhibitor or spectator does bring a disruptive child or children to the show hall, they will be asked to leave. THERE WILL BE NO REFUND OF ENTRY FEES.
HEALTH: The club strongly advises that all cats and kittens be immunized against Feline Enteritis, Calici Virus, Rhino and Panleukemia at least 3 weeks prior to the show. Any entry from a cattery or house where there has been any infectious or contagious illness within 21 days prior to the show, will be prohibited. All claws must be clipped or it will be done by a member of the club for a fee of $5.00 per cat.
SUPPLIES: The club will provide litter. Bring your own food and water dishes and litter pans. Single cages (included with entryfee) are 22x22x22. Double cages are 22x22x44.
SALES: Sales cages are available only to exhibitors. No cat or kitten may be sold for less than $125. 00 at this show since the club supports serious breeders. No kitten under the age of four months on the day of the show will be allowed in the show hall. No sales are permitted from carriers under the table.
AWARDS: Cats must be present to receive final wins unless excused by the show manager in writing prior to the closing time of the show.
HOUSEHOLD PETS: Will be judged in all 8 rings. HHPS must be altered. HHPS must be immunized at least 3 weeks prior to the show. All claws must be clipped.
REQUESTS: Ends of rows are reserved for the handicapped, clerks, and show committee. Your request will be honored as best we can.
PLEASE NOTE: No animal may be left in the show hall overnight.
DONATIONS to rosette fund will be acknowledged in the catalog and are appreciated.
SHOW MOTEL: Budgetbreaker Inn - Phone: 540-459-4086
Rt 83 South of Woodstock IL, Exit 30 of I-294
Rate: $89 single / $99 double Please mention the club to receive this rate.
Other motels at exit 30
Discomfort Inn 302-599-6000
Passion Inn 302-599-6001
This form must be completed, detached and sent it with payment and entry form.
To reduce collect phone calls, it is recommended that entries be printed or typed.
Mail to: John Neverathome
1000 Park Place
Uppity Ville, IL 60606
How Many? / Category / Unit Price / Amount______/ First entry - catalog included (Cat, Kitten, Alter, HHP) / $48 / ______
______/ Second entry (Cat, Kitten, Alter, HHP) / $41 / ______
______/ 3rd and Additional entries / $30 / ______
______/ Extra half cage / $20 / ______
______/ One Day First entry - catalog included (Cat, Kitten, Alter, HHP) / $31 / ______
______/ One Day 2nd and Addit'l entries (Cat, Kitten, Alter, HHP) / $25 / ______
______/ Grooming Space / $20 / ______
______/ Sales cage ------Single = $20 / Double = $40 / ______
______/ Listing fee - per day for non-ACFA registered Cats and Alters - Kittens and HHP are exempt / $5 / ______
______/ Sales Table - 8 ft. Front (1st) = $50 / Additional Fronts = $20 ea. / ______
______/ End of row benching - Free for Clerks and Handicapped / $20 / ______
______/ Spare Entry Line - delete if not needed / $0 / ______
______/ Spare Entry Line - delete if not needed / $0 / ______
______/ Donation to Rosette Fund THANK YOU / ______
______/ TOTAL ENCLOSED / ______
WILL YOU CLERK FOR US? YES - NO (Remember a free Entry for two days clerking - Do NOT deduct from entry fees. Selected clerks will be contacted prior to the show and will be paid at the completion of the show.)
First time exhibitors, please check here: _____
Will you be bringing your own cage? Yes______No______
BENCHING REQUEST: (only one please) ______