Macerals Bibliography
Selected References— Revised March 2018
These bibliographic references have been compiled as a TSOP project, and organic petrologists have found the references to be useful in their work. They should be available at university or geological research center libraries. They are not available from TSOP.
Abramski, C., M.-Th. Mackowsky, W. Mantel, and E. Stach, 1951, Atlas für angewandte steinkohlen-petrographie: Verlag Glückauf G.M.B.H., Essen, 329 p.
Allan, J., M. Bjoroy, and A.G. Douglas, 1980, A geochemical study of the exinite group maceral alginate, selected from three Permo-Carboniferous torbanites, in A.G. Douglas and J.R. Maxwell, eds., Advances in Organic Geochemistry 1979: New York, Pergamon Press, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, v. 12, p. 599-618.
Anderson, K.B., R.E. Winans, and R.E. Botto, 1992, The nature and fate of natural resins in the geosphere—II. Identification, classification and nomenclature of resinites: Organic Geochemistry, v. 18, p. 829-841.
Anderson, K.B., and J.C. Crelling, eds., 1995, Amber, resinite, and fossil resins: Washington, D.C., American Chemical Society Symposium Series 617, 297 p.
Anderson, K.B., J.C. Crelling, F. Kenig, and W.W. Huggett, 2007, An unusual non-fluorescing algal kerogen from the Canadian Arctic: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 69, p. 144-152.
Bechtel, A., R. Gratzer, and R.F. sachsenhofer, 2001, Chemical characteristics of Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) jet of the Gosau Group of Gams/Hieflau (Styria, Austria): International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 46, p. 27-49. (bituminous driftwood is collotelinite)
Bechtel, A., I.Y. Chekryzhov, V.P. Nechaev, and V.V. Kononov, 2016, Hydrocarbon composition of Russian amber from the Voznovo lignite deposit and Sakhalin Island: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 167, p. 176-183. (resinite)
Beck, C.B., K. Coy, and R. Schmid, 1982, Observations on the fine structure of Callixylon wood: American Journal of Botany, v. 69, p. 54076. (origin of fusain, p. 68-70)
Beeston, J.W., 1987, Aspects of inertinite formation and deposition in the Denison Trough, Queensland: Australian Coal Geology, v. 7, p. 33-45.
Beeston, J.W., 1992, Resino-inertinites of Indian Permian coals—their origin, genesis and classification: comment: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 21, p. 283-285.
Beeston, J.W., 1995, Coal rank and vitrinite reflectivity, in C.R. Ward, and others, eds., Geology of Australian coal basins: Geological Society of Australia Coal Geology Group, Special Publication 1, p. 83-92. (origin of desmocollinite and telocollinite)
Bend, S.L., 1992, The origin, formation and petrographic composition of coal: Fuel, v. 71, p. 851-870.
Benedict, L.G., and W.F. Berry, 1966, Further applications of coal petrography, in R.F. Gould, ed., Coal science: American Chemical Society, Advances in Chemistry Series 55, p. 577-601.
Benedict, L.G., R.R. Thompson, J.J. Shigo, III, and R.P. Aikman, 1968, Pseudovitrinite in Appalachian coking coals: Fuel, v. 47, p. 125-143.
Bensley, D.F., and J.C. Crelling, 1994, The inherent heterogeneity within the vitrinite maceral group: Fuel, v. 73, p. 1306-1316.
Bertrand, P., 1984, Geochemical and petrographic characterization of humic coals considered as possible oil source rocks: Organic Geochemistry, v. 6, p. 481-488.
Blackburn, K.B., and B.N. Temperley, 1936, Botryococcus and the algal coals: Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, v. 58, p. 841-870.
Bojesen-Koefoed, J.A., H.I. Petersen, F. Surlyk, and H. Vosgerau, 1997, Organic petrography and geochemistry of inertinite-rich mudstones, Jakobsstigen Formation, Upper Jurassic, northeast Greenland: indications of forest fires and variations in relative sea-level: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 34, p. 345-370.
Boreham, C.J., and T.G. Powell, 1987, Sources and preservation of organic matter in the Cretaceous Toolebuc Formation, eastern Australia: Organic Geochemistry, v. 11, p. 433-449. (origin of bituminite)
Brown, H.R., A.C. Cook, and G.H. Taylor, 1964, Variations in the properties of vitrinite in isometamorphic coal: Fuel, v. 43, p. 111-124.
Bruening, F.A., and A.D. Cohen, 2005, Measuring surface properties and oxidation of coal macerals using the atomic force microscope: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 63, p. 195-204.
Buranek, A.M., and A.L. Crawford, 1952, Notes on resinous coals of Utah: Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey Monograph Series 2, p. 3-9.
Bustin, R.M., 1991, Quantifying macerals: some statistical and practical considerations: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 17, p. 213-238.
Bustin, R.M., and Y. Guo, 1999, Abrupt changes (jumps) in reflectance values and chemical compositions of artificial charcoals and inertinite in coals: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 38, p. 237-260.
Cady, G.H., 1939, Nomenclature of the megascopic description of Illinois coals: Economic Geology, v. 34, p. 475-494. (ISGS Circular 46)
Cady, G.H., 1942, Modern concepts of the physical constitution of coal: Journal of Geology, v. 50, p. 337-356. (proposed the term phyteral)
Cameron, A.R., 1974, Principles of coal petrography, in J.F. Fryer, J.D. Campbell, and J.G. Speight, eds., Symposium on coal evaluation: Alberta Research Council Information Series 76, p. 51-69.
Cameron, A.R., 1978, Megascopic description of coal with particular reference to seams in southern Illinois, in R.R. Dutcher, ed., Field description of coal: Philadelphia, PA, American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication 661, p. 9-32.
Cameron, A.R., and W.D. Kalkreuth, 1982, Petrological characteristics of Jurassic-Cretaceous coals in the foothills and Rocky Mountains of western Canada: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Bulletin 118, p. 163-167.
Cameron, A.R., W.D. Kalkreuth, and C. Koukouzas, 1984, The petrology of Greek brown coals: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 4, p. 173-207.
Catalina, J.C., D. Alarcón, and J.G. Prado, 1995, Automatic maceral and reflectance analysis in single seam bituminous coals, in J.A. Pajares and J.M.D. Tascon, eds., Coal science: New York, Elsevier, Coal Science and Technology 24, v. 1, p. 239-242.
Chaloner, W.G., 1989, Fossil charcoal as an indicator of palaeoatmospheric oxygen level: Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 146, part 1, p. 171-174.
Chekryzhov, I.Y., V.P. Nechaev, and V.V. Kononov, 2014, Blue-fluorescing amber from Cenozoic lignite, eastern Sikhote-Alin, far east Russia: Preliminary results: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 132, p. 6-12.
Clarkson, C.R., and R.M. Bustin, 1997, Variation in permeability with lithotype and maceral composition of Cretaceous coals of the Canadian Cordillera: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 33, p. 135-151.
Cohen, A.D., and W. Spackman, 1980, Phytogenic organic sediments and sedimentary environments in the Everglades-Mangrove complex of Florida, part III. The alteration of plant material in peats and the origin of coal macerals: Palaeontographica, Abt. B, v. 172, p. 125-149.
Cooper, B.S., and D.G. Murchison, 1971, The petrology and geochemistry of sporinite, in J. Brooks, P.R. Grant, M. Muir, P. Van Gijzel, and G. Shaw, eds., Sporopollenin: New York, Academic Press, p. 545-568.
Cope, M.J. 1980, Physical and chemical properties of coalified and charcoalified phytoclasts from some British Mesozoic sediments: an organic geochemical approach to palaeobotany, in A.G. Douglas and J.R. Maxwell, eds., Advances in Organic Geochemistry 1979: New York, Pergamon Press, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, v. 12, p. 663-677.
Cope, M.J., and W.G. Chaloner, 1980, Fossil charcoal as evidence of past atmospheric composition: Nature, v. 283, p. 647-649.
Cope, M.J., 1981, Products of natural burning as a component of the dispersed organic matter of sedimentary rocks, in J. Brooks, ed., Organic maturation studies and fossil fuel exploration: New York, Academic Press, p. 89-109.
Cope, M.J., and W.G. Chaloner, 1985, Wildfire: an interaction of biological and physical processes, in B.H. Tiffney, ed., Geological factors and the evolution of plants: New Haven, Yale University Press, p. 257-277.
Cope, M.J., 1993, A preliminary study of charcoalified plant fossils from the Middle Jurassic Scalby Formation of North Yorkshire: London, The Palaeontological Association, Special Papers in Palaeontology, v. 49, p. 101-111.
Creaney, S., 1980, Petrographic texture and vitrinite reflectance variation on the Alston Block, north-east England: Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, v. 42, no. 32, p. 553-580.
Crelling, J.C., and D.F. Bensley, 1980, Petrology of cutinite-rich coal from the Roaring Creek mine, Parke County, Indiana, in R.L. Langenheim, Jr., and C.J. Mann, eds., Middle and Late Pennsylvanian strata on margin of Illinois basin, Vermilion County, Illinois and Vermillion and Parke Counties, Indiana: SEPM Great Lakes Section, Tenth Annual Field Conference, p. 93-104.
Crelling, J.C., 1982, Automated petrographic characterization of coal lithotypes: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 1, p. 347-359.
Crelling, J.C., 1988, Separation and characterization of coal macerals including pseudovitrinite: 1988 Ironmaking Conference Proceedings, p. 351-356.
Crelling, J.C., N.M. Skorupska, and H. Marsh, 1988, Reactivity of coal macerals and lithotypes: Fuel, v. 67, p. 781-785.
Crelling, J.C., 1989, The nature of coal material, in H. Marsh, ed., Introduction to carbon science: Boston, Butterworths, p. 259-284.
Crelling, J.C., E.J. Hippo, B.A. Woerner, and E.M. Gillespie, 1990, Reactivity of coal macerals: 1990 Ironmaking Conference Proceedings, p. 211-217.
Crelling, J.C., 1991, Types of vitrinite macerals III: pseudovitrinite: TSOP Newsletter, v. 8, no. 1, p. 14-15.
Crelling, J.C., R.J. Pugmire, H.L.C. Meuzelaar, W.H. McClennen, H. Huai, and J. Karas, 1991, The chemical structure and petrology of resinite from the Hiawatha “B” coal seam: Energy and Fuels, v. 5, p. 688-694.
Crelling, J.C., 1995, The petrology of resinite in American coals, in K.B. Anderson and J.C. Crelling, eds., Amber, resinite, and fossil resins: Washington, D.C., American Chemical Society Symposium Series 617, p. 218-233.
Crelling, J.C., and D.F. Bensley, 1995, Recent advances in separating and characterizing single coal macerals, in J.A. Pajares and J.M.D. Tascon, eds., Coal science: New York, Elsevier, Coal Science and Technology 24, v. 1, p. 235-238.
Crelling, J.C., and M.A. Kruge, 1998, Petrographic and chemical properties of carboniferous resinite from the Herrin No. 6, coal seam: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 37, p. 55-71.
Crelling, J.C., 2003, Petrographic atlas of coals, cokes, chars, carbons and graphites: Coal Research Center and Department of Geology, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, we site at
Crosdale, P.J., 1993, Coal maceral ratios as indicators of environment of deposition: do they work for ombrogenous mires? An example from the Miocene of New Zealand: Organic Geochemistry, v. 20, p. 797-809. (origin of bituminite, p. 805)
Crosdale, P.J., 2002, Dredging up degradinite: ICCP News, No. 26, p. 18-19.
Crosdale, P.J., and A.C. Cook, 2008, Discussion: Anderson, K.B., Crelling, J.C., Kenig, F., Huggett, W.W., 2007. An unusual non-fluorescing algal kerogen from the Canadian Arctic: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 73, p. 388-390.
Czechoski, F., B.R.T. Simoneit, M. Sachanbinski, J. Chojcan, and S. Wolowiec, 1996, Physicochemical structural characterization of ambers from deposits in Poland: Applied Geochemistry, v. 11, p. 811-834.
Czimczik, C.I., C.M. Preston, M.W.I. Schmidt, R.A. Werner, and E.-D. Schulze, 2002, Effects of charring on mass, organic carbon, and stable carbon isotope composition of wood: Organic Geochemistry, v. 33, p. 1207-1223.
Dai, S., J.C. Hower, C.R. Ward, W. Guo, H. Song, J.M.K. O’Keefe, P. Xie, M.M. Hood, and X. Yan, 2015, Elements and phosphorous minerals in the middle Jurassic inertinite-rich coals of the Muli coalfield on the Tibetan Plateau: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 144-145, p. 23-47. (interesting inertinite macerals)
Dai, S., R. Bartley, S. Bartley, B. Valentim, A. Guedes, J.M.K. O’Keefe, J. Kus, M. Mastalerz, and J.C. Hower, 2017, Organic geochemistry of funginite (Miocene, Eel River, Mendocino County, California, USA) and macrinite (Cretaceous, Inner Mongolia, China): International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 179, p. 60-71.
Damberger, H.H., R.D. Harvey, R.R. Ruch, and J. Thomas, Jr., 1984, Coal characterization, in B.R. Cooper and W.A. Ellingson, eds., The science and technology of coal and coal utilization: New York, Plenum Press, p. 7-45.
Dapples, E.C., 1942, Physical constitution of coal as related to coal description and classification: Journal of Geology, v. 50, p. 437-450.
Davis, A., 1978, Compromise in coal seam description,in R.R. Dutcher, ed., Field description of coal: Philadelphia, PA, American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication 661, p. 33-40.
Davis, A., 2000, Petrographic determination of the composition of binary coal blends: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 44, p. 325-338.
Degani-Schmidt, I., M. Guerra-Sommer, J. de Oliveira Mendonça, J. Graciano Mendonça Filho, A. Jasper, M. Cazzulo-Klepzig, and R. Iannuzzi, 2015, Charcoalified logs as evidence of hypautochthonous/autochthonous wildfire events in a peat-forming environment from the Permian of southern Paraná Basin (Brazil): International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 146, p. 55-67.
Demchuk, T.D., 1993, Petrology of fibrous coal (fusain) and associated inertinites from the Early Paleocene of the central Alberta Plains: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 24, p. 211-232.
Diessel, C.F.K., 1982, An appraisal of coal facies based on maceral characteristics, in C.W. Mallett, ed., Coal resources: origin, exploration and utilization in Australia, Proceedings: Geological Society of Australia Coal Group Symposium, Australian Coal Geology, v. 4, p. 474-483.
Diessel, C.F.K., 1983, Carbonisation reaction of inertinite macerals in Australian coals: Fuel, v. 62, p. 883-892.
Diessel, C.F.K., 1986, On the correlation between coal facies and depositional environments, in Advances in the study of the Sydney basin: Proceedings of the 20th Newcastle Symposium, Newcastle, N.S.W., The University of Newcastle, Publication 246, p. 19-22.
Diessel, C.F.K., 1992, Coal-bearing depositional systems: New York, Springer-Verlag, 721 p.
Diessel, C.F.K., and M. Smyth, 1995, Petrographic constituents of Australian coals, in C.R. Ward, and others, eds., Geology of Australian coal basins: Geological Society of Australia Coal Geology Group, Special Publication 1, p. 63-81.
Diessel, C.F.K., 2010, The stratigraphic distribution of inertinite: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 81, p. 251-268.
DiMichele, W.A., M.O. Rischbieter, D.L. Eggert, and R.A. Gastaldo, 1984, Stem and leaf cuticle of Karinopteris: source of cuticles from the Indiana ‘paper’coal: American Journal of Botany, v. 71, p. 626-637.
Dobell, P., A.R. Cameron, and W.D. Kalkreuth, 1984, Petrographic examination of low-rank coals from Saskatchewan and British Columbia, Canada, including reflected and fluorescent light microscopy, SEM, and laboratory oxidation procedures: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 21, p. 1209-1228.
Dormans, H.N.M., F.J. Huntjens, and D.W. van Krevelen, 1957, Chemical structure and properties of coal. XX. Composition of the individual macerals (vitrinites, fusinites, micrinites and exinites): Fuel, v. 36, p. 321-333.
Dulhunty, J.A., 1944, Origin of the New South Wales torbanites: Linnean Society of New South Wales, Proceedings, v. 69, p. 26-48.
Dutta, S., M. Mallick, N. Bertram, P.F. Greenwood, and R.P. Mathews, 2009, Terpenoid composition and class of Tertiary resins from India: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 80, p. 44-50.
Dutta, S., M. Mallick, K. Kumar, U. Mann, and P.F. Greenwood, 2011, Terpenoid composition and botanical affinity of Cretaceous resins from India and Myanmar: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 85, p. 49-55.
Eggert, D.L., and T.L. Phillips, 1982, Environments of deposition—coal balls, cuticular shale and gray-shale floras in Fountain and Parke Counties, Indiana: Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Special Report 30, 43 p.
Esterle, J.S., T.A. Moore, and J.C. Hower, 1991, A reflected-light petrographic technique for peats: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 61, p. 614-616.
Everson, R.C., H.W.J.P. Neomagus, R. Kaitano, R. Falcon, C. van Alphen, and V.M. du Cann, 2008, Properties of high ash char particles derived from inertinite-rich coal: 1. Chemical, structural and petrographic characteristics: Fuel, v. 87, p. 3082-3090.
Faraj, B.S.M., and I.D.R. Mackinnon, 1993, Micrinite in southern hemisphere sub-bituminous and bituminous coals: redefined as fine grained kaolinite: Organic Geochemistry, v. 20, p. 823-841.
Ferguson, D.K., D.E. Lee, J.M. Bannister, R. Zetter, G.J. Jordan, N. Vavra, and D.C. Mildenhall, 2010, The taphonomy of a remarkable leaf bed assemblage from the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene Gore lignite measures, southern New Zealand: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 83, p. 173-181.
Fowler, M.G., L.D. Stasiuk, M. Hearn, and M. Obermajer, 2004, Evidence for Gloeocapsomorpha prisca in Late Devonian source rocks from southern Alberta, Canada: Organic Geochemistry, v. 35, p. 425-441.
Friedman, S.A., 1978, Field description and characterization of coals sampled by the Oklahoma Geological Survey, 1971–1976, in R.R. Dutcher, ed., Field description of coal: Philadelphia, PA, American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication 661, p. 58-63.
Gan, H., S.P. Nandi, and P.L. Walker, Jr., 1972, Nature of porosity in American coals: Fuel, v. 51, p. 272-277.
Gentzis, T., H. Hirosue, and T. Sakaki, 1996, Effect of rank and petrographic composition on the swelling behavior of coals: Energy Sources, v. 18, p. 131-141.
Given, P.H., W. Spackman, A. Davis, J. Zoeller, R.G. Jenkins, and R. Khan, 1984, Chemistry of some maceral concentrates from British coals. Provenance of samples and basic compositional data: Fuel, v. 63, p. 1655-1659.
Given, P.H., A. Davis, D. Kuehn, P.C. Painter, and W. Spackman, 1985, A multi-facetted study of a Cretaceous coal with algal affinities. I. Provenance of the coal samples and basic compositional data: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 5, p. 247-260.
Glasspool, I.J., D. Edwards, and L. Axe, 2004, Charcoal in the Silurian as evidence for the earliest wildfire: Geology, v. 32, p. 381-383.
Glasspool, I.J., D. Edwards, and L. Axe, 2006, Charcoal in the Early Devonian: A wildfire-derived Konservat-Lagerstätte: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 142, p. 131-136.
Glikson, M., and C. Fielding, 1991, The Late Triassic Callide coal measures, Queensland, Australia: coal petrology and depositional environment: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 17, p. 313-332. (origin of micrinite)
Gold, D., B. Hazen, and W.G. Miller, 1999, Colloidal and polymeric nature of fossil amber: Organic Geochemistry, v. 30, p. 971-983.
Goodarzi, F., 1984, Optical properties of high temperature heat-treated vitrinites: Fuel, v. 63, p. 820-826.
Goodarzi, F., 1985, Optical properties of vitrinite carbonized under pressure: Fuel, v. 64, p. 158-162.
Goodarzi, F., 1985, Optically anisotropic fragments in a western Canadian subbituminous coal: Fuel, v. 64, p. 1294-1300.
Goodarzi, F., 1987, The use of automated image analysis in coal petrology: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 24, p. 1064-1069.
Goodarzi, F., and D.G. Murchison, 1988, Retention of botanical structure in anthracitic vitrinites carbonized at high temperatures: Fuel, v. 67, p. 831-833.
Goodarzi, F., and T. Gentzis, 1991, Petrology, depositional environment and utilization potential of Devonian cannel coals from Melville Island, Arctic Canada: Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr., v. 162, p. 239-253.
Goodarzi, F., L. Snowdon, T. Gentzis, and D. Pearson, 1994, Petrological and chemical characteristics of liptinite-rich coals from Alberta, Canada: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 11, p. 307-319.
Goscinski, J.S., J.W. Robinson, and D. Chun, 2014, Megascopic description of coal drill cores, in R.R. Dutcher, ed., Field description of coal: Philadelphia, PA, American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication 661, p. 50-57.
Götz, G., W. Pickel, and M. Wolf, 1995, Petrographic effects on bituminous coals after treatment with sub- and supercritical fluid phases, in J.A. Pajares and J.M.D. Tascon, eds., Coal science: New York, Elsevier, Coal Science and Technology 24, v. 1, p. 295-298.
Grady, W.C., C.F. Eble, and S.G. Neuzil, 1993, Brown coal maceral distributions in a modern domed tropical Indonesian peat and a comparison with maceral distributions in Middle Pennsylvanian-age Appalachian bituminous coal beds, in J.C. Cobb and C.B. Cecil, eds., Modern and ancient coal-forming environments: GSA Special Paper 286, p. 63-82.
Gray, R.J., 1982, A petrographic method of analysis of nonmaceral microstructures in coal: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 2, p. 79-97.
Guedes, A., B. Valentim, A.C. Prieto, S. Rodrigues, and F. Noronha, 2010, Micro-Raman spectroscopy of collotelinite, fusinite and macrinite: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 83, p. 415-422.
Guennel, G.K., and R.C. Neavel, 1959, Paper coal in Indiana: Science, v. 129, p. 1671-1672.
Guo, Y., J.J. Renton, and J.H. Penn, 1996, FTIR microspectroscopy of particular liptinite- (lopinite- ) rich, Late Permian coals from southern China: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 29, p. 187-197.
Guo, Y., and R.M. Bustin, 1998, Micro-FTIR spectroscopy of liptinite macerals in coal: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 36, p. 259-275.
Guo, Y., and R.M. Bustin, 1998, FTIR spectroscopy and reflectance of modern charcoals and fungal decayed woods: implications for studies of inertinite in coals: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 37, p. 29-53.
Habib, D., Y. Eshet, and R. van Pelt, 1994, Palynology of sedimentary cycles, in A. Traverse, ed., Sedimentation of organic particles: Cambridge University Press, p. 311-335. (fecal origin of AOM [bituminite])
Hacquebard, P.A., 1952, Opaque matter in coal: Economic Geology, v. 47, p. 494-516.
Hagelskamp, H.H.B., and C.P. Snyman, 1988, On the origin of low-reflecting inertinites in coals from the Highveld coalfield, South Africa: Fuel, v. 67, p. 307-313.
Han, Z., M.A. Kruge, J.C. Crelling, and B.A. Stankiewicz, 1994, Organic geochemical characterization of the density fractions of a Permian torbanite: Organic Geochemistry, v. 21, p. 39-50.
Han, Z., M.A. Kruge, J.C. Crelling, and D.F. Bensley, 1999, Classification of torbanite and cannel coal. I. Insights from petrographic analysis of density fractions: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 38, p. 181-202.
Han, Z., and M.A. Kruge, 1999, Classification of torbanite and cannel coal. II. Insights from pyrolysis-GC/MS and multivariate statistical analysis: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 38, p. 203-218.
Han, Z., and M.A. Kruge, 1999, Chemistry of maceral and groundmass density fractions of torbanite and cannel coal: Organic Geochemistry, v. 30, p. 1381-1401.
Han, Z., Q. Yang, and Z. Pang, 2001, Artificial maturation study of a humic coal and a torbanite: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 46, p. 133-143.
Hansen, A., and J.C. Hower, 2014, Notes on the relationship between microlithotype composition and Hardgrove grindability index for rank suites of eastern Kentucky (Central Appalachian) coals: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 131, p. 109-112.
Hartman, B.E., H. Chen, and P.G. Hatcher, 2015, A non-thermogenic source of black carbon in peat and coal: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 144-145, p. 15-22.
Hatcher, P.G., J. Faulon, K.A. Wenzel, and G.D. Cody, 1992, A structural model for lignin-derived vitrinite from high-volatile bituminous coal (coalified wood): Energy and Fuels, v. 6, p. 813-820.
Hatcher, P.G., and D.J. Clifford, 1997, The organic geochemistry of coal: from plant materials to coal: Organic Geochemistry, v. 27, p. 251-274.
Heppenheimer, H., K. Steffens, W. Püttmann, and W. Kalkreuth, 1992, Comparison of resinite-related aromatic biomarker distributions in Cretaceous-Tertiary coals from Canada and Germany: Organic Geochemistry, v. 18, p. 273-287.